
4 months, 29 days ago

Part of a trade ^w^ Luke and Jeremy wind down after a long day of work.

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The orders had come in early in the morning. A large list of monsters and beasts that had started to cause trouble outside the city. A larger list of places to explore and check over due to their nature. Things any guards could do but two seemed to thrive in. It meant there was no shock that the brighter of the two had taken hold of the list with a brilliant grin and bow. Both had taken off quickly into the woods to start.

It did mean that the day was long for the two of them. Sure many of the goals that had been tasked were considered smaller. Easy enough beasts for either one of them to dispatch on their own; some a touch larger but still no worry for the two when working together. Not all had been though, diving into the heart of the woods to find the hoards of beasts that lurked within. Violent ones that meant that Jeremy had to use his magic more and more, to make himself blades. That meant little on the biggest beasts they ended up finding. Ones not always on the list, but dangerous ones that weren’t an easy task even for experienced guards. With fangs like swords, legs thick like tree trunks. With fur and scale; with the fire of hatred in their belly. Neither man backed down though in those moments. They trusted each other fully and wholly and were happy to do the job while they were out and able.

By the end of the day, the decision to run through one last mission had been easy. They knew full well that they could handle a small beast; even one that would be a touch tougher wasn’t much of a struggle! Both were also aware that if they stopped now the energy in their veins would do nothing more than leave both restless. Checking over everything the two settled soon enough on one of the more middle road beasts. One that wouldn’t take long for them to beat, especially not together. Setting off with a quick glance and nod to one another. This fight might be just what they needed at the end of the day.

. . .

With the final beast slain behind them the two took a moment to catch their breath. Turning and stumbling a moment later in sync as they started the trip back towards the camp. While neither could admit to regretting the decision to take on that task, both were aware that had been more than they meant. Longer than expected with some fairly nasty monsters to fight so near their goal, even if they managed to get them all done. It did nothing to dampen the enjoyment they felt from the job well done; it did even less to halt the amusement between the two. Playful words and jabs flowed between them freely. Light-hearted teasing about who got more kills, small jabs towards almost amateur mistakes both made during the job. Or in some cases some more…wild moves that people made.

“I can’t believe you–” Jeremy’s words were cut off instantly; Luke was always in tune with his friend after all and knowing what was coming brought laughter almost instantly. Jeremy shook his head at Luke’s instant amusement but couldn’t help but smile at the reaction. He was glad they were alone so he could let himself laugh some as well, at how quickly Luke fell to cackling. He trusted Luke deeply; it made it easy to relax around him. Besides ! How was he meant to judge Luke for anything that happened when he was just as guilty for that adventure?

“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Luke managed to get out between his laughter, “it all worked out in the end, didn’t it? You can’t blame me! I was doing the best with what I had,” he waved a hand lightly. Brushing off the (fake) offense as easily as he brushed aside any of the little quests they could do. Like it was never a worry. Jeremy gave a quiet snort at Luke’s comment. Shaking his head and giving a light thump to his partner - making sure to hit his armored shoulders so he didn’t make him worry over another bruise.

“It worked out but no thanks to THAT! I can’t believe you threw me!” Jeremy teased, Luke laughing again, hiding his face. Letting his shoulders shake from how hard he was laughing. A full bodied laugh that made Jeremy roll his eyes and shake his head. Keeping his pace steady and even, before breaking into a sprint towards camp; intentionally ignoring the shout behind him. He knew rest was important and they’d happily do so soon but a moment of fun was always nice. Besides, he was the one who tended to start the fire ! It made sense.

Arriving to camp - a place that was set up fairly quickly but with the practiced ease of two people who had done this fairly often - he moved to start gathering the wood and prep the fire. They had plenty to do tomorrow but it didn’t mean they didn’t deserve a chance to unwind before they got some sleep.

The pounding of Luke’s feet came only moments before his wild laughter. The noise only faded once he got close enough to the camp that he was able to start undoing some of his armor. He had no plans to completely remove it until closer to sleep but it was just how both worked. Moving to flop down beside Jeremy, he shot his friend a grin. One full of playful teasing, that said more than any words could. One that made Jeremy give an unimpressed stare. A silent moment of challenge between the two that was only broken by Luke giving finger guns towards the man.

“Aw, c’mooon Jeremy. You can’t keep that sourpuss face forever! Even you gotta admit that was hilarious! Their faces were just! They-” Luke tried to defend himself but had to stop to laugh again, doubling over and trying to calm his giggling. Jeremy just relaxed, turning his gaze back to the fire and trying to ignore Luke. Just enough to let Luke be able to speak. A few moments after Luke managed to calm himself, and get out between his fits of giggles “Who coulda expected it? Who ever would’ve!? A flying sword becoming a flying man!? It was so worth it for how easy it was to clear the area!”

“It was funny to see,” Jeremy admitted after a few moments; waiting just long enough for Luke’s smile to falter. Just long enough to make Luke’s reaction that much sweeter. He could easily recognize exactly how funny the whole situation was. It hadn’t been a real threat, just a hoard of smaller beasts. But the reaction to him being sent flying and having to turn back so he could weaponize himself against him had been something of legends. The expressions had somehow managed to be even more real in a way that he wasn’t entirely sure he could expect. He was even pretty sure one had whispered a prayer. Outside of the personification of sunshine that was Luke, he wasn’t sure he’d even ever gotten to see something so silly.

“That’s what I mean!! I’m right! It was funny and nothing went wrong! It was great!” Luke’s arms waved as he started to speak; he leaned back at the same moment from remembering the last time. Accident or not the slap to Jeremy’s face had been something he’d apologized for for weeks on end despite Jeremy insisting it was fine. So hey he’d play it safe and NOT! Making Jeremy snort another laugh at his antics made Luke soften some. He always loved getting to hear Jeremy relax. It was one of the best feelings ever and he was happy to be able to be the one that lets Jeremy relax.

The night was young after all. The two would be able to spend their time in good company; they’d get to enjoy their relaxation together. Teasing and prodding with light words and playful jokes. Laughing and playing with one another while they waited for food to cook. Getting to talk to one another over the meal - discussing what battles they had managed to finish. What enjoyable fights there had been, what they were doing tomorrow. Cleaning up quickly to keep animals away. Getting to just lay together and watch the stars for a bit. Having soft gentle conversation between one another that came as naturally as breathing. When they finally went to rest both were calm and at ease letting sleep come quickly. Ready for the adventures ahead.