Celestial Seas

8 months, 7 days ago
3 months, 7 days ago
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Chapter 15
Published 3 months, 7 days ago

Celestial Seas Writing

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Heart and Craft

Vatos sat down at the table with a pen and paper in hand. He wanted to write a love letter but didn't know what to do so he just started writing.

To my love,

When the sun rises in the sky to bring the world out of darkness. You are there. When winter comes to chill our bones but a fire keeps us warm? You are there. When the hazy mist leaves drops of dew behind to sparkle in the light? You are there.

So much of what I see in the world reminds me of you and I want to make sure you are aware. Every moment of beauty that passes is a reflection of you. You are there.

When you find the strength to make your physical form again, I will be waiting for you. My scales shake and my fur blows when moved by your wind. I know you are there. May we meet again.



Vatos felt tears roll down his face. He was happy and knew he could hold on to this love letter for if his love ever returned to him. Instead he would have to tuck it away for later where it might not ever see the light of day again but at least he knew it was there.