Wisher's Well | Fortune's Fountain

7 months, 2 days ago
4 months, 15 days ago
5 1293

Chapter 4
Published 4 months, 17 days ago

Gift art writing for the two beforenamed prompts.

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A Bump in the Night (MYO-Kitbull-163)

A pair of eyes darted back and forth in the dark. The absence of light would’ve seemed to be a problem to anyone else, yet instead, the larger issue sat with whatever creatures stirred in the void around them.
Poor Traffic Cone, lost to the toothy maws and razor talons clawing at the fur around their neck. At least, that’s what they thought. No one else was there to save them or give them advice. No one was around to pull them ashore from the inky sea that held dark things swimming around them.
Perhaps this was finally the end for the poor kitbull…

A sudden kerchunk of a pull string caught Cone by surprise, and the entire closet was once again basked in light. In both the doorway and crouching in front of Cone was Emmi and Redi, each with a different expression. It was almost as if Emmi was offering some sort of aid while Redi rolled their eyes at the pathetic display. After all… how hard was it to go into the side closet and grab a roll of paper towels?
Whatever noises Cone thought they had heard was only the shuffling footsteps of the other two kitbulls and the toppling of a few supplies off the shelves. Embarrassed, Cone picked themself up and awkwardly shuffled out of the closet with a roll of the paper towels in their little paws.
Oops! Better luck next time!

END. 239 Words. [Wisher's Well]