Bread Bandit

ChikPeas foxdog2
11 months, 11 hours ago
11 months, 11 hours ago
9 61263 1

Chapter 9
Published 11 months, 11 hours ago

Mild Sexual Content Mild Violence

Max and Jura reunite after Years of being apart Jura gives Max a little taste of the city and takes him on new adventures.

Oh and at some point some cranky old guy with a walking stick shows up.

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Author's Notes


Gold Count:

Max: 19

Jura: 21

Word Count:

WC Max: 1966

WC Jura: 2151

Normal Gay Things

Max: 263

“Aye, I can carry it.” Maxin had gone through the crowd, that parted like the Red Sea, and carried the bundles with ease. Even if it did get old of having the weight on his back, he appreciated it. Finally, Max felt useful.
He went up the steps behind Jura and made it to the door just fine… getting in the door was a little more complicated. His frame was already broad, but he had to turn himself sideways to get the wood he strapped to his back inside. It was really cold in there. There was no sun to warm the room, it was only a small window that allowed in the light.
Max crouched and put the wood down, then pulled a little end of the knot, and it all came undone. He stacked it all neatly along the side of the hearth where Jura had dropped his, and swished his tail. He was content in doing this, and it let Jura put down his items and put things away. Max stood up and brushed the excess pieces of wood stuck on his hands off, and threw some into the fire pit. Then he lit it, stretched out, and turned to see what Jura was interested in doing next.
“Time for Pie?” Max said with a smile. “Then I can… try those clothes on ‘nd see if it fits if that’s ok.. if not I can run it back for ya.” He wanted to see is Jura would try on his new outfit as well but… well he didn’t say that…

Jura: 415

Jura had been occupied with picking bits of wood out of his wool coat while Max arranged the firewood and… well, started a fire so his dwelling wasn't the same temperature as the outside like it was perpetually trapped in the early morning. When he thought his preening was good enough, he moved to the table and set the clothes for Max on the back of the chair. Only then did he look back the man’s way, appreciatively. “I think with your help I’ll be set for a while.” And he wouldn’t have to die a little carrying it all back here in the first place.

Of course, Max wasn’t a man without his vices. Jura listened as the pie was brought up and turned his eyes to said food item, pondering if they should warm it up or eat it cold. Maybe warm, as Max probably hadn’t had that luxury until recently, and maybe the smell of cooked food would entice him enough to want to eat too. “We can set it by the fire so it warms a little, I think I have a stone slab…” Jura muttered as he lifted his hands to fiddle with the straps of his mask. Removing it to leave on the table along with his gloves. He was home, so he didn’t feel the need to keep hiding behind it. “I have a knife for it too, hang on.” As he said this, he left the front room and disappeared into the gloom in the back. Finding what he was looking for by memory alone instead of sight, “Found it. Forks too, if you want to use those.. Let me know when the fire settles a little?”

When he returned to the only slightly brighter front room, those gathered utensils and cooking slab were set atop the table. Freeing his hands to pick up the clothing. Max’s first of course, “We can return them to the market tomorrow if it doesn’t fit?” For a moment he was quiet when he moved the shirt and looked down at the corset, side eyeing Max again not long after, “I’ll help you with it if you help me with this one?” Two birds with one stone. Though he didn’t doubt that his accessory would fit, and even if it didn’t he wouldn’t return it. There was a tailor he did favors for on occasion that could modify it for him. Besides, he wanted to see what Max thought of it.

Max: 297

“Aye sounds good.” Maxin watched when Jura took the pie and placed it besides the hearth in the heat of the flames to warm up. His stomach let out an audible growl and he fought to still it.
It was still cold in the room but if he was going to try on clothes and what not, the coat was going to have to come off. It made him a little sad since it had taken a while to get it nice and toasty warm. Tomorrow- so that meant Jura was okay with Max staying another day. Phew, good. The idea of the FishHook in came to mind if crashing here wasn’t a good idea but… he didn’t want to think of curling up with Jura in bed at the moment. Oop, too late. He enjoyed that part of the day too much.
“I- don’t know how much help I can be but, I can try-“ His voice was a little excited about trying to figure out that corset. The strings looked daunting but interesting. “Deal.”
He approached the chair and held up a bodice, which he only looked at funny. It looked nice but— how did it work. There were arm holes…buttons… He put it down and picked up a very white linen shirt with a bit of frill around the collar, there was a string, and the cuffs were embroidered.
“Okay… How does this even…” Max looked back to the bodice and wondered if… did it go on his legs? What the hell, no his arms. He sighed and took of the current linen shirt he was wearing and turned to Jura. Goosebumps as the cold air met him traveled up his skin.
“Which one first, there’s a strange contraption, dunno how to use it.”

