Clubbin' Funnin'

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👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror stands down in the lobby of your hotel, joojing her hair and waiting on the group of people who wanted to tag along for clubbing times. She adjusts her top given it could cripple under the weight easily. 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare's come down in nearly exactly the same fit as always with the added detail of a black "DISCO DANCING DEMON" tee under the cloak. Don't judge him the cloak's his lil' safety blanket.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty arrives downstairs, hands in pockets, and waves at Mirror as she walks over. Matching nail polish buddies.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟 

Syd wasn’t far off as he tagged with Jamie and Caitlyn, tugging a bit at the leather that sat around his neck. Bleh, chokers. “Looking nice Mirror.” 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash bounces down the stairs, wearing a sleeveless top that shows their mid-drift (and a itty bit of chest) and cargo pants and boots! Ready!!!

Iseul decided to tag along! He's just in a nice blouse and dress pants-

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Thanks, I have no idea what you look like right now so I'll assume politely." she grins. 

Natsumi comes down to the lobby, hands in pockets waiting for people they like talking to to show up.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani walks on downstairs, bouncing with excitement and easily strutting despite her very tall heels. Glittery gold jewelry compliment her all black outfit and dark themed makeup. In tow, she's dragging a possibly grumbly Judas by the hand behind her. Needless to say, this was her idea.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

“Great tits, strapped in leather, insert whatever other traits strike your specific fancy. Oh- and fantastic hair. Forgot to mention that one.”

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi wanders over and snickers when they see Mirror. "Wow, if you move wrong we get to see the titties for free. Nice."

Esme quietly joins the group and just stands somewhere to the side. They keep trying to adjust glasses that aren't there, curse these contacts.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex shows up mega excited, dressed to the pastel nines with Jack in tow. He's basically bouncing all the way to the meet up with a big doofy grin.

Jamie felt equally nervous and excited for this, but he wanted to hang out with the SC peeps after it'd been so long. He cant help but mess with the sunglasses and hat he'd been given as a 'disguise' as he followed Syd and Cat.

Fox | Judas 

Judas is in fact very grumbly but caved eventually throwing on a tight mesh shirt and an another low cut one with simple black pants and boots. This is fine sigh

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Just wait til I'm drunk" she smirks. "Is everyone around are we good to get moving?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia walked right up to Ash and finally let go of Judas to give them a hug! "You look sooo good!" She compliments with a giggle.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty walks over to hip bump Ash and wave at Mialani. "Hey! Yeah, I think we're good, Mirror."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Auran comes in dragging Jiemba by an arm, makeup and hair done by Natsumi and with a big grin on his face. Ah, it'd been too long. Excitement. He waved at Wisty and Natsumi when he saw them!

Jess shows up in very short shorts, pulling Leslie along, who definitely looks out of their element. She loudly proclaimed "NICE TITS" at Mirror upon seeing her.

Leslie would like to not be involved in Jess' loud bullshit.

Fox | Judas

Judas just stands next to Mia and turns to give Ash a little head nod. He hasn’t seen them in a bit kinda glad to see they’re going well

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty waves back at Auran!!!

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

You're getting a hug too Wisty excuse you-

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash grins and hugs back tightly, before extending that to bring Wisty into the hug as they bump back. "Thank you Mia!!! And Yup, ready to go Mirror!"

They smile and wave to Judas!!! They gotta catch up later!!! 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror poses "I know! Alright lets get going. I have the directions on my phone here, but I obviously cannot lead." She holds her phone out.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

Jack’s pumped up and ready to hit the club! Dressed like a punk rock king tagging along with Alex “woah- nice turnout.”

 Cat wraps an arm around Jamie’s, gently dragging to catch up with their boyfriend. “It’ll be alright, let’s go have some fun!”

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Kseniya was waiting downstairs already, adjusting her top a bit before watching the others making their way down. She heard her roommate immediately.

Jiemba was coming along of his own free will, attempt to adjust something while being dragged along! He waves at the others as well! "Looking foward to a good time! Hell yes!!"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi goes over to Jiemba and Auran and waves. They're following you guys.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

Syd jumped back, smushing Jamie and Caitlyn in his arms. “Club time! Hell yeah. Faster we’re there the sooner Jamie can get dipped under some low lighting for cover.” Follows along. Probably.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is giving Jess and Leslie a wave and a quick jog over to 'em. "Hi! Do you guys mind me ganging up with you two? I don't really have anybody else to buddy up with. You two look good, by the way."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Dibs not it, directions suck" Sushi is just following the crowd, hasn't even taken stock of which of their friends are here. 

Esme has also quietly brought up the location on their phone to make double sure the group doesn't get lost.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex sparkling "I know!! Its always more fun when we get to go do stuff as a group like this and not have to worry about- ya know- work stuff!" He then searches around a lil to give Ash a wave as always 

Jamies laughs "Oh what? No faith in your 'ultimate no way this could ever fail premo ultimate disguise'?" Grins directly at both of them

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty snorts and goes over to Mirror, taking her phone after checking if thats fine. "Here, I got it, let's go."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash waves cheerfully to Alex!!! Lets have some fun!!!

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia happily follows along, once again grabbing Judas' hand so he can't escape.

Fox | Judas

And Judas is being dragged again. Damn. Half hearted grumbles

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Jiemba offers Natsumi a free arm to walk a long with them, because he has not forgotten that one time they got lost in a city. STAY TOGETHER.

Kseniya follows along with crowd, content just to be around others but not particularly initiating any conversation.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Thanks doll." After crossing some streets and rounding some blocks, it doesn't take too long to reach your destination. With it being Monday, there's hardly any wait to get inside. Inside is as you expect: lots of lights, loud beat-induced music, and a bar in full operation. Mirror's butterflies appear for a second and then she whistles. "Time to have fun! I'm grabbing a drink first. Remember kiddos, watch your drinks and the drinks of your naive little friends!" and she's off to the bar.

Natsumi 'ohhhh's at the site of the club, looking around and already starting to wander.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

Jack also waves to Ash!

Cat’s smirking “It was short notice but I think we managed something- better safe than sorry though.” She grabs both their hands, following the group.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Heeeyyy, lookin' good! Ready for this?" Auran's giving Natsumi a quick hug with his free arm before letting them go and following along with Wisty's lead.

"Oh hey, 'sup." Jess gives Spare a very chill fingergun, before looking to the other side and... seeing Kseniya. And simply stares wide-eyed. Oh. Ah. Rest in piss Jess

Meanwhile Leslie is trying so hard to free themselves from Jess' grip. Save them.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash is also also waving to Jack!!! Hi bud!!! Take good care of their brother!!! : D

But soon they arrive!!!"Yup yup- What Mirror said! Remember club safety guys! Don't take drinks from strangers, watch your own drinks, etc etc!"--- Iseul is also going to have a drink first-

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia is just beaming with excitement at this point! The happy vibes coming from her are infectious, and she quickly looks around."Drinks sound like a great idea!" She said, finally letting go of Judas and making her way to the bar.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty calls "Yeah don't leave your drinks alone, especially not without someone you trust to watch 'em, and if you're ever not sure just dump 'em to be safe and get a new one, ok? Have funnn~" and shes off to the bar too goodbye.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟 

“Shots!” Syd did a little woo as they entered the club. This was the first time in awhile he’s had both partners okay! “And because we’re with a group I won’t go by shot with you, okay?” Snickers at Jamie, leading the three to the bar for drinks. As they pass Sushi syd gently nudged them with his foot. “Free shot on me too, you deserve it. Looking hot by the way.”

