Mini Mission - Sickeningly Sweet

SC RP log (15th December 2023)

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AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

The small team had been recruited for this mission to fly out to Paris for two days. Despite the jet lag they may be experiencing they were instructed to immediately go to the bakery and meet with the Siren owner there as this was deemed an 'emergency' by her.  

The bakery was on a busy shopping strip. It stood out with it's fancy decor and air of luxury, along with the sweet scent of sugar and spices coming from it. Since it was later in the evening there is a note on the door as they arrive that if it is the Spectre Corps operatives to ring the doorbell for entrance.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare looks through the windows of the shopping strip and is immediately repelled by those prices. Yeesh! That's Paris.

"...You guys think this emergency is the 'we need to fill these orders now!' kind or the 'someone will die' kind?"

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

The shopping strip was so prettily lit and decorated Nera couldn't keep herself from looking around like her head was on a swivel. Eyes sparkling, she was starting to get full of christmas cheer."I hope it's the first option!"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi probably shouldn't be here considering their prior promise to cat sit, but... c'mon, a night in Paris? How could they not. They let out an impressed whistle at the shopping strip. "I mean, how could someone die in a bakery? Food too hot?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Hugo is in his element right now. Already feeling hungry from the promise of entering a bakery. They're not here for that, sadly... "I mean I'd like to hope we didn't get called all the way from Romania to fill in orders."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"I'd say it's a 50/50 toss up. I wish this will just be order filling."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"I can think of plenty of ways for people to die in a bakery. Like ovens. Knives. Like half the things that happen in fairy tales." Jess is trying to stay in the shadow.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"One way to find out." Sushi goes ahead and hits the doorbell, because nobody else was.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

The door flew open like she had been waiting for this for hours now. "Darlings! I'm so glad you're finally here." Dramatic uff. "Come in come in! Hurry up now." She stepped aside, it was hard to make out her face quite yet with the low lighting of the bakery. 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

glances at the others with a raised eye brow. follows her inside

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"Hello! Buon natale, merry christmas!" Nera greeted her, oblivious. She followed her inside happily.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi does not hurry. Makes their way in as a leisurely pace. "Yeah, sorry, long flight. Is there no SC in Paris?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Hugo follows inside, wondering how long that woman had been standing there..

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"There is definitely SC in Paris. This bitch is the literal capital of the country." Jess states very deadpan, giving the baker nothing but a nod of acknowledgement.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"Language!" Nera shushes at Jess 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"What, I'm talking about the city--"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"English?" Sushi adds on helpfully.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"You don't have to say it with such rude words," Nera says, ignoring Sushi.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"Parle Français" Hugo quips in the most deadpan voice.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Por qué estamos hablando idiomas" Jess is staring at the rest of the team

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"No habla Español"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is completely lost. "¿Deberíamos hablar en español?"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Sucks to be you"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡


Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"You are clearly not taking this seriously," Nera huffed, frustrated.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

"There is! But those hooligans refused all my inquiries. It's like no one realized how dire of a situation I'm in." She did not seem to be very fond of the company so far. When everyone was inside she closed the door and flicked the lights on. "I must keep the lights low when the shop is closed or I have people knocking on the door constantly. They always get so upset when I say we're closed."  She was ignoring their banter as she moved around. The bakery had a cafe area to it that looked.. very high end. The pastries in the showcase were also extremely fancy and very tasty looking. "My name is Freya Macklimera." She bowed, loud and intended to keep their focus on her dire situation. "World renowned and very valuable. Now are you ready to actually do business then?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo's definitely not eyeing those baked goods."Yep. You mentioned there possibly being a curse from your neighbor?"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"Valuable? You're for sale?" Sushi blinks lazily, but is otherwise distracted by looking around the shop. They are so out of their element, who gets sweets in a place this fancy?

