Warmth Beneath the Waters

"And for all she knows, both she and Wriothesley could be going through this one certain phase that young humans go through: adolescence."

Commissioned work, Wriothesley and Arturia's alternate get-together fic.

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After all these years of knowing Wriothesley, Sigewinne noticed him acting strange after the arrival of the younger Romaria from the windborne land of Mondstadt. First, she doesn’t recall him to be snarky and aloof. During his first weeks as the administrator of the Fortress of Meropide – one that was haphazardly given to him, knowing that he was a former inmate – he would have this authoritative persuasion that would mend the troubles of the fortress’s affairs, be it a quarrel between convicts, or disputes of workers inside the underwater prison. It was his own charm; one that got him his reputation and success in the affairs of such a harsh environment of convicts, even during the time he was incarcerated. Secondly, he started putting milk to his tea; when he told her countless times that the essence of tea-drinking is tainted when it is combined with other liquids. He believed that tea is meant to be savored on its own, at least that was the case before now.

And finally, Sigewinne catches him constantly watching over the younger Romaria, the one who willingly exiled herself into a chaotic den filled with misfits and outcasts. Sigewinne is not one to judge, because she knows that humans go through highs and lows in their lives – phases that can be likened to the calm and terror of the Fontaine seas.

And for all she knows, both she and Wriothesley could be going through this one certain phase that young humans go through: adolescence.

Out of curiosity she asks him, “I’ve noticed that you’ve been at her tail most of the time, Monsieur. May I know why?”

Wriothesley pauses, almost spilling the cup of tea he was drinking to calm himself.

“Her? Arturia? Ah.” He muses, putting down the teacup and staring at a distance for a while. Then, as if he caught himself off guard, he started sorting through the case files on his desk as an attempt to divert his attention.

“Your cheeks have grown reddish. Are you alright? Does the mademoiselle cause you any trouble?” Sigewinne asks again, both out of intrigue and worry.

“Yeah, right. More trouble than I could’ve imagined.” He mumbles. There it is again, his irritable mood. It seems that Arturia does occupy his mind a lot, Sigewinne concludes.

“Sigewinne, bring me the medical files of the inmates. I need to- “ “You’re cooped up here, again. That’s boring.”

Both Wriothesley and Sigewinne look towards Arturia, clad in her asymmetrical navy dress that billows just behind her knees. Sigewinne smiles and greets her, and Arturia returns the expression endearingly, giving the Melusine a warm embrace that Wriothesley secretly wishes he could have, too.

“Why? You came here looking for me again?” As if he didn’t catch her talking to an inmate in the cafeteria during lunch, Wriothesley smirked, feigning amusement.

“Don’t you get tired sitting here all day?” Arturia makes space for herself to sit on top of his desk.

“I’ll be taking my leave then. I’ll prepare the files that you’re asking for.” Sigewinne beamed at the two of them before leaving the office.

“Where have you been?” Wriothesley turned his attention back to the documents on his desk. “Where else? The Pankration Ring.” Arturia replied with smug confidence.

“You won a bet?”

“Of course! After all, I know my games.”

“What a gambler.” He sighed in exasperation.

“What? It’s not that serious! Besides, I would call it a pastime.” Arturia takes his teacup, “I mean, isn’t it satisfying to win?”

“Huh, isn’t that the same thing? You gamble for fun.”

“Oh, give me a break! At least it’s better than staying here all day.”

Oh, if you only knew how often I watch over you. Wriothesley thinks to himself, disappointed, but the smile on his face says otherwise.

“By the way, who was- “ Upon seeing Arturia drinking from his teacup, he was cut short. In disbelief and in futile attempt to hide the flutters in his chest, all he could do was raise his brow and watch her helplessly.

“Who was what?” Silence.

“You added milk? That’s strange. You never do this. Don’t tell me I successfully changed your mind about how to drink tea.” Arturia chuckles, an attempt to maintain conversation.

“Who was that inmate you were talking to?”

Arturia’s eyes lit up, a faint tinge of pink dusting her cheeks. When their gazes met, she noticed that Wriothesley’s ears were red too.

“Oh~ So you do come outside after all. What is it? Like watching me from afar?” Arturia teases, and Wriothesley smirks as he retorts back,

“And you love seeing me after all. What is it? Afraid of losing me?” He wanted to hide his jealousy, but wait, why is he jealous?

“Ugh. Shark-dog.”

Wriothesley leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms, impatiently wanting an answer to his question. An intrusive thought of separating that inmate into a private, isolated cell enters his mind, but he brushes it off. Surely, he won’t give in to such an abuse of power just because of some fickle feeling.


“It was just an inmate. He was telling me that my hair looked good and the conversation just branched off from there.” The younger Romaria replies in disbelief.

What a poor excuse to hit on someone, he thinks. Wriothesley could feel a sting in his heart, one that he denies every time he’s around her. Now though, he realizes that he doesn’t like Arturia talking to other men, let alone when he’s not watching.

“Well, don’t bother the inmates. You never know what they could do to you.” At that, his mood turns sour.

“And who are you to tell me that?” Arturia scoffs.

“I’m just worried about you.” His voice raises, tone laced with unexpected possessiveness.

“Wriothesley, I am perfectly capable of defending myself. Also, why would you fuss over someone complimenting me? It was just small ta- “

“Arturia, can’t you just see that I care because I love you?!” Arturia flinches at his sudden outburst. Then the realization came.

Warm. Suddenly, it felt warm. If one could paint a portrait of them both, they must make sure to add the pink from Rainbow Roses; and put it on their cheeks.

 small talk
 What did you just say?” Wriothesley sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”

Arturia’s saccharine laughter filled the office. After all these years of speculating why she always feels she is being watched, it was all because of this.

Unbridled joy. That must be how it feels to know that one’s love is not unrequited.

“Why didn’t you say that earlier?” She laughs. Wriothesley could never get tired of her laugh. Her voice. Her face. Her personality. Her sneaky little mousy demeanor.


“Archons, you got me. Miss Mice.”

Love. So this must be the warmth of loveÂ ăƒŒenough not to keep me cold from the depths of the waters.

Arturia replies, “Well, while you’re at it, we should go outside for a change. Call it a first date.”