Dungeon Diving

8 months, 7 days ago
6 months, 29 days ago
15 32387

Chapter 6
Published 7 months, 29 days ago

Mayr was a warrior and guardian, but what is he now. This is his past, a past and there's nothing left for him to guard so he needs something to do, to go out and prove to himself he's still got it. It also turns out that this is a good way to find and make more friends, hopefully Cassius doesn't mind that his home is going to become a new place of operations.

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Author's Notes

Dungeon: N/A
Word Count: 539
Characters: Cassius - Circe [Mew] mentioned
New Recruits: N/A

Cassius is sick, he'd hope today would be calm, but Circe had other plans for him.
[Also known as, I had some non-canon eggs that needed hatching]

It was meant to be a calm day

Cassius stares at his sofa and groans.
It was meant to be a calm and casual day, they were going to go to the Forsaken Manor together, they being Cassius and Mayr. However, Cassius has been trying to ignore it, but he’s pretty sure he got sick on their last quest together so wanted to delay it seeming as there was no one in need for rescue.
Mayr needed to go out to grab some supplies, as well as wish good travels to their two now ex-roommates who’ve left, just leaving Cassius with two bonus house mates, being Circe and the Ditto who still won’t share his name. Circe however, is the issue here.
She came in, what must have been only 20 minutes ago, clutch three eggs. Not willing to provide any explanation even when he tried to press her for one, all it did was shrug and ask him to look after them for a little but while it has something else to do – and she’d be back for them soon. They were placed onto the sofa, and then just as she arrived Circe left, no actual explanation as to how long soon would be.

Clearly, soon is longer then 20 minutes, and Cassius isn’t impressed. He’s started sneezing too, so doesn’t want to get too close to them, he doesn’t really know how eggs works and doesn’t want to get the kid inside sick if that’s even possible. After a few minutes, he did end up getting up and wrapping the blanket on the sofa around them, squishing the pillows on either side to keep them warm and together. Trying to remember Kozmotis’ tails of looking after egg Guinevere, but he can’t remember much, especially not with how stuffy his brain is getting. What the pokemon does know however, is he’s not going to let these eggs come to any harm, just keep them warm and safe until Cerece comes back and as he glances up at the clock, he really hopes its soon. 

He’s not sure at what time he ends up falling asleep, but he must do, and he wakes up with an ache in his neck and the blanket that was on the sofa over his legs. He looks around in panic, remembering this was around the eggs but the sofa’s now empty of them, the cushions are back in place, and he reaches up and rubs his eyes. Staring, trying to work out if any of this actually happened, or if his fever riddled brain made it up, and it’s trying to tell him something about him and Mayr. That is until he moves the blanket and gets to his feet, spotting a note that’s drifted to the floor and he picks it up.
It's written in Circe’s flowing script, a thank you note for looking after the three eggs she dropped off, and then what looks like a more hastily scribbled name of some dish, with an arrow then pointing at it, good for sick people. It makes him chuckle, though that also makes his head spin so he sits back down.
He hopes Mayr will be back soon, maybe that will make him feel better, he’d like to think so.