Celestial Seas

8 months, 7 days ago
3 months, 7 days ago
15 4574

Chapter 9
Published 3 months, 14 days ago

Celestial Seas Writing

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Create This Again

Vatos thinks about the festival where everyone was donating their time and items to a fall themed potluck. He remembers the taste of the soup and how calming it made him feel. It tasted rich with flavor and he missed the crunch of the bulbs, herbs, and other items that might not have been supposed to be included. It was so good that he almost ate too many servings. He only realized he was eating too much by the time the townspeople stopped him and yelled at him.

He felt bad about eating almost all of the potluck soup, so he started to make his own. Vatos grabbed a big pot he could heat up water in and began to boil the water inside. He also grabbed another smaller pot and put that one on the heat so the water could boil. While the temperature was rising, he grabbed a bunch of different vegetables, pasta, and tofu. He chopped up the vegetables and put them into the smaller pot, and he put the pasta in the larger pot when it was ready. With both pots of ingredients cooking, Vatos cut up the tofu into chunks and set it aside with a little soy sauce and salt. When everything was done cooking and prepared, he put the vegetables, pasta, tofu, and some of the pasta and vegetable water together. The soup looked great and was ready to be taken into town for everyone to enjoy.

Vatos put the pot of soup in a wagon and wheeled it into the town for all the townsfolk to see. They looked angry and then confused but approached him anyway.

“I brought soup for you today since I ate most of it last season. I am sorry.” Vatos looks at the ground so that the people could not see his face. He thinks they will be mad and will not accept his soup, but he is wrong.

“This makes up for it but only if the soup is tasty.” One browbird says as they walk up to the pot. They take a bowl full of the soup and take a sip. They smile and tell the other townspeople to get some of the soup.

“Thank you, I hope we can be friends now!” Vatos smiles and watches as the townspeople eat his soup.