5 months, 30 days ago

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Hattie-Lynn's first Christmas in Bonheur felt surreal as it did festive. Something about being on the southern coast this time of year felt silly, at least to the Mochizuki family. The Scott's felt other wise, especially young Annabelle. Sympathetic and excited for her best-friend to experience a Bonheur Christmas, the two vowed to spend Christmas Eve and day together since November 1st. After sledding half the day and baking tough sugar-cookies in the other, the two girls began to wind down for the night.

Mrs. Scotts peered around the kitchen wall wearing a robe and a tired yet kindly expression. "You girls should get to bed soon, y'know Santa doesn't visit houses with their lights on, and with children still awake."

Both girls looked up in innocent shock. "She's right!" Annie called. She turned to Hattie with a fearful expression. "I thought Santa would come either way.." Annie grimaced. "Maybe..But I'm not risking it. And I don't want you too either." Hattie smiled widly with anticipation. She was beginning to get extremely excited, after all, Santa was on his way as they spoke. Annie grabbed Hattie's paw and rushed over cold creeky floorboards to Annie's dim and cozy room. Already ready for bed, Hattie and Annie piled into her twin bed wrapped with a homely quilted cover and a mound of thin seasonal knot blankets.

As Annie began to turn off the lamp, Hattie unexpected sat up. "Wait! No! Stop it!" She sloppily climbed over Annie and raced out the door, leaving her dumbfounded in Hattie's abrupt exit. Annie waited with her hand over her lamp for about two minutes before Hattie came clamoring through the loud hallways once more, this time, with a glass of milk and the cookies they had baked earlier.

Hattie paused in the doorway out of breath. "How.. could you forget.. his cookies!!" She spat. The two shared a long silence with an even longer confused gaze.

Annie burst out laughing, and Hattie did too.

"Set 'em here." She giggled patting her nightstand. Hattie walked over and placed the plate down with the glass and quickly repeated the process they has once gone through.

Even after Annie turned out the lights, and the smell of Toll-house cookies filled the air, the girls delirious excitement did not waver for a moment. After talking about what they thought they would get, and sharing stories of their past Christmas experiences, the two steadily drifted off to sleep.

That morning, the two woke up at 6:30. The sky was dark, the cookies and milk were gone, and the door was left open. While it wasn't snow, frost covered the small lawn. And while it was a silent night, both girls swore they heard reindeer on the roof.