Fox | Judas

Judas follows after Mia and sits at the bar- he orders a coffee though no alcohol for him- he’ll gladly keep watch of drinks though!

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi whistles appreciatively as they enter the club. They blink when Syd nudges them but grin back "Oh shit, count me in!" They are just. Following along to the bar now. Sorry foxbop you've gained a fish.

Esme has a quiet amount of concern at how many people here are spouting drink awareness so quickly after entering and elect to simply not drink anything right now. This is fine. They are just standing there.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

As they enter, Alex is basically dragging Jack in even if he has no intention to just from sheer excitement. "Its so cool! Where first?? Are you thristy-? Should we group up-?? I kinda wanna go dance though.." Hes rambling

"Pff, you say that now, but you're always the one who starts it." Jamie retorts to Syd as they head in and follows ideally to the bar; looking around at all the people there. "At least its thin in here."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash takes a few seconds, before deciding to start with a drink and then hit the dancefloor!

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Jiemba is also ooing and ahhing, but also puts out a hand to grab a wandering Natsumi, "Mate, keep your wits about you, alright?? I'm gonna head to the bar first." He peers at them both, "Either of you want a drink?"

Kseniya is not even AWARE she was being oogled at, especially upon entering the club. She almost bumps into Esme, glancing down at them. "Are you ok? You are just standing here."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia plops on a seat at the bar and is quick to order a mixed drink; likely a Blue Lagoon to start the night off right."This place is sooo nice-" she turns to Mirror at the bar and decides hey might as well socialize with those she normally doesn't."Have you been here before or just found it by luck?"

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack looks over to Alex as they walk in “Yeah probably best to stick to a group, let’s see who wants to dance!”

“Just a warm up before we hit the floor, we can always come back.” Waves to Sushi as they all head over for drinks

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is followin' the two of 'em with. slight concern to Leslie's predicament. "...leslie are you okay like that" whiper whispers in a loud enough way to be heard over the music 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi blinks at Jiemba then lights up. "Ohh I wanna try the drinks. Maybe they won't taste as bad this time."

Mirror hums, having already ordered her drink. "Just found it. Shit was getting boring in the hotel."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Esme jumps and rapidly steps to the side "Ah-- sorry, I didn't mean to block the way! I'm just, uh, kind of waiting to see where people end up,"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty plops down in a seat by Mirror and Mia, partly so she can help keep an eye on Mirror's drink for her with the whole . blind thing. "Yeah, gotta have some fun before we get busier on the job, right?"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

Syd had already flagged down a bartender and had 4 shots set out on the bar for his little gaggle. Holds it up to the group. “To a good night! Eat ass, I mean kick ass- chew gum. Ahh what’s the point in trying, everyone here is hot and ready to get down. cheers mate!” Knocks it back at the end of his amazing motivational speech.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

"That's fair- I mean I already went out before our mission." Mia laughed lightly, sipping at her drink and naturally covering the top whenever she put it down. "But after the fun of the mission yesterday, yeah dancing it off is gonna feel great~"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Oh ABSOLUTELY, can you bring me something nice, love?" Auran gives Jiemba a giggly grin, and then... a weird look at Natsumi. "... Are you sure that's a good idea--"

"-- Yeah I'm-- fine--" Leslie finally frees themself from Jess' grasp, and kind of just... stands there not knowing where to head to.

"Well I'm gonna go dance--" And Jess is outtie to the dancefloor.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

Caitlyn tries not the spill her glass as she laughs “..yeah, yeah— to a good time!!”

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"Don't eat ass in here, they kick you out for that." Sushi nods helpfully before downing his shot too. Tries not to grimace afterwards, he's still not a big alcohol person.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"ohohoho what happened? Spill the deets" Mirror grins, sipping her drink once it gets to her.

Natsumi looks at Auran and shrugs "I should be okay. I just fell asleep at the spin the bottle party.."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

"Yeah!!" Alex looks around and spots his target, leading Jack over by the arm to basically jump at Ash. "DANCE TIME!"

Jamie takes his drink and joins the toast, trying not to laugh and boost Syds ego but it was kinda funny. "Eh, theres not enough people to call you out though. Still don't though, Syd." He takes his back too

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"... Ok but this isnt a dorm party, this could get dangerous if you black out..." Auran is Concerned™️

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty laughs. "Yeah, I dunno how much dancing I'll be able to get in, and I don't wanna drink too much till later cause of the-" and does a little spinny gesture around her head, "-but I'm good with just vibin, honestly." She orders a drink anyway. Light drink. "Oh, yeah - I read the mission report and it sounded kindaaa. Ehhhhhh. What happened?"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

Jiemba laughs, "Will do will do!" He give Auran a smooch on the cheek, "And Natsumi will be alright! They wont over do it." He gives them a glance before heading to the bar.

"It appears most are heading to bar while some are going to dance. I am going to dance floor but if you need place to sit, I can assist you."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

'I'll go slow!" Natsumi grins and looks around "It's loud in here, I should be okay." and notices Leslie and Spare and waves at them.

"I'll dance if someone asks me too, which shouldn't take long" she adjusts her top again.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"Wh.. why would I need to be assisted?" Esme looks up at Kseniya in mild confusion.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash was leaning over to maybe catch the tea before- Oop!! Hi Alex! Ash maybe sends a text to Wisty to spill the tea to them later ( @✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 ) before turning to Alex and Jack!! "Dance time!!! How's Brazil going for you guys so far!!" As they chug their drink and loop arms with Alex's free one to drag their group to dance

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

"Well we did find what we needed but there was allegedly 'unrelated injuries' to say the least." Mia sighed. "Who wouldve thought a building would have emergency exits over each other with like, almost no railing between them. A whole body flopping onto an old man- by accident mind you- could've ended real bad. Thankfully, we have healers." Mia is sipping her drink like it's tea. Then she laughs lightly at the interaction."Yknow fair, I'll dance with you if for whatever reason no one else does."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty snorts. "Yeah, get it, babe."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟 

“Not if they don’t catch you.” Winks at Sushi. He takes the time to order a cocktail too, maybe even something for Jamie and Caitlyn to hold. “Get what you want too, I’ll be your club dad or something.” Perks up. “Oh shit- god I’m stupid. Hey remember how we talked about our third? This is Jamie.” Pats Jamie on the hip like a car salesman. “And this is Sushi. We’ve been hanging out a shit ton since we got here.” 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare watches Jess wander off to dance while. just. kinda vibing with Leslie next to him. He was planning on just vibing with whoever he ends up with and- oh shit hi natsumi! waves back. "...Uh, do you not wanna be here or do you want to try finding another group?" he asks leslie

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Sure, I can watch you guys' drinks for ya if you want to head over to the dancefloor later, ok?" She gets her drink and takes a slow sip. "Eesh. Yeah, that sounds about on par for how things go sometimes. What was someone doing going through the door that fast???" 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia laughs before talking."Running away from a fire alarm- totally tripped it when the door opened." She tipped her drink up as if to say 'cheers to that.'

