Dungeon Diving

8 months, 6 days ago
6 months, 28 days ago
15 32387

Chapter 10
Published 7 months, 23 days ago

Mayr was a warrior and guardian, but what is he now. This is his past, a past and there's nothing left for him to guard so he needs something to do, to go out and prove to himself he's still got it. It also turns out that this is a good way to find and make more friends, hopefully Cassius doesn't mind that his home is going to become a new place of operations.

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Author's Notes

A Casual walk through the park, wait is this a dungeon??: Green Hill Zone
[RIP the full title, it's too long but I had to share it]

Dungeon: Green Hill Zone
Word Count:1390
Characters: Cassius, Guinevere & Mayr
New Recruits: Hoppip

This is a Dungeon?: Green Hill Zone

Cassius sighs softly, trying to not swing his legs below him as he waits, the small child sat next to him tilts her head.
“You seem sad, like you’re waiting for someone, who hasn’t come back.” The child says, and how does she do it.
Cassius turns to stare at the child, he’s not sure if it’s general creepy child behaviour or if it’s because she’s the daughter of the two creepiest pokemon he knows. [though that is said with the utmost affection, Cassius really is rather fond of Kozmotis and Ozul and everything they’ve done, he’s considering their deal, he doesn’t need it anymore] But, Guinevere just always seems to sense whenever anything is even a smidge different with him, and she doesn’t spend that much time with him anymore which just makes it even more unbelievable.
A sigh escapes him, as he turns to look away from the child and instead back to taking in the gorgeous and vibrant surroundings, almost trying to ignore that she’s a child.
“Yeah, he took longer than he said he would and I don’t know. He came here in an odd way…”
“Like you!” She interrupts, Cassius nods at the interruption before continuing,
“and I know he can possibly just leave in the same way, whether he wants to or not. It worries me, I don’t want that to happen.” His voice drifts away as his thoughts do. He doesn’t want to focus on the bad, focus on that what could have happened and he just hopes that in some weird way that Mayr just managed to loose track of time and forget to come home.

Guinevere leaps to her feet, before gently grabbing and tugging the older pokemon’s hand,
“Come on, lets get walking and distract you, that always helps father.” She states, so Cassius allows himself to be pulled up off of the bench.
She begins to pull them along and away from the bench, towards one of the closest rivers and sunflower patches, and Cassius almost jumps back as a couple Hoppip come floating out of the sunflowers. They chirp happily, none of them speak to them in anything then a happy burble, though it makes Guinevere smile which they seem to like. One comes floating closer, and gently boops the small child on the nose with one of its tiny paws, she laughs and so does it. Cassius watches, slightly on edge as he is with every pokemon he does not know, especially not when he’s looking after his friend’s kid. The Hoppips seem more then friendly enough however.

“Why have you brought a child into a dungeon?”
A voice Cassius recognises calls out from across the other side of the river, he snaps his head around to look at it and his nervous face cracks out into a fond smile as he realises the owner of the voice.
Mayr is stood there, arms crossed with raised eyebrows as his eyes literally flick between looking at him and Guinevere, not even trying to mimic normal pupil movement right now.
Cassius tilts his head slightly, he’s not sure what he’s going on about, this can’t be a dungeon, it’s just a pretty park with a few more rivers than a normal location. They’ve not even bumped into a slightly aggressive pokemon, if they’re honest, the only pokemon they’ve bumped into are the Hoppip they’ve met right now. Guinevere dips slightly behind Cassius, she knows Mayr but they haven’t spent as much time together, something Cassius and Mayr do hope to change, it’s just not happened just yet.
A loud groan comes from Mayr before he leaps over the river, and even though it’s a narrow one, it’s impressive how he manages to leap over with so little ease. It’s expression does however, loosen up as he sees how Guinevere is hiding behind Cassius, it doesn’t mean to scare the child however,
“You are in a dungeon right now.” He hisses to the other adult, “And yes, while Green Hills Zone is the safest of the dungeons, it doesn’t stop them being one, so it’s best we get going.” It flourishes its arms out, encouraging everyone to get moving.
Well, that does at least explain why this area is so vibrant to Cassius, and he leans down to Guinevere,
“Come on then, we’ll head to mine for a bit with Mayr,” He points to the other pokemon, to reassure the child that she does know him and he’s safe, “And umm, lets keep it between us that I brought you into a dungeon. Otherwise, your dads may limit our unsupervised trips.” He laughs softly, trying to keep it light.
Guinevere nods firmly, looking so serious for a couple of seconds before she reaches up and grabs onto the back of Cassius’ skirt to make sure she doesn’t loose him and this reassures Cassius just as much as it reassures Guinevere. 

With the two finally both ready and stood up right again, Mayr smiles at them most. His anger was more shock to find out Cassius was here, especially with a child, but the Armarogue genuinely did not seem to realise where he was, so it’s not mad about it anymore.
Mayr’s in the lead with the other two following close to each other, Guinevere pauses to wave at the Hoppip who booped her and it slowly follows them, staying far away enough that neither adult will register them as a threat, but also close enough that it won’t get lost and can follow their new friend home, or at least out of the dungeon. They walk in silence for a while, before Cassius breaks it first,
“I was worried about you.” He states softly, “When you didn’t come home.”
Mayr pauses, nearly causing Cassius to crash into it’s back, which also makes him notice the large bag he’s wearing that looks like a messenger bag, he’s sure he didn’t see it having it before. Maybe it was behind their back then? Mayr’s head tilts and then he spots where Cassius is looking and a blush spreads across his face, looking slightly embarrassed.
“Well yeah, I’m sorry, I went to clear my head it as surprisingly chill and I ended up falling asleep. After I was back home alone for a couple hours, I got worried so asked Circe to locate you for me and she said you were in a dungeon.” He explains and Cassius leans round and grabs the closest one of its hands, almost shaking Guinevere off.
“Okay yeah, forgive you about that now, what is in the bag?”
Mayr somehow goes even more purple and he stammers something, tapping his hooves on the floor and looking a little embarrassed,
“Well maybe I’m a hypocrite?” It comes out like a question.
“Mayr, what’s in the bag?”
It shifts it’s claws from its other and fiddles with the backs latch, keeping the bag safe against its body in an overly caring manner, Cassius raises an eyebrow before letting go of the hand he was holding, carefully moving it to the bag now with a questioning look. Mayr nods softly, before looking away and Cassius opens it up. And oh, he wasn’t expecting what’s inside.
His eyes glaze over slightly as he spots the warm coloured egg inside the bag, and a whole lot of dots connect in his head.
“Is it ours?” He breaths out, and Mayr’s full attention snaps back to him, eyes narrowed slightly.
“Of course it’s ours, I’m not in the habit of just stealing eggs.” It’s said curt, but it then becomes softer as tears gently roll down Cassius’s face, “Oh, you’re mad.”

Mayr takes a step back, the bag shutting as it’s gently pulled from Cassius’ hands,
“Not sad, very happy.” Guinevere pipes up, Mayr had almost forgotten she was here as he now glances down at her.
“Yeah,” Cassius manages to get out between his own sniffles, “But I feel like we should defiantly get out of this dungeon now.”
Mayr laughs softly and grabs his partner’s hand. Guinevere grabs the skirt again and the three leave, both adults choosing to ignore the Hoppip that’s currently sat on her head, that’s for her dads to deal with. They’ve got more important issues right now, such as the fact they’re going to be dads.