Jura: 262

Jura heard the growl and gave Max a little smile. Poor guy. “Ok, just give it a little bit-” He stood then and turned back to Max as he removed his coat, reaching out a hand to take it from him. This he folded over his arm and waited patiently. Another devious little grin popped up when the man agreed to his arrangement. Good, good, he wasn’t being nefarious at all. Even better, in the rogues opinion, was how excited Max sounded, though Jura had enough sense to not let on to his own enjoyment of that little detail, “It's similar to your own shirt-” Jura explained as he approached and set Max’s new coat on the nearby clothing chest, “Just a couple extra buttons so it’ll fit snuggly.” While he explained, Jura sidestepped around the man to take the shirt from him, hands working on undoing all the buttons before returning it to him. The sight of Max’s scars made his stomach twist, but Jura wasn’t going to draw any attention to them save his initial glance, he didn’t like the same scenario should he be in Max’s place. “Ok, shirt first. The other thing, the vest- that goes over this and then you put on the coat.”

Holding up the bodice , Jura spoke again, “Arms up, out a little. I’ll get the left sleeve first. Go around to the other side. Buttons last, but if you are lazy, you can always just undo enough of the top buttons to fit over your horns.” Hopefully without snagging on the clothing anyways.

Max: 151

“Oh- interestin.’” Maxin put on the new shirt and had to fight it a bit to get it over his stupidly wide horns. But when he put it on, it slid over his wider frame easily. It was thin, a bit transparent, but it worked. He pulled his hair through and looked down at the frilly collar, wondering if he should tie the strings or not.
“Fits well.” He mumbled while he watched Jura get the vest. As instructed, Maxin held out his arms and let Jura work the bodice on. It fit snugly against him. When it was on he put his arms down and wondered if it would really fit over his horns…
“Alright-“ He waited for Jura to button the shirt and let his tail move around him contently. This was a lot more complicated going on in his head- he was relieved it was actually quite simple.

Jura: 192
Jura kept an eye on things to make sure it didn't snag, though he was amused when Max tried to pull the shirt over his head. How on earth did the man wear anything that didn't come with a thousand buttons? Low necks, maybe. Loose fitted?  Eh, he just observed and enjoyed the view while he could, and oh so helpfully guided the vest into place before he stepped before Maxin to close it by buttoning the front, starting from the bottom up. With that done, he tilted his head a bit in thought,  thoughtlessly smoothing his hands over the garment to get rid of any wrinkles and incidentally feeling him up. The fabric of the shirt was a little more translucent then Jura had realized when they were out in the market, though that could be solved with a coat, and the cloth was good quality.  Not to mention a coat was something Maxin had now.

"Hm." He mumbled, stepping back to inspect again and trying to pretend he didn't accidentally just get handsy with his friend. "I think it sits good, how's it feel? Not too tight or too loose?"

Max: 308

Eyes watched as Jura buttoned up the bodice, noting in his mind the equal amount of buttons per slots in the fabric. It must be easier to start at the bottom and work your way up. When Jura placed his hands over the vest, Max just tilted his head and watched with softer eyes. He’d remember that, too. To be fair he was probably just… making sure it was all in place. Maxin focused on how it fit and sucked in a breath of air. From his build, it sat a little bit more triangular on him, his waist was not thin by any means but he still had much broader shoulders. If he puffed out his chest it felt tight. He let out the air he was holding in and grinned.
“Fits well, comfortable, but.. somethin’ I gotta get used to.” He let his tail do its thing and then glanced over at the pants.
“Not sure if those are gonna fit… they don’ look too, uh, baggy.. might be an issue.”
Those he didn’t really need help with. He took off his current pants and draped them over the chair, then picked up the pair off the table and stepped into them. He got them over his calf muscles, but they started to get a little more snug at his thicker thighs. Max gave a little tug and successfully pulled them up. He buttoned them into place. They fit snug, rather too snug and a bit tight around- well. Maybe they were supposed to be a little more fitted than the baggy things he had been wearing. He looked down with a frown. The bottom of the shirt was not the length of the bodice.
“Oh- am I supposed to tuck that in?” He wondered if putting the pants on after the shirt would’ve worked better.

Jura: 172

Sure, ensuring the vest and shirt sat well on him, with absolutely no personal interest in how he patted the man down. It looked a bit snug in spaces where Maxin's muscles pulled the fabric, but so long as the man didn't flex with all his might, it shouldn't tear. At least, he thought, if it did tear, the shirt was the least expensive of everything. The fitted vest with it's delicate embroidery was at the top. "Yeah, just give it a bit. You went from prison clothes, to dead man's clothes… sometimes it's better to have clothes fit right."

With thinly veiled enthusiasm, he watched as Max removed his looser pants and pulled the new set on. It was taut at the calves and again at his thighs and butt. "It should stretch a little, nice fabric and all? Move a little-" he started to say when Max looked down and commented on his bodice. He stepped forward to tuck it into his pants, "you tuck it in so it's neat-"

Max: 146

Maxin was about to say that he could do it himself when Jura just went for it. He blinked and folded his ears back with muscles tensed until Jura was done. He felt a little childish standing there letting this -poor- man do all the work without him even asking. But Max noticed that his tail was stuck.

“Thank you- I probably could’ve done that but, thanks… could you please move just a foot to your right you’re… standing on my tail.“ He looked down to where his tail had been. It wasn’t free and flopping around as it should had been but was instead stuck to his leg inside his pants again, and laying partially on the floor. Thankfully it was just the hair part that Jura was standing on, otherwise he’d probably be getting a much more violent reaction.

“So- how does it look?”

Jura: 253

As much as he was enjoying the view of Maxin's backside, he was notified of the tail and looked down. Oh. Jura shuffled slightly to the side, poking the trapped tail in the man's pants with the side of his boot, "The pants'll fit better without your tail stuck in the leg, sorry though." He wasn't used to paying attention to this kind of thing, as nobody he knew had one sticking out of their back. Though he was certainly mystified on how Max seemed to get it caught so often.

Regardless of his opinion, he kept It to himself and just looked things over. The pants were fitting alright but would need adjustments for Maxin's extra extremity, perhaps a little loop and button. Something Jura didn't feel so confident in modifying, not when the stitching on the rest of the seams were so neat and the whole thing was put together better then what Jura had procured prior.

Still, he gave one final look at Max's tail and moved back to the front of the man, stepping backwards further to fold his arms and really judge how things were sitting. Maybe a little biased in his admiration of slim fitted outfits.

"Wonderful, if you ask me, but it's for you. Do you like it?" He'd offer a mirror but that wasn't something he was keen on having anywhere near himself, so his apartment went without. If he really had to look at himself he'd just use the shiny side of a knife.

Max: 237

“You were back there awhile.” He teased. “Good- ‘nd for me, it fits fine. Not used to it- but don’t hate it, I’m sure I’ll figure it out.” He waved his leg around with his tail in it. “I’m takin’ this off though I’m startin’ to not be able to feel m’tail.”

He straightened up and unbuttoned the pants, then immediately dropped them and stepped out of them. He picked them up and felt a tingle shoot up his spine. Max, in all his glory, shook himself out like a dog. “Ugh-“ He rubbed the base of his tail and stood up, hating the sensation he got whenever he trapped it, slept on it funny, sometimes it was obnoxious, but he swung it around freely now with a bit more animation to it this time. He put the pants on the back of the chair.
“Kinda don’t wanna take this off though it’s a bit comfortable the longer ya wear it…” He began to unbutton the bodice, struggling fiercely at first with it, then got the hang of it and freed himself from the contraption. He took off the shirt, put everything neatly back onto the table, and grabbed the other pants. Max made sure to thread his tail through the hole before stepping in, and left the shirt.
“I’ll put that back on before dinner… anyways-“ He turned to the man with a grin. “Your turn

Jura: 335

At least the guy liked his new shirt. "Good, you look nice with it on-" he said and immediately shut up when Max just decided to go shirtless. A little worried that the guy was thinking about food and eating it again as if he was a damn animal. Jura's only relief in that thought was that Max knew what a bath was now, and would tidy himself up. Unless that was just because Enn was here earlier? Without meaning to, Jura grimaced.  

"Before or after dinner?" Jura inquired, looking over to where he'd left his purchase. Maybe a little self conscious now that it was brought up. Oh well. He still wanted to try it on, lifting his arms to tug his coat off over his head. He tossed his back to the bed with Maxin's and scooped up the corset, turning it over so the laces were facing up. A little bow at the bottom keeping everything cinched together tightly. Jura hastily tugged the end of the loop with a finger to loosen it and did similar along the back, allowing enough space for him to pull it up past his hips after he lowered it a bit and stepped into it. The leather panels were stiff, maybe layered with ribbing inside, while the back had lacing. The flank panels had straps and buckles, which Jura assumed served some purpose, but he wasn't an expert on these things. Either way, this definitely wasn't t something that used to belong to a lady or was ever intended for one.

"Ok, so it looks like it's laced up like boots. You know how to tighten those?" God he hoped so, though he knew any expectations for the man were too many expectations. Taking a little breath in, he pulled it into place and turned the thing around so the lacing was at his back, laying overtop his smooth body suit, then he turned so his back was to Max. "Try not to break my ribs."

Max: 241

With a horribly amused expression he watched Jura pull out this incredibly complex article of clothing, but once Jura stepped into it… well, it no longer became such a daunting task. Max had watched how he loosened it and stared at the strings like an idiot, was he going to be able to do this? To be continued.
“Oh- yeah, I know how to string boots. Guessin’ I tie it tight then.”
When Jura turned around, he stepped forward and took a minute to look at the back and figure it out. Maxin took the string and realized you couldn’t just yank them to all magically tighten- just like the boots. He worked from the bottom up, giving the leather strings a little tug to tighten them into place, and made his way up to the top. He pulled them tighter, then tied the strings with another tug. He didn’t want to crush Jura but just wanted it firm. After he tied a little… well, it was a sailors knot. It looked similar to a bunny loop but he was sure there was no way in hell Jura would be getting out of that thing without assistance.
When he was done, he ran his hands over the ribbing on Jura’s waist and raised his brow.
“How can ya even move in this thing- feels so tight… is it too tight?” Max said a bit quieter. “I can loosen it for ya.”

Jura: 311

Well at least the guy understood not to yank at the end of the cord with all his might. Surely that would just pull some of the eyelets out or deform the ribs.

For the most part, while Max laced it up, Jura just looked ahead of himself. Head only tilting to the left side when he did decide to try and look back at Max, or at least, to his expression. Lots of seriousness. He'd been holding his breath, or just breathing shallowly while the man worked and exhaled when he thought he was done tugging things around to constrict him. "I can still breathe, so… I guess it's fine." Jura said a bit tentatively, turning purposely to face his company when he felt Max's hands run across the lower panels at his hips.

"It's not any worse than some of the other stuff I wear. Leather tends to be rigid… this one feels-" Jura paused to take a step back, seeing how much he could bend his torso forward, backwards and to the sides. Not very much, at least at the pivot points. He could lean at his hips easily enough and slightly above that point where the corset ended just below his chest, if he moved slowly anyways and gave it time to shift. The ribs, which felt like metal, didn't have much budge, which was probably the point. Restrictions were for the bedroom. "Not something I'll wear while working. I think I'd get short of breath." And just plainly restricting his movement in ways that were very detrimental. Again, fun only in the bedroom, he figured. It would go well with a harness and collar if he felt so inclined to wear them together.

Realizing he was probably talking too much for his own good, he just looked back at Max and gave a happy little smile.

Max: 219

“Ha- breathin’ is good.”

His face reddened when Jura turned beneath his hands and faced him, he felt like he had just been stunned into silence but… well maybe he was going crazy. He didn’t let up until the more slender of the two stepped back and awkwardly, Maxin put his hands into his pockets. That was when a smile brightened his features watching the man’s comical movements as he tested out the mobility range.
He could only imagine the horrors if he was wearing something like that. Anything tighter than his bodice and he would be throwing some serious hands around. When Jura smiled at him, he felt as if his stomach did a little nervous flip. Well, now what- he fought urges to say or do things that he for the moment, would refrain from. Even with the scarring, Jura was still a very attractive man. Actually he thought he preferred him like that. Max had known him for many years- He couldn’t possibly picture him any other way. Yeah-- he’d always found him attractive. His tail coiled. They at least had one thing in common.
“Ya maybe not to work.” Max mentioned. “But it, does… Think you- you,  pulled it off nicely.”
Maxin stepped closer to him with his own little smile. “Ya look perfect, Jura.”

Jura: 211

Oh he was a little devil for smiling, but Max’s reaction was gold to him. He felt like seeing Maxin being sweet, or flustered, was so unusual for him. Maybe he only had such expressions when around Jura? As far as he could tell anyways, based on his memories of the pit, Max was a brutal man. The whole reasoning behind the niceness he was shown wasn’t entirely clear to him anyways- there was the potential that Max would react like that towards Jura because he saw him as someone who would never be a threat. Which was true, in many ways. Still, he’d always been nice to Jura, even when he first found himself in the prison, scared out of his mind.

“Yeah. Work is a no, I can’t climb with this or move well-” He took a little breath in, exhaled and fiddled with some of the straps on the thing, “But it looks nice, doesn’t it? I have a harness it would go well with but I'd need to find a nice shirt.” He just kind of talked while he played with the buckles, glancing up at the man’s stammered compliment. A devious little smile replacing the innocent one when Max said HE looked perfect. “Want to see?”

Max: 104

“It does. A harness…?” Max tilted his brow for a second trying to figure out why Jura would have one of those. Maybe it was something different from what he was thinking? The only time they talked about a harness was either for scaling down giant drops when they struck a cave, or hooking up the mules to pull out the rock while they worked.
“Sure- what’s it for?” He thought that was odd. But still there was a quizzical expression on his face and he backed up to let Jura go dig around in his chest to find whatever he was looking for.

....... THE END . _ .

everyone go away now