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is squinting trying to recognize her. He feels like he's missing something obvious. He thinks she kind of looks like someone from an anime.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Jess is still just staring at her coworkers. And at the lady. Damn.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

"yes." She leaned against the counter dramatically so much she doesn't even catch Sushi's comment. "This rotten witch who lives across the street. Ohhh how she ruins my day! My business! Come now I'll show you." She is waving them around, stepped behind the counter. Here there are trays of sweets and bags of icing. Neat and also delicious looking.  She began moving some boxes stacked in front of a wooden door. When finished she opened it. "This is the work room. When the holidays come around it is the perfect area to bake one of my most famous sweets, gingerbread. I have a secret recipe." She's smug as she began making her way down the stairs leading into this basement like area. It was ... dark but surprisingly just as fancy. "I was gifted a brick fire oven from an old friend who had it even longer. It's perfect for the cookies, and the moisture in the air helps them bake extra well." She's proudly rambling. 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is having a wee bit of trouble going down these stairs. Why is it so dark.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

The more she talks the more it just sounds like a Grimm fairytale.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo makes sure to keep Spare from tumbling.  He just nods along "But now it's acting up, right? When did it start doing this?"

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera follows her with intermittent oohs and aahs as she listens to the baker. She's so easily distracted by everything sweet and pretty so she just keeps looking around, not really noticing it's dark or the mood going down.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi follows, trying to listen and understand the problem but these are a lot of words for elmo. "What's a gingerbread..."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Biscuit made of ginger"

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"They have other spices too, like cinnamon and cloves," Nera expands."They're a traditional christmas cookie!"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Spicy biscuit..." Sushi is not impressed.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Hugo is raking in the Spare friendship points. "They're worth trying, while we're here."

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

"They're not actually spicy, just flavorful and sweet. You should try some!"

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

"Yes!" She is so glad Hugo asked. "I only fire it up every holiday! As I'm very exclusive. This year it's only been burning every single batch no matter what I do. In strange ways too. It has that witches' curse all over it." She walked over to sushi and gave them a little pat on the head for their silly question. "You're a cute one."  Back to her dramatics. "If I can't get these cookies out I'm going to be laughed at! Disrespected, disowned. disgraced" She's so distraught you have no idea she's basically mourning. "I need your little gaggle to figure out what this curse is and remove it. I will light the fire in the oven so you can perhaps put a batch in and see what kind of strange magic is going on."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"...Well, if it's just normal oven failures, at least I'm here to fix it."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess is making a very disgusted-confused-disbelieving kind of face at the woman.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi sticks out their tongue playfully at the head pat. "...Yeah, sure, we can figure it out, probably." Looks back at the group. "...Any of you know about curses?"

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

"Please don't worry, ma'am, we will do everything we can to figure out what it is and how to dispel it," Nera ensures her.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Does being a vampire count as being cursed"

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

"No but that haircut does." She wipes away a tear that isn't there as she doesnt totally comment on Jess's looks. She turned to spark a match and turn the oven on. "Perhaps when we're done you can come upstairs to get some sweet rewards and fashion advice. I will be closing the door though so the heat can stay in the room."  Once the oven is lit it ... is already sparking a little. It is a little weird. "Good luck little ones, tata. Remember, this is my livelyhood! Any questions?"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess gives her an offended stare.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"...If anything explodes, send the bill to our boss, okay?" Sushi nods.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Leslie isn't here, we're not the bomb squad. I hope."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"Do you have a fire extinguisher anywhere?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo tenses a little. "Wait, if there's been known issues, wouldn't shutting the door on us be a hazard?" He glances at the flames warrily.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"Nothing's going to explode," Nera groans. Why is everyone always like that.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"I wish Leslie was here, they're cool." No comment on whether they find the people in this group uncool. However.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 


AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

"Don't worry, there are some protective seals in spots so things don't go too terribly wrong. Now, if you mess up my bakery well- you wouldn't want that to happen darlings." She blows a kiss towards them. "You'll be alright! I've only heard strange noises occassionally." 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Ominous. "...Leslie is pretty cool..."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Gross. I'll tell them you're all sappy bitches." She looks around and sticks her nose close to the oven to stare. (perception 18)

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is... troubled by the oven being cursed. But! Should take a closer look to spot if there's something wrong with the oven physically. It's fine! (perception 24)

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera is too busy looking at the walls of the room. [Perception 6]

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Welp. Hugo looks from the stares to the sparking oven, trying to get a read on what's going on with it (Perception NAT 20)

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi is lowkey more interested in checking to see if theres anything edible left in the room. (4)

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

The room looked like it was used and well worked. Tools, bowls, and trays of uncooked cookies sat on racks like they were ready to be baked. Freshly mixed batches and icing were also safely sealed away. 

Sushi and Nera could see that there were some baked batches of cookies, fresh and warm but burnt in strange spots. 

Jess sees the oven and sees ... something. almost,, a large burnt mitten reaching forward?? Theres a low rumble and crackles from the firewood deep inside.  

Spare can see that from the corner of his eye that a container on the floor is slowly scooting around, like something is trapped inside.  Hugo can notice that from Jess's left side theres a tipped over bowl that looks like it's breathing lightly, matching the way the fire is sparking aggressively. Icing and dough seep from underneath it, like it had been tipped over right before they came down. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"... Huh. Guys." Jess' eyes are wide. "... I think this shit's alive"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is. distracted by the shaking box. Goes to investigate. "Uh... alive how?"

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"Language!" Nera says with a little more force.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Burnt mitten trying to reach out and rumbling" She gives Nera a middle finger.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo squints "It does looks like that.." He looks around the room for any spirits that could be tampering with something. Freya did mention her neighbor being the possible culprit, but just in case..

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera gasps so offendedly."That's so rude!"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Bite me"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Wrong way round."

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"I'm not doing that!" She's like, actually offended.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Bet you taste like chicken wings"

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

The thing in the oven was now crawling out more visibly, it's mitten gripping the brick lining the lower opening like it was trying to heave itself out, it gargled in the same loud cracking fire. It's head and deep empty eyes were visible, and it defcinitely looked ... crispy. burnt in spots.  

Hugo could see no spirits, but the dough from the bowl was sinking further down and collecting on the floor. It seemed ,,, infinite? too much to fit in the bowl it was in already. Spares box was still trying to scoot around

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare grabs the box. Lifts. Looks inside.

Tries to ignore the fight happening behind him.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi wanders over towards the oven to take a look at what the others seem to be reacting to. "....The hell."

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"You're not biting me either! Stop being a pest and focus on the mission!" Nera is guarding herself with her wings.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"Uh- Guys?" Hugo stares at everything happening. "We should probably do something about this."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess looks back at the oven and screams, chopping at the mitten with a hand and jumping back.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

At Jess's scream, Sushi goes from idly swinging their spear at their side to holding it at the ready. Go time? Go time.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera huffs as she grips her lyre. That's what you get for not focusing on the mission and talking back.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo doesn't even know what to grab right now??? Not enough room for a boomerang and there's no way he's pulling a gun out.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

The mass of cookie was now out of the oven, it swung hard but missed Jess as she jumped back. It stood tall, about 8 ft, barely not touching the cieling once it was stood. It was ... infact a giant dough mass. Covered in burnt speckles and other raw spots. It screamed again. 

As Spare lifted the bucket about 6 smaller gingerbread stared up at him, vibrating and nashing what seem to be ... sugar crystal teeth. They were ... small. standard gingerbread size. but definetly alive.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Speak for yourself, Hugo. Jess will absolutely shoot the cookie.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare stares for a split second. Then throws the bucket against the wall as Jess screams. Spare is shooting the cookies. "aaAAAA ALIVE YUP ALIVE" points gun

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera is once again plucking the strings of her lyre.

"God the Spirit, guide and guardian, windsped flame and hov'ring dove, breath of life and voice of prophets, sign of blessing, pow’r of love: Give to those who lead your people fresh anointing of your grace. Send them forth as bold apostles to your church in ev’ry place.

She casts Detect Magic to try to decipher whatever is making these move and confirm there's a problem with the oven itself and not just random animating dough. [-1 spell slot]

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

There is infact magic! It's stemming from the moving dough bowl, the tiny minions, and the very present large gingerbread in front of them. Strange enough though... there is an aura stemming from the matches and the fire in the oven itself.  

The tiny gingerbread immediatly ran, latching onto Spare's ankle with razor sharp teeth that chewed through any fabric or material. Be eaten! (19 damage)

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 


Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi skids over to Spare to try and help, and in a split second decision decides to grab one of the gingerbread minions, lifts it off of him and. Chomps into it. Fully eats it. This, somehow, works. (13)

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess stares in horror.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"It's not the oven, it's the fire! The matchsticks! That's the thing that's animating them!" Nera informs the group after processing the information. That makes things complicated, if it's the matches just extinguishing the fire probably won't work.. She's not going anywhere close those things- She sees Sushi bite and eat one."We didn't mean you should try them now!!!" It feels so wrong to eat gingerbread men that are actively alive

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare stares at Sushi and his screams start gaining question marks at the end of them.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"They're food! How else do you beat it!" Sushi still has a mouthful of gingerbread as they talk.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

The thing Sushi plucked up screamed and ... was silenced. eaten. killed. It ... tasted like the most delicious cookie Sushi has ever had. It filled him with strength almost, and the texture of the sugar teeth really added to the experience. 

...Meanwhile. Jess stepped into what was now a massive blob of dough. It sat at about hip height and ... in a slow sluggish way gained height and just. Slapped on Jess. Full glomp. Jess was now in the sluggish monster surrounded by spiced gingerbread dough gelatonous cube style. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

This went south so fast. Hugo rushes to the pile of dough and grabs Jess's hand, yanking her free from the blob. "Hey, you okay?" (Strength 17)

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess is too stunned to act. She simply makes a disgusted sound of agony as a response to Hugo.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

He's gonna.. take that as a no? He sighs and hands her his jacket. "Wipe yourself off with this. We need to do something about that fire."

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

The gingerbread father lugged itself forward, doing a wide swing and hitting both Spare and Sushi. It ... only seemed to push them back though. (2 damage, 1 for sushi)

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare stumbles and hangs on to another shelf! Putting pressure on his in-the-process-of-being-shredded ankle is agony!

Another two slams against the wall before he gives up and starts following Sushi's example. Grabs one a stuffs it whole in his mouth. Fails to stuff a second one and it's slipping out of his hand. (nat 20 and a 5)

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Yeahhh, now we're talking!" Sushi approves of this direction.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

Nera starts singing again.

"God of grace and God of glory, on your people pour your pow’r; crown your ancient Church’s story, bring its bud to glorious flow’r. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage for the facing of this hour, for the facing of this hour.

She casts Motivational Speech on herself, Sushi, Jess, Spare and Hugo, giving everyone 5 temporary HP and advantage on Wisdom saves! If they get attacked, they get advantage on the next attack roll they make! [-1 spell slot]

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

As their breathren was eaten they fought on! The tiny gingerbread were crawling further up Spare's leg, one even now under his pant leg. They nommed on his thigh and knee now (12 damage)

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"THIS SUCKS THIS SUCKS SHIT SUCKS THIS SUCKS" screaming with a stuffed mouth. slamming his fists on his leg with no dice

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi tried to get at Gingerbread Father ™️ , aiming a wide slash for the juggular. If it has a juggular. (25, 5 damage)

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

Hugo was in range to the slow moving dough, but it rose quickly and slammed it's full dough weight down onto hugo (4 damage) 

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"Don't get sucked in!" Nera warns Hugo!

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

"Yeah no kidding." Hugo says back, a little winded, and looks around for something of use. He finds a bag of flour and tries dumping it on the doe to thicken it and reduce mobility. That ought to work, yeah?

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess shoots the Gingerbread Father™️ in the face. (20 to hit, 5 damage)

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

When Hugo threw flour he wasn't able to get much on the creature. it did ... grow. Bigger with what got on it even if slower. It even slammed against Hugo again, trying to pull him in now. Hugo was able to pull before it could absorb him in.  

Gingerbread father stumbled back, it's back slamming against the oven. It loudly sparked as it started swinging. It missed the two in it's onslought. 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare digs under his pants and grabs two more! Stuffs him in his mouth! Uses his hands to force his mouth to chew while ignoring the cookie's thrashing and screaming! (16 and 13)

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

The fight really isn't progressing. Nobody seems to have heeded the first time Nera told them about the fire and the matches and just focusing on fighting the doughy abominations with little effect. "The matches! Get the matches!!!" She is screeching at this point. She wildly gestures at the oven from the back of the room. "That's the thing that's powering them up!" She's not gonna be the one to approach these things.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

The minions! Continued biting!!! Upon seeing their brethren falling they gained a new fervor as they chomp chomped. (damage 9) 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi actually hears Nera this time and yells back "Where the hell are the matches??? Get them yourself!" As they do another long swing for the big guy's head. (14, 8 damage)

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is currently chewing and trying not to get bitten on the tongue.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

The gloob of dough rose again ... slapping aggressively on hugo and absorbing the lad. 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Hugo is fighting tooth and nail to pull himself out of this thing, and luckily pops himself free. Jess's reaction is making a lot of sense right now and he doesn't wanna talk about it ever again.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Yeah, Hugo. Yeah. He gets a nod of understanding before Jess runs in and taunts the Gingerbread Father™️ to chase her. "HEEEYYYY YOU BIG SHITTY ASSHOLE! COME AT ME, BRO" And off she runs in the opposite direction of the oven.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

It rumbled, obviously struggling with it's weight as it hurled itself forward towards Jess. It's slow swings missed the vampire by miles.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare grabs and eats the last two and one legged hops away from the oven, making space for the others. He doesn't know which feels worse: his leg, his stomach, or his conscience. (16 and 14)

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

"Get the fire and the matches!!" Nera screams. Why are these people so incompetent.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

the little guys are gone. they're all eaten. 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare will take whatever victory he can at this point. takes a breather

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi blinks "Oh, wait, the fire?" Sushi turns around and stares down the oven. "Uuhhh... somebody call 911, shawty fire burning on the dancefloor, uwoahh--" As he sings he casts warding wind. The room is suddenly filled with a strong wind, eminating from where Sushi stands. It's probably knocking things over and nobody can hear anything anymore, but the fire is extinguished!

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare loses his cloak to the wind. Good bye, old friend. (until he picks it back up again)

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo holds on tight to his mask while his hair whips around

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess almost takes flight. Fuck.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

things knock around everywhere! Cookie racks knock over, bowls slam against the wall, the oven goes dark, and the matches get tossed ... somewhere. The enemies crumble. The goopy one sinks into just a wet splotch on the floor, and the gingerbread father crumbles.  Despite the wind it is quiet. 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

If Spare says something but the wind is too loud for anyone to hear it, does he make a sound?

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi lets the spell run for a good 10 seconds to be extra sure and then lets it end. Takes a moment to look around in the ensuing silence. "....She has cleaners, probably, right?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

When things calm down, Hugo looks up to see the dough and cookies are down, and the kitchen is an absolute wreck.  He sighs, relieved it's over, and looks to Sushi. "Thanks dude." He looks back at the mess. "Not sure, but the least we could do is clean up a bit. Anyone see where the candles went?"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess is now staring in bewilderment at the oven. "... This job will never cease to horrify me in new ways"

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

Nera is actually picked up by the wind a little! She can't catch a hold on the floor enough to brace herself and is blown onto the floor."OW!" She screams, nobody can hear it over the wind. Once it subsides though, she sees the battle has been concluded. She lifts her hands up in triumph, her right side wincing a little (healing tiger scratches)."You did it!! We beat them!!" She cheers!

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

Freya was startled when she heard the sound of all of her equipment rattling downstairs. It took her a moment before the door unlocked and she peaked her head in, gasping in horror at the site. She stood halfway down the stairs when she looked like she was about to faint. "what have you done- that was weeks of work." It was like three days, she shrieked a bit still. "What could've possibly warrented this

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare pulls up his pant leg to inspect/show the damage. It's not pretty. "Sweet teeth." 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi looks back up at Freya, face deadpan. "Monster ginger bread men. Tasted good, though."

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

Nera shuffles to get up and turn to face the baker."It wasn't the oven, it was your matches! The fire you lit made the dough animate!" She explains excitedly."Your oven is fine to use now! Just get a pack of new matches or a lighter, okay?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo dusts himself off the best he can and looks at Freya. "We're sorry about the mess. We can clean it up."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"We can?" Sushi didn't sign up for that, excuse you.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

“Well I knew those things kept.. happening. but you couldn’t have handled it with more grace?” She sighed as she made her way down to them, looking at Spare’s leg in disgust. ”We’ll fix you up, make you pretty.” She sung as she placed her hands on his shoulder. He was pushed along she casted Power word: Heal. He could feel his wounds close, his strength return full force, and a general sense of rejuvenation as he was completely healed.  “Those matches! Oh how I’ll kill her. I’ll put that witch to her bed. I knew I was cursed! Here, join me upstairs and I’ll fix each of you a box of pastries to go so it’ll be worth your troubles. I cannot entertain you for long though, I must clean this up quickly so I can get back to my orders.” 

She makes her way over to Sushi now, leaning in and placing a string of pearls in their hands. “And since you, darling, are such a cutie pie I’ll give you these gifts too. I think they’re too green for my skin but they’ll fetch you a nice price on the market.” 

Freya’s Pearls: No magical properties, but when sold to the shop you’ll receive 350 sb.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is... pretty thankful he doesn't feel like shit anymore! Better than normal, actually. Still traumatized he does not feel up for more cookies.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi blinks and looks down at the pearls. "...Yoo, nice! Hey, if you need anything else, we're here for the night." He brushes his bangs back and winks. Unclear if they're flirting with this woman or not.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

So it was the witch? Huh.  But now Hugo's hyped because he's getting a box of pastries, plus it looks like they don't gotta clean. Awesome

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"I can't eat, does it count" Jess is still trying to understand what the fuck this whole thing was about.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo will gladly take your box if you don't want it, Jess

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera feels a little accomplished, even if the fight was a kind of a struggle and they pretty much trashed the place. They even got rewarded with treats! They look so good... But she will save them for later. She doesn't think she can stomach anything sweet for now.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare considers his box of pastries. On one hand, they're delicious, on the other. teeth. "...Who is this witch anyways? Where'd you get those matches?" 

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

They are offered coffee and a pastry for the moment, as well as their pick of a box of anything from her sweet cases. There's tons of variety it's almost hard to choose. She is sort of fond of the team but will write a firm letter to SC management.

Sushi and Hugo recieved a small gingerbread cookie in an individual package (NOT haunted)

Gingerbread Cookie: A special recipe cooked to perfection, eating this heals 1d8 of HP. 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare will ask if anyone knows mending when they get back to the hotel. Boot and pants are fucked.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera knows mending! You also get to listen to her singing while she does it too!

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo's so happy right now. He got himself a box of donuts and a non-lethal cookie. This is great.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi will actually offer to help clean up now that they've been won over with pearls and free cookie. He's feeling nice.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Joins. Puts power word heal to work