Celestial Seas

11 months, 8 days ago
6 months, 9 days ago
15 4574

Chapter 8
Published 6 months, 16 days ago

Celestial Seas Writing

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Work Work

Boingo walks through the sticker covered doors and looks around at all of the plastic playground equipment. He does not look excited for what is to come. One of his coworkers is not able to come in for their shift and he will be alone for the first hour. Boingo works at a daycare and is supposed to take care of 12 kids by himself. He doesn’t know what to do but he is going to try anyway. 

His duties are to make sure that toys are not broken around the play area and switch out broken ones for new ones. Many toys get broken each day but there are new ones in the back room that can easily be switched out. He also needs to keep track of any allergies the kids might have and it is hard trying to get 12 kids to wash their hands before they can play or draw. A few of the kids have allergies to nuts and gluten, so they all need to be safe. That is also why Boingo has to sanitize all of the toys when the kids sit at the table to draw or eat snacks so that if any of the kids put toys in their mouths, they won’t get sick or contaminated.

After an hour passes, Boingo looks around for the other daycare worker that is supposed to come in. More time passes and it looks like the other person isn’t going to come in. He gets mad very quickly but needs to keep his composure.