Dungeon Diving

8 months, 6 days ago
6 months, 28 days ago
15 32387

Chapter 11
Published 7 months, 23 days ago

Mayr was a warrior and guardian, but what is he now. This is his past, a past and there's nothing left for him to guard so he needs something to do, to go out and prove to himself he's still got it. It also turns out that this is a good way to find and make more friends, hopefully Cassius doesn't mind that his home is going to become a new place of operations.

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Author's Notes

Dungeon: N/A - Unless if you count future parenthood
Word Count: 558
Characters: Cassius, Guinevere & Mayr
New Recruits: N/A

New Expectant Fathers

Cassius practically legs the three of them home, well four if we include Guinevere’s new friend who she says she’ll happily play in the garden so they can talk like they need to.
Mayr narrows his eyes at the child, and semi-prays to all of the gods that could be listening, to please not give them a child quite as unhinged as their friends’ daughter, not that he’d ever voice that out loud.
They both come to a stop on the sofa, and Cassius realises with a slight jolt that this is the same sofa Circe dropped of some eggs for him to keep an eye on just a few weeks ago.
“How long until they hatch?” He asks softly, voice hardly more then a whisper as Mayr opens the bag back open.
Now that it’s open, you can see how Mayr has wrapped it with blankets, thin enough that the egg can still breath and not over heat, but still warm enough there’s no chance it would get cold or damaged with the fact it was being carried around by Mayr. It clearly put a lot of care into this plan.
Mayr places one of his claws onto the eggs shell, and Cassius’ mimics the behaviour, putting his own hand to cup the shell on the other side. He can tell that Cassius is still close to crying again, but is comforted slightly knowing it’s from positive emotions, but that doesn’t stop the strange churning in his own gut and the fact he feels so anxious about all of this. Father was never something he predicted for his future, but then he also can’t think of anyone he’d rather be experiencing this with other then Cassius. It begins to gently stroke the shell, while not really thinking about what he’s doing,
“I have no idea, but I have heard it’s different depending on the egg, depending on the little pokemon inside.” His voice is also kept low, as if this should not be heard by anyone else other then these two, even if the room itself is empty other than them right now.
The egg rocks beneath their hands, drawing in their attention further, but it does nothing further then that, though it doesn’t stop Cassius’ eyes from widening slightly.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here for this.” Cassius starts out again, “I should have waited for you to come back, I shouldn’t have gotten so antsy about the idea that you might not…” Cassius starts to rumble on before he’s silenced by a soft kiss from Mayr.
“You did nothing wrong, Leibe.” One of his own nicknames getting thrown back at him causes Cassius to flush more then he expected to. It’s a dirty trick from Mayr, that he didn’t expect it to do, especially not when there’s so much at stake and Mayr can’t help but laugh at this response from his partner. He’s not trying to be mean about it, but flustered was not what he’d expect Cassius’ reaction to this would be.
The egg rocks below their touch again, and the two smile down for it.
“I don’t know how to do this.” Cassius mutters,
“Neither do I, but we’re in this together.” Mayr smiles softly, reaching his other hand up to rest on Cassius’ shoulder. “We’ve got this.”
“Yeah, I guess we do.”