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Amazing, someone fell or something?" Mirror sips her drink again. "Wooooooow. Let me guess..... Syd or Sushi"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Yayyy SC out here making moves-" she raises her glass as well.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Jamie was just trying to drink his drink when he got ass tapped hi Syd. "Oh, right- You told me you picked up someone hot." He smiles "Nice to meet you~"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Mmmm alright but if you need to stop do tell, yeah?" Auran gives Natsumi a concerned smile, and then looks at where they're waving-- oh. 

Leslie looks. Incredibly awkward just standing there. "... I, huh... I dunno. Maybe we can see if we can find other people--" They look up and see Natsumi waving, waving back with a little smile. A little 'get me out of here' smile. 

Jess is dancing her heart out.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

"Neither, actually- well kinda. I don't know how since Esme and me busted in after it happened but, Frank was the one who fell from the railing. Poor guy got the wind knocked out of him." Mia sighed but had a half hearted smile. "But that's what happens in Team Chaos amirite?" She laughed and takes a drink to that.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"Ohhh..." Sushi looks up at Jamie and wrestles their brain against his totally foolproof disguise for a moment. "Ooooooh, oohhhhh! You're the one that did that music right? Mission briefing? That's cool. How come all three of you have good tastes."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty laughs and takes another sip. "Oh nooo, poor guy doesn't even have any meat on his bones to cushion the fall - least it turned out okay, right? And you got some good info."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi smiles at Auran. "I'll be okay- this is supposed to be fun and crazy, ne?" then motions at the other two if they want to come over.

"Ohh the fish dude. Yeah he's my roommate for this trip" she groans "he's so timid, which is nice, cause he doesn't talk or make noise. It's good when they're scared."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is. softly tugging at Leslie's sleeve in Natsumi's direction. Somebody's gotta save them from being awkward in the middle of the club. "Uh, Natsumi's over there, so... either that or take the dance floor with Jess or leave." attempts an encouraging smile :)

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

Jiemba moves to the bar and gets three drinks...then stares down at them. Squinting he moves to find Mirror and Wisty, "Heeeyyy Ladies, quick question...ya mind checkin' these drinks for me? With your magic fingers?" Jiemba is very skilled, he is keeping eye contact with Mirror when addressing her HAH. 

"Finding nice place to sit. People in clubs can be rude. It is good to have someone with you, yes?"

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack lets himself get dragged along, brightening up at gathering more people “Pretty great! Not much work yet but I’ll take party time over that any day!! Time to hit the floor!”

Caitlyn happily takes a fruity cocktail from the bar while Syd’s busy with introductions, adding in a joking tone  “Our wonderful mysterious partner, gracing us with a night out! Shhh gotta keep that part quiet Sushi—“

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Oh, sure, here, if you're fine with me sticking a finger in there-" Wisty dips one nail in each of Jiemba's drinks.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia laughed lightly at the two's comment."Aww come on, at least he's sweet." She tried, then paused when Jiemba came by with drinks for testing. She smiled and pointed to him."gasp black and gold! Twinning!" 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Yeah looks like you're all good, enjoy~"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"Um.. I'll be alright, but thank you-- enjoy your dancing!" Esme bows a little and makes their own way towards the bar speedily.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Auran grimaces for like half a second but then puts on a smile again. Ah, hell. Might as well just enjoy the night. And ignore anything else.

"Ah-- yeah" Leslie finally moves when Natsumi waves them over, walking over to them and Auran with their hands in their pockets. "Heeyyy... you look, huh... really nice tonight!" Ah. The little dumb grin is back on their face.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

“It’s a secret. He’s sexy and mysterious.” Syd is sipping his other drink now. Someone stop him. “I know- hot people tend to be drawn together. I got extra lucky with my snags from box though. Hey- you should come over to our hotel sometime to hang out. We’re staying with Jamie.”  Looks at Jamie. “If that’s okay.”

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi smiles "You look good too! I didn't think you'd want to do this though. Did Jess come??"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

Jiemba would point back at at Mia if he COULD but he has three drinks! "Hell YESS! Sign for you to tear it up with me on the dance floor later yeah???" He nods thankfully at Wisty, "Thank you, finger drink tester, i am in your debt" With a dramatic bow, he's off to deliver the drinks!

Kseniya nods, watching Esme leave before making her way to the dance floor. She looks about to see if she recognizes anyone and see's her roommate. She makes her way over, "Would it be too intimidating if I dance here?"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare picks up on Leslie's new tone and considers mission accomplished. looks at Auran. awkward smile and wave to them. Says "hi" to Natsumi! "Nice to... meet you? in a context that's not work or participating in a group activity."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Hah." Hes not amused by either of them. "Yes, Im the mysterious illusive third wheel two these two chaotic gremlins. And thanks, I'm glad you liked it." He turns to Syd "I don't mind. Just no orgy while the kids around, but thats a duh."

"Brazils been fun!! I wasn't assigned to our mission but I heard- things- I think one of them got really winded so kinda hope he's okay..."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Hah, thanks... yeah, she dragged me here." There's a slight hint of red showing up on Leslie's cheeks, but it could easily pass as it just being too hot in this place. "Mm-- Oh, wait you guys don't know each other yet??" 

Auran gives Spare an awkward wave and a "hi" as well. 

Jess turns from her dance only to be faced with her roommate, standing there in all of her muscular siren glory. "Oh jeez-- nnnnaaahhhhh fam, feel free--" Eyes just. trail down. back up. "... Didn't think you were the type to go clubbing--"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi stares at Spare and tilts their head. "What's your name??" then shakes their head at Leslie. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"Hey we love a good party at any day of the week!" Ash laughs to Jack, before looking to Alex inquisitively. "Ohhh? What kind of things?"

Iseul is looking out for something fun and not quite finding it yet-

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

Cat pouts a lil bit, lingering on that ‘third wheel’ comment. Takes a sip of her drink and decides to move on for now. “How about we hit the floor soon yeah? Or do you wanna hang back..” looking directly at  Jamie

“Oh shit, hope the dudes ok!”

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"Secret dating?" Sushi did not follow this conversation too well. He's trying. "But hey, I'd hang out wherever! You guys are fun all the time." As they talk his eyes scan the crowd and he pauses. "Hang on, save my spot, I want to go bother other friends." Aaaand he's taking off. Ya'll get freedom for a moment.

Esme is honest to god just standing near the bar silently hoping that if they wait long enough the bartender will psychically sense their desire for a drink.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Ah-- this is Spare-- he's a techie like me." Leslie gestures to him, and then to Natsumi. "Spare, this is Natsumi, they're my friend-- and that's Auran-- hi Auran--"

Auran waves with a "hey"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"...ohh! You're not in a cape." Natsumi points out. Then wonders where Jiemba is with the drinks and starts looking around trying to see over people.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

Jiemba awaits for Auran and Natsumi to take their hecking drinks, but sees they have some guests! Leslie and Spare! He'd wave at them, but he's still holding drinks!   

Kseniya nods, beginning to dance as well, "You make many assumptions about me, to this I am not surprised." Her hips do not like, Shakira Shakira.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia grins."Oh you bet!" She laughs lightly and finishes her first drink, ordering another one right away.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

“I would never have an orgy around her! Gosh. Who do you think I am? A monster?” Syd is leaning back and happily sipping. “Oh. Off they go. Farewell. So- we dancing? We’ve never had to deal with the three of us on the floor at once yet.”

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi then jumps seeing Jiemba behind them. "UWAH- ah Jiemba- I did not hear you- ooh!" stares at the drinks "Which one is mine?"

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"I think he's fine!" frets a lil "Oh, I mostly just heard that it uh.. didn't go exactly to plan- Could've been smoother, but we always kinda struggle with subtle missions..." Sighs 

"Hm?" He looks confused at Cat "I'll join if Im allowed. But if two are just wanting to go wild i can wait behind." Takes another sippy

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Thank you Leslie for the introduction he's currently thinking about his own name too hard to answer quicker. waves at natsumi and auran again. "...Me and Auran know each other already, kind of." and to natsumi "Nope! Close to a cape, but a cloak! Uh... where are your ghost- Jiemba!" hi jiemba! holds up arm high

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Ahhh-" Ash carefully and gently bumps against Alex. "Subtle missions can be hard!! It's easy to go crazy go off the walls but subtlety takes a lot of effort, right, Jack?"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi makes their way across the club to wherever the other large group is, sneaking up to clap Leslie on the shoulder. "Hey nerds! What's happening here?"

After an agonising wait Esme has obtained a drink and is retiring to a corner, content to just people watch for now.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack snorts “yeaaah my team is kinda like that too… dunno how subtle a green tiger is though

“Course you’re allowed rockstar~ C’mon I wanna dance with my boys!” Downs the rest of her drink and starts dragging them both to the dance floor

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Esme's drink has a slightly clouded appearance and after sipping they are feeling sort of tired.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty waves as Jiemba heads off with the drinks, then orders another for herself. She doesn't drink it just yet cause man. She's not out here trying to fall asleep like 15 minutes in, that's lame. "How's you guys' drinks? Any good?"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

“Noooo let us drop you in our arms. You’re basically on vacation here anyways, let us treat you” Bumps into Jamie’s side a little. Nudge nudge. Have fun wolf man. “Her boys! That’s us.” Hops along after them.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

"Amazing~" Mia cooed, finally getting her second drink and sipping. She got the same one so she wouldn't mix darks and lights.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Oh-- thanks, love" Auran's taking his glass and sipping. "Mhmm, we know each other." He wishes they didn't. "... Thanks for the gift, by the way."

"Ah-- Oh hey, hi Jiemba!" Leslie waves! And then sees the drinks. Oh. Oh no. They're staring so hard at Natsumi, before getting startled out of their mind by Sushi. "SON OF A-- oh. Hey Soosh, how's it going--" Looks down at their outfit. And back up. "... You look pretty cool tonight too! We're just talking--"

"Eh..." Jess looks away and continues dancing. "... Maybe I do. Look. That's just how I am-

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi blinks at Spare, taking one of the drinks and sipping it. "I left them at the hotel. I don't wanna deal with them in a new place." they sigh then look over at Sushi and wave. "Hi sushi! I like your dress" 

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

As syd was stepping out he spotted another friend. “Hey! Esme!! Come join us have fun!” he’s waving a bit. Summoning the mushroom cmere. “Don’t make me come over—“ laughing

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

"Its very loud, no worries mate...uhhhh, Your's is the green one and Auran's ins the blue one--" They are very colorful, fruity drinks. Jiemba's drink is a nice sunset gradient. "Hey there spare!!" He Waves, hands finally free! "And G'day Leslie! OH! And--Suuushiii???" He thinks that the other persons name--pretty sure-- Did Leslie just check them out? Hmm!

"It is not 'maybe', it is definitely. Regardless, I do enjoy to have good time, especially when big business will be beginning soon. We take fun where we can find it, yes?

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

"Oh really?" Alex looks amazed, as if that wasn't their last mission he was talking about and imagining some majestic epic beast instead.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop." He realized after Syd told him off that he was kinda holding back out of nerves. "Lets go~ Im about to dance you both under the table."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

spare gives nats a nod. fair enough! spare is starting to feel overwhelmed with the amount of people he's known this much all just. hanging out together in a loud club wow. waves at sushi! "Hi! I'm Spare, just in case you don't know since we haven't really met in an offical... capacity other than that one time at speed dating... hi!"

"Oh, uh... you're welcome, Auran." he's trying to smile but. yeah. history."Hi Jiemba! We're getting filled up here."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Caitlyn is feeling a lil tired and wobbly. Hm.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"Thaaank you." Sushi adjusts their dress straps. "I saw lots of people here, wanted to know what was happening. Nice shirt Leslie."

Esme must need to update the prescription on their contacts because they evidently did not register their cloudy drink. They blink at Syd and wave him off tiredly "Ah-- no, it's alright, I'm not a dancer-"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"Ours are pretty decent but decent can also go sideways when one of them pulls out a flame sword - no offense to my bud but that does turn subtlety upside-down.""Oh my god i heard about that- a giant green tiger-" Ash snickers. "It would almost be 10 times cooler if maybe no one had to fight that tiger-"

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

Cat’s laughing at the two of them, dancing her way out onto the floor “Yeah ok babe, sure.. you…” stumbles a little as her head feels fuzzier and limbs heavier than before

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟 

“Nope! C’mon-“ he trots over, grabbing Esme lovingly by the wrist and into the little circle with him and his partners. “We gotta watch your back anyways. Standing alone in the sad corner when it’s all creepy crawlies- no good.” He loops an arm around Jamie’s waist again as they stood on the floor. “This isn’t the best club I’ve been in. Kind of grimey-“ watches Caitlyn stumble. “-Hey hey! don’t trip.” He’s laughing. Wow the drinks hit hard huh-

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Jamie notices the stumble too and jumps to catch her if needed, then snickers "You okay..? If you're getting warm already, maybe take it easy. We can just chat instead."

"A flaming sword?!" He doesnt remember having ever seen that. "Man... I havent been on many field missions cause they've got me focusing my big contraption thing..."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi sips down like. Half their drink and stares out at the dance floor. "Mm I wanna dance..."

Mirror orders her second drink, sighing. "Are there any hot people around that aren't coworkers? I'll take a coworker if I have to but I don't need clingy afterwards."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Auran is Sippin™️

Leslie's got a big grin now! "Hah! Thanks."

"Mmmmm..." Jess nods. "Yeah. Mmm..." She eyes Kseniya dancing for a bit, trying to inch a lil closer. "... Hey. Wanna dance together--"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Oh, sure, there's uhhhh-" Wisty squints around. "-There's a few (perception 25), I can point you towards one if you wanna use the butterflies. You got a preference on guys or girls today?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Lemme finish my drink first but I have no preference." starts sipping her second drink faster.

Natsumi looks at the group. "Do you guys wanna dance?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia raises a brow and glances around with Wisty while finishing her second drink."A dance is a dance, should be fiiine~"

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“Shshhh I’m finee. You can takeit easy..” she latches onto Jamie for a minute but keeps dancing wobbly while giggling at the slightest thing “I could drink you assholes under the table no problem—

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Esme shakes off being dragged and heads towards the bathroom instead, feeling way out of it faster that they anticipated.---"Ooh, I love to dance! I think my other friends went to dance, we could all go?"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is perking up at the idea of acting like an idiot on the dancefloor. "What, like as a group?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"If I'm lucky it won't just be a dance tonight" she smirks, turning around on her stool. "Which way do I point the girls?"

Natsumi nods "Isn't that what all those people are doing? It would be fun, probably."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Auran raises his eyebrows in a 'hell yeah' way, and then turns to Jiemba with a grin. "... We hit the dancefloor?"

"Oh-- I'm a terrible dancer, but if I get a drink in my system first I'm down--" Leslie glances over to the bar.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi offers the remainder of their drink to Leslie. "Here"

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Jack perks up “hey I had fun wrestling the big guy— ohhh, got a cool secret assignment you’re workin on?”

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Wanna have like a signal or something so I can find an excuse to call you back over if they turn out to be creep?" Wisty is still scoping out the Hot People, but only getting a sort-of read on their overall character (Investigation 11). "How abouuut -" she takes Mirror's hand and points her in the direction of a hot guy, figuring that might be more likely to actually reciprocate the Advances.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare gets up and is worried he's acting too into this idea and... sits back down. "Uh... yeah! I'll do it, but... getting a drink first does sound good. Anybody want me to bring anything?"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Oh-- thanks--" Leslie takes Natsumi's drink. Blinks at it. Downs it. "Oh that tastes nice--" 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia giggles at Mirror's comment."Totally fair~" she siiippss her drink. "Yeah if they're a creep just like shoot a text or something." She agrees.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"A flaming sword!!" Ash confirms "Well as long as you had fun!" They laugh, before raising an eyebrow. "Your big contraption? You're gonna have to remind me if you told me about this project or if it's super top secret-"

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Jamie holds Cat up and pull her closer, confused why she was so sloshed already. "Yeah...? You look like you're already fucked up, babe, we should go sit-"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟 

Syd. Had no idea where Esme went. Well- his girlfriend was smushing against his boyfriend and he felt left out. He wraps his arms around her and cackles. “Bet bet bet- I’ll take you down past the crust Cat.” Well she was smushed between them now. “Her first drink was just a little strong maybe- you want water babe?” He nuzzles a little into her shoulder before backing off. 

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Its not secret! I dunno if I told you honestly cause I've been struggling to figure out what it is..." he pouts a lil stressed "Its basically a big contraption were supposed to make to 'reinvent a problem' for use on the field... at least that's what Rudy has said but honestly I don't understand most of his explanations..." 

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

Jiemba is also sippin'. "Oh hell yeah mate!!" CHUGS THE REST! "I mean, its more fun to dance with friends than alone yeah? Keeps the creeps away!" He Turns his attention to Auran, "We DO hit the dance floor!" 

Kseniya continues to dance, casting a glance Jess's way, "Are we....not? Dancing together?? I am confuse. You are right there."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Mirror hums "Yeah, if he's a creep you'll hear him scream when I shove my heel through his shoe." she smirks and finishes off her drink. 

Natsumi bounces in place a bit. "Yeah, the drinks taste good this time! I kinda want another one" they look over at the bar.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty laughs at that, sipping her own drink. "Oh hell yeah, have fun, ok?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia laughs along with Wisty and raises a glass to that."Get it!" She cheers with a grin.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"I'm gonna go get a Caipirinha, since we're in Brazil and my dad loves that stuff. He'll probably kill me if I didn't try it." off he goes to get a drink at the bar.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

“Noooo we just got out here~” definitely whining and smushing her face into Jamie’s chest. She hums when Syd joins the two of them “I’m fine- maybe I just wanna hold onto you, c’mereee..” wraps an arm around both boyfriends

Fox | Judas

Judas has chugged three cups of coffee and now feels a little more prepared to deal with people. He arises from the shadows and walks over to Mia and Wisty sitting next to Mia “hello princess” he hums and gives a nod to Wisty

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"Drinks later, dance now??" Sushi implores. He wants to have fun damn it.

Esme returns from the bathroom lookingly mildly soggy due to. Just kind of dunking their face in the sink to wake themselves up. Did not work. They stumble back to their seat and flop face down on the table for the foreseeable future.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"There you are!" Mia turns to Judas, smiling to him. "Have you met Judas, Wisty?"She asked real quick."Where'd you disappear to? Socializing?" She asked Judas hopeful.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Mirror nods to the girls and is off to have some fun! It really does not take long for her to get a dance partner and start getting it on.

"Hmm.. okay!" grins at Sushi "Let's go!"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty smiles and raises her glass in greeting to Judas. "Heyyy~ Yeah, we've talked a little bit, back in Australia. How's it going?"

Fox | Judas

Judas hums “I was drinking coffee- yeah we met briefly I made her some soup-“ he tells Mia

Turning to Wisty “I’m fine- nothing spectacular just fucking with life I guess” he shrugs “yourself? Last I saw you was at the hospital- not great”

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Jess gives Kseniya a stare. And pops her mouth. ".... Together-er. Closer."

Auran was about to object, but it seemed Natsumi wasn't gonna be alone with the drinks, so he sighed and took Jiemba's arm. "... If you start feeling woozy stop drinking, yeah?" And he's dragging Jiemba to the dance floor to dance their little brains out before he hears that they're coming to dance too.

Leslie's step has gained a little bit of a bounce to it as they go over to the dancefloor with Sushi and Natsumi. Definitely not staring at both of them observing their outfits.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Ahh food, of course." Mia laughs lightly, then sips her drink to let the two chat. That's right Judas, socialize!!

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is just enjoying his Caipirinha at the bar by himself. This stuff is way too sweet. Watches everybody going off to dance and drinks faster.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty laughs. "Oh, yeah, it's been better lately, we've mmmostly recovered from that whole thing. Thanks again for the soup, by the way." She sips her drink. "Been settling into Brazil okay so far? Bit of a cultural jump from Romania, huh?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

As Iseul is drinking, a guy comes up and is sliding an arm around his shoulders. "Hi cutie" 

Natsumi nods "Okay!" and they follow Leslie and Sushi and start bouncing to the beat. "wow its a lot of people-"

Fox | Judas

Judas nods “yeah it’s been fine. The people around are nice and I’m starting to know my way around. A run every morning will do that I guess” he gives a chuckle “the language barrier can be a bit tough though” he hums

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mialani may or may not be on her third drink shh

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟 

Syd. Well. His girlfriend went limp against him and Jamie. His brain was fuzzy but he fumbled with his phone. “Hey hey- move her to one of the sofas I think- shit we should call an ambulance? Ahh hm” he fumbled to type in ghoul as he held her drink.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Ahhhh- yeah, you know- it sounds like the equivalent of a open ended school project-""But hey! Give it some time, maybe just! Think up some concepts of problems that need solving first, before thinking of the contraption itself? It doesn't have to be a complicated issue- just maybe- write down a list of problems and start there? If you've already done that though then feel free to ignore me- I'm sure you'll get it eventually!! I believe in you!!" Ash smiles and gives Alex two thumbs up!!!

Iseul, having gotten bored, was just going through his phone while mindlessly sipping when someone grabbed him. He jumps and a hand goes over his drink as he looks the man up and down. How handsome is this guy? At least its a guy in general - at least no girls are targeting him. "Hello to you too. There's a seat right there."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Jamie also lightly panicking, helped her over to a chair near by. "I don't know- did she take something bad?"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

“I’m asking if anyone has the roofie detectors. Is she still breathing?” Syd is looking around. “Wisty! Over here.” He waves her down with a bit of urgency.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

Kseniya blinks. "Oh, you are wanting to dance closer? This is fine. How close are you wanting?" The Siren is staring her down directly, awaiting her answer.

Jiemba is already grinning, pulling Auran close to give him a little kiss on his cheek.  Sweet lil dancey dance!

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Esme is half awake and humming to themselves at their table. Sushi is having fun dancing! I have forgotten who to tag. Life is good.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty is typing on her phone a sec, but answers Judas still. "Yeahhh, I'm lucky enough I learned Spanish pretty young so I can mostly get around but it's still kinda tough, huh? If you want someone out with you for translations, you can hit me up anytime - ....ooooone sec." She gets up and makes her way over to Syd and Jamie. "You said you still got her drink? Here, lemme check."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

The guy is handsome and grins down at Iseul. "Well thanks babe." sits down right next to him. "So what are you doing here by yourself?"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is slightly buzzed and looking at the dance floor from the outside hyping himself up and goes right in. Vibes.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Aaand there Wisty goes! Mia finishes up her third drink and stretches."Looks like there's some trouble already~" she sighs, but what's there to expect with this company? She orders a forth drink- she's trying to drink up enough to be good the rest of the night.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Alex sighs and leans on his siblings shoulder all disheartened "Yeah I know... I just keep getting overwhelmed I guess... wehhh...."

Showing up to this shit show fashionably late while dragging Ryder by the scruff cause he REFUSED to come alone, Cami barged into the club to join the rest. "See, socializing won't kill you~"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Jess bites her lip. Stares her up and down. "Real close. If you catch my drift--"

Auran's dancing his brain's out with Jiemba. Hell yeah. Dancing real close. Having so much fun. Woo.

Leslie is a bad dancer but they're having fun. Woo! Their face definitely feels a little too hot but woo anyway!

Fox | Judas

Judas watches her leave a little concerned looking over to see Wisty go to a panicked looking Syd and the rock star dude and Cat- passed out?? He lets them handle it but watches to make sure they can get that situated.

He turns to Mia then “guess it’s just us now” he hums putting an arm along the back of her chair and orders himself another coffee.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi starts dancing properly, having fun and sees Kseniya and Jess nearby. "Hi Jess! Hi Kisenya!"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

Syd held the drink out to Wisty. “Here. And uh…” points at Esme face down on the couch. “Healers can handle alcohol too right? May wanna check in them once we move out to get Cat to a hospital. ..maybe.”

Ryder squeaked, covering her ears just a bit. “This is fun for people?”

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Jess gets startled "Weehh-- hi Natsumi--" Get outta here. Shoo. Can't you see she's trying to get some ass.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty dips her finger in the drink and watches the polish slowly turn pink. "...Yeah, someone got at her drink. I'd get her at least somewhere safe to sleep it off, but she seems to still be breathing fine. This kind of drug usually passes through the system pretty fast, so she probably doesn't need a hospital, but she'll have a headache tomorrow, so keep an eye on her ok?" She glances over to Esme. "...Sure thing, I'll check on them, too."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

While they're dancing, a woman gets. Verrrry close and personal to Alex's back.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Okay, okay, he can work with this- Iseul smiles charmingly. "Ah, I just came with work friends. They're having some fun, I'm just having a few drinks." "What about you, handsome?"

Ash leans back and bumps their head on Alex's softly. "I know! Maybe lets have a break night while-" Ash cuts themselves in and a sharp glare is immediately directed at the woman.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Yeah, we can probably go out and dance in a bit!" Mia suggests happily, so ready to have fun! "Can't sit here drinking coffee all night-" she jokes while she drinks up her forth drink. She's tipsy and totally ready to get up."Gotta socialiiize~"

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Jamie gives Wisty a quick "Thanks.." but he's mostly worrying over Cat atm.

"Yes, for the non virgins, going out to hang out with PEOPLE gives them the same serotonin you get from sitting on Tumblr all day." Cami smiles "Let's go~" to the bar!

Alex notices the lady and feels a bit bad thinking he maybe bumped into her space while not paying attention and scoots over.

Fox | Judas

Judas raises an eyebrow “hmm I’d probably get heart attack I guess if I drink coffee all day. sigh I guess dancing is fine even if it’s just to watch you. You going to be able to stay on your feet in those heals after four drinks” he teased

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

The guy grins "All by myself. Kind of lonely." he reaches over and places a hand on Iseul's thigh.

The woman giggles "Oh sorry did I bump into you?? My bad~ You're kind of cute though.. what's your name?"

Natsumi blinks at Jess and Kseniya. "Have you guys tried the drinks?"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

“Got it… what the fuck” through Syd’s foggy drunk brain he was getting pissed. “I swear to god if I find out which bitch-“

 “I’m- im —“ Ryder gets all flustered, running behind Cami’s tail because boy howdy he does not want to be left behind. “So what do- people do at these kinds of. Places.” She’s pressing a bit into Cami. Help she’s afraid.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia laughs."Please, I've drank more and danced in higher heels." Mia said with a hair flip before hopping right off her seat, taking her half filled drink in hand."I'm going to dance now, follow if you want~" she smiled and started on her way over. assume mia is not checking her phone ashskh

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty nods. "I know, I feel you, but for now focus on keeping Cat safe, ok? I'm gonna go check on Esme." She flashes Syd and Jamie a quick reassuring smile before she makes her way over to where Esme is uh.......sitting, and leans over to look at them before gently shaking their shoulder. "...Hey Esme? You okay?"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

Kseniya stared, then moved closer to where she was literally chest to??? Almost face??? With Jess. Shimmy shimmy! "This good??" Right as she was doing that, Natsumi approached. They butchered her name but there was an attempt. "Natsumi. Greetings. No, I have not tried drinks."

Jiemba is dancing very gayly with Auran still!

Fox | Judas

Judas sighs “I’ll join you in a minute princess let me drink this and I’ll come out”

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Esme rolls over and blinks at Wisty but otherwise doesn't answer past a vague mumble. It looks like they knocked their drink over several minutes ago and have just been laying in the puddle ever since. It is a little pathetic.

Sushi is dancing still! Pauses to grumble and pull at the hem of their dress a little "Ugh I think I got too big for this, it's too tight on my ass. Dumb."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

"Huh-?" Alex looks a lil confused "O-Oh you're fine! I thought I knocked into you honestly-" The complement goes over his head. "Oh, thanks! You're outfits really pretty too!"

Jamie was just as pissed off, but priorities... He didn't want Syd to go around with fists flying. "Well, if that is the case we should get her back home Syd... Help me, I can carry her out."

"Mmmm... depends. You can drink, dance, flirt- maybe you should start with drinking though you'll need it for the last two options, im sure." Cami already has a mamosa in hand

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Jess sharply inhales and stares back at what's in front of her, seeing Kseniya's chest just inches from her face. "Ooooohohohohoho-- Yeaahhhhh, perfect--" She glances at Natsumi with a deadpan. Buddy. Buddy you're interrupting. Shoo. "Drinks do nothing for me, I can't get drunk."

"Ah-- it happens. It still looks nice at least?" Leslie's glancing at Sushi mid trying to dance. They're so clumsy.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi smiles "You should try them, they're actually good tasting." then turns to Sushi and looks down at the skirt. "I think it looks fine?"

"Thaaanks!" she adjusts her bustier and leans closer to Alex. "Wanna get a drink together?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"Hm~?" Iseul spares a glance down and decides eh, this is fine for now. "Well, we could fix that, couldn't we, sweetheart?"

Ash is watching this woman cautiously. At least they don't have any drinks. "Yeah, your outfit's really nice! Your hair too!" Ash is inserting themselves into this because the flirting didn't fly over their head-

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty squints and presses one of her remaining nails into the puddle, watching this one turn color too. "...Mmmmkay yeah we can just hang out for a minute." She has a seat next to them, rubbing their back a bit reassuringly, and gets out her phone to check on some stuff.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

Ryder looked gently terrified. “A beer- please.” He was intimidated by the bartender. “…so is it weird to come to a club if you’re already taken then? Because I uh,, flirting doesn’t seem. Like something someone in a relationship would do.” He can’t even flirt with his own girlfriend. Gives Cami a weak smile atleast. “If,, I guess, well. Uh… if you say so.”

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani is out on the dance floor and dancing along with randoms. If anyone wants to interact with her nows a good time!

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C — Today at 12:59 AM

Sorry strange lady, Alex is too gay for this. "Oh- sure! I haven't had a drink tonight yet so if you wanna join us!" He smiles turning to Ash "Do you mind?"

"Well, thats why you come with friends so you guys can just get drunk and be stupid for fun. And to help fend off the date rape creeps." Shrugs and sips

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Esme seems to appreciate the back rub! Thank you Wisty.

"Ehhh, it may look good but I feel like I'm gonna break it." Sushi gets annoyed at ghoul me constantly buzzing and pulls their phone out of their bra to check it while they're here.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"... You hide your phone in your tits?" Leslie is mildly impressed.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

Cami you are making an awful case as to why Ryder would want to be here. He. He scoots closer to cami, beer in one hand and phone in another because obviously he’s gonna scroll tumblr while in the club. “…oh gosh- oh hold… on.. um.”

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi blinks "Want me to rip it on purpose? I have clothes pins in my bag so it won't fall apart." Natsumi grins then looks at Leslie clumsily dance and snorts.

The girl is realizing and seems slightly disappointed. "Ohhh... yeah, okay suuuure" damn. she's sad.

"What do you say to maybe getting out of here? Somewhere more quiet?"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare has been on this hot dance floor going at it lethargically and is... losing steam pretty fast. Clubs kind of... suck, actually, and he'd rather leave his group alone with whatever they're doing. Whatever confidence he feels dancing is not hitting at all, but god damn it he's not gonna just walk off dejected again! Who's available? Mia! Hello! There is a guy in a red cloak approaching your location and he's tuned out the club music and is dancing to the folk in his head.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami leaning looking at Ryder, assuming they were on tumblr and sighing at being proven right earlier. 

Alex is thrilled. New friend! "Lets go~!" 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi looks up from their phone. "Ehhh? Sure?" He has no clue what Natsumi is offering but assumes it's flirting to be honest.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

Ryder handed her beer off to Cami. “I’m- I don’t wanna—- I don’t want to ruin your night I just,, um. I really need to check on this- I. Im sorry.” Gentle panec. “Be careful, please,,” Spots Wisty and starts trying to make his way over to the corner. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash remembers getting a message about the drinks. "Ah, we could, but I hear the drinks have been a bit too strong tonight. We should be careful-" Ah, the girl seems to get the message. They hum and give an apologetic look.

Iseul thinks it over and hums. "I wouldn't mind. Got somewhere specific in mind?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi nods and stops, kneeling down and just. purposely rips a slit into the dress, then does a rough hem with clothes pins to keep it from fraying too far. "There you go!"

"Oh definitely" the guy grins, offering his hand.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty waves to Ryder, still rubbing Esme's back since they seem to appreciate it. Hewwo.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia is just happy dancing away and sees someone kind of familiar coming along? Oh! It's the guy she barely knows but thinks is pretty okay!"Ayyooo, having fun?" She asks happily with a hint of drunkenness in her voice.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie is just staring as Natsumi rips Sushi's dress. They don't know how to feel right now. They simply stare and blink.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

"I too usually hide phone in my tits, however I am unable to do so in this top" Kseniya continues to shimmy in front of Jess. Her face is still dead pan as ever. "Am I allowed to be touching you?" she tilted her head questioningly, "Do not want to cross boundaries." Her eyes go down to Natsumi just tearing up Sushi's outfit--Interesting. Resourceful.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

"I won't, have fun." Cami grins and waves off their roomie, then of course he has to fullfil his annoy the fuck out of Mirror tax. Idk where she is but hes cockblocking her fun times "Hiiiii bestie~"

"Oh- Are they? Hes a little nervous now. "How can you check them-..."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is bouncing along to his own tune in contrast to everybody else. "Hi! I'm pretty sure you're name is Mia! I know you don't know me but you always cook and leave some for us so I got you that gift! Did I get it right?" (note: he did not give a gift. he forgot) 

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟 

“What happened? A,, are they okay,,” very, cautiously reaches down to pat Esme and make sure they’re okay. Sorta.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Jess is trying not to sound too desperate, but her voice gives her away anyway. "Please do--"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

While Natsumi is kneeled down, they end up accidentally tripping a girl who falls backwards over them. The girl shrieks as she hits the ground and looks at who tripped them, immediately getting angry. "What the fuck are you doing in the floor you fucking idiot?!" 

Natsumi blinks, standing up quickly "Ah sorry-" and reaches out to help her but the girl slaps their hand away and stands up, now getting in their face. "Are you fucking stupid?!"

Mirror pauses as she's dancing with some good looking man who is now gone. "Ugh I know that grating voice- why the fuck are you here?"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

Gay dancing stops.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Esme sits up enough to see a vague pink shape and not much else. At this point only spite is keeping them conscious.

Sushi looks over, notices Leslie staring and winks at them. Looks back down and actually registers what Natsumi is doing now "Oohhhh, oh! Thanks--" Aaaaaaand then the girl trips. "Ohhh shit." They are just kind of watching right now with metaphorical popcorn.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Iseul takes his hand!! Time to go have a fun time!!!

"We could stick with Wisty, though it seems like she's tested a few drinks already-" Ash tenses at the yelling and spins around. Oh no- Natsumi-

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"They'll be alright, this kinda drug usually metabolizes pretty quick and doesn't leave lasting damage. If anything they'll just feel like they have a really bad hangover, it's just a matter of getting them somewhere safe, mostly." She leans her chin on her hand and gives Ryder a reassuring smile. "I've been checking people's drinks for them, but I can bring  Esme home, if you wanna stay longer."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

"Dawww, you're gonna hut my feewings..." He grins "What? I thought I was saving you! Hard to tell you're bitch grin from your fuck me silly grin, my bad~" Hes very aware of what he's done.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Yes I am! No you didn't!" Mia laughs. "But it's the thought that counts right?" She keep laughing, she's having a time. She doesn't really notice the potential fight happening because this is a club, with a lot of people, and loud music it'd be hard to notice.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Leslie slightly blushes when Sushi winks at them, but quickly snaps out of it and steps slightly in front of Natsumi. "Hey-- it was an accident, no need to yell--"

Auran is still holding onto Jiemba, but his spidey senses are tingling. He turns to look at where the yelling is coming from.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"You knew exactly what you were doing" she huffs, crossing her arms.

Natsumi blnks in surprise, leaning back a bit "I'm sorry I didn't-" but the girl shoves them in the shoulders, making them stumble backwards. "Didn't what?! Think?! What kind of freak just kneels down in the middle of a dance floor?!" shoving past Leslie. Some of the girls friends are now also gathering.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

Ryder, slowly scoots in beside Esme, using a faint frostbite to help cool down their forehead. They were very concerned as to how Wisty knew so much. “I uh,,, I can’t carry them. If you can help me bring them home— whenever you can! I’d,, I’d appreciate it. Um. Take care of them!” She wishes she bought her headphones. “And,, I’ll be here. ..As long as they don’t kick us out.”

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

Jiemba hear the commotion, turning to look to Natsumi being yelled at. Hand in Auran's he is approaching. Excuse..

Kseniya blinks over at the woman, "Hey, You are making molehill out of mouse. You did not die. Watch where you are going next time." She moves forward to block the girl from walking off. "You need keep hands to self."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"Oh-okay! I'll-I'll try a different gift!" aaand he's overwhelmed with embarrassment and isn't sure where else to take this conversation. uh. escapes into the crowd!

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Hey hey hey-!" Leslie grabs the girl by the shoulder and shoves her too. "Calm your tits, girl, they didn't make you trip on purpose. Maybe you should have looked at where you were going."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi peeks over Natsumi's shoulder at the loud girl. "Go away. I'll bite you."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

"Well, yeah, maybe a little bit~" He laughs "You can just thank me for saving you the money for the plan b tomorrow instead. That make it better?" 

Alex is following Ash a lil confused and concerned- Whats hapenning-

Fox | Judas

Judas has finished his fourth cup of coffee… he has no excuse to not go to the dancing floor now so here he comes! He walks over seeing Mia was dancing with someone he kinda just sways close by for a moment watching the shit go down on around him in the distance. He kinda wants to go back to the bar honestly but he’s trying.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Mirror sighs, metaphorically rolling her eyes. She's heading back to the bar. "I'm getting a drink" 

Natsumi blinks in surprise at being shoved, rubbing their shoulder. They glare at the girl, free fist tightening up. 

"Don't fucking touch me! You and your band of freaks can back off, I wasn't fucking talking to you!"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash goes over to the scene with Natsumi and puts their hands on their hip. "Hey, maybe take a chill pill. It was an accident. Nothing to get too pissed about. Back off-" (they're getting in on this too sorry LOL)

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty smiles and holds up her arm as if theres any muscle there to flex. "Sure, no problem, I should be able to help them out as long as they're sort of conscious to lean on me. Or we could ask someone with a little more muscle mass to help, if we need." Her eyes slide over to the dancefloor. "....I'll stay here with you guys a sec, though, a bunch of our coworkers are over there and I wanna make sure whatever's going on isn't about to explode." 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Well you started barking at us first, so maybe you should back off, girly." There's a growl to Leslie's voice, still standing between Natsumi and the girl.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is starting to really wish the music would stop for a second, escaping the dance floor for a second to get a handle on his senses, it doesn't help it sounds like there a fight going on... wait is that who he thinks is getting wrapped up in there?

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"Maybe you should continue that trend and walk away then." Kseniya responded.-- Jiemba has approached with Auran in tow, glancing at  the group. "What the hell's going on here mates?"

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Cami is following Mirror to the bar, very obviously. "Surprised you're not already sloshed. Though, I guess all the alcohol just gets stored in the tits huh."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia just laughs and watches Spare walk away. She doesn't know what the issue is but whatever! She's in drunken bliss~ Eventually she pulls Judas out of his wall flower corner."Juuudes, baaabe, you gotta have fuuun~" she smiles, trying to get him to dance and ignoring whatever's going on okay it's not her problem right now-

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"I can make her go away, if you guys want." Sushi comments casually. Siren abilities op.

Esme very slowly snuggles into Ryders hand. They are not processing anything but the cold is nice.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"You touched them? You're the one getting in their face and shoving them? And you're right, you weren't talking. You were barking and making a scene out of Nothing. Just back off, and walk away, before this gets out of hand, sweetheart." Ash crosses their arms and maybe gets ready for this to spiral-

Fox | Judas 

Judas raises an eye at the “babe”- that’s a first but okay! “Alright alright- let’s dance then!” he projects over the music one hand grabbing her hip and the other grabbing a hand spinning her once then swaying them to the music playing very loudly.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Auran's got a serious face, staring at this girl like he's asking is there a problem?

Jess is internally crying. So close yet so far. She sighs and gets closer to the group, arms crossed. "We got a problem? You're lookin' like a real tasty snack right now, hm?"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟 

“….has it. Um. people actually have fun at places like this?” Ryder talked with Wisty while watching whatever was going on the floor in front of them. Esme had a gentle hand running through their hair with cold soft hands. Good times.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Mirror huffs "Hell yea it does. But I also have only had two drinks. I was trying to have some fun until your ass showed up." 

The girl glares at Leslie, as her friends gather around as well: two guys and another girl. 

One of the guys gets infront of her and shoves at Leslie. "Back off! You fucks tripped her, your little weirdo friend was in the fucking floor! You walk away!" And the girl flips off Ash. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash looks at the girl flipping them off and smirks. "Sorry sweetheart, you can do that yourself, can't you?"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is walking over to this whole fight and. is in the back prepping to act as a human shield

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Oh, it's not always this bad. On a good night, it's just dancing and drinking and getting to let loose in like, a fun way, as long as you come with friends and know how to be safe." She winces at the escalating situation on the floor. "...On a bad night creeps get at people's drinks and it gets rowdy like this."

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟 

“…what if you don’t know how to dance?” She’s getting increasingly worried watching the floor. “Is,, are. Is no one gonna stop that? Security??” 

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Awww, you were waiting for me so you could have some real fun? Gross~" Hes having way too much fun with this. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

There seems to be a switch that turns in Leslie's face, and before anyone can do anything else, the guy that shoved Leslie gets punched in the face. (str 23)

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

oh, and spare was just wondering if there could have been a diplomatic solution

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia is happily dancing with Judas! Slowly dancing away from the drama! There's too many people who sound fighty-"Looks like securityyyy needs to be caaaallled~" she called out, loudly, hoping someone will go.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"Security...." Esme parrots quietly. 

Sushi sees Leslie punch someone and grins. Oh they're going going? Okay! Sushi tackles one of the girls and goes to bite her arm like a feral child. (str 20) 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Yeah right" she pauses and turns "The fuck is going on?" 

Natsumi blinks and jumps at the punch "Wait don't-" the emotions being so closed in on them rn is making their head hurt now. 

The guy stumbles back and glares at Leslie, swinging back with a less strong punch (13 str). 

The girl just starts screaming at Sushi. 

Fox | Judas 

Judas looks at the fight sighing- honestly just why are his co-workers bat shit crazy… “alright princess maybe we will just pretend we don’t know them for now” he grumbles happy to sway away from the chaos. Maybe another drink is another good idea- just get off the battle dance floor 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"If you can't dance, there's always drinks! Here, you stay here with Esme, I'll see if I can find someone from security, there's usually people by the entrance and bathrooms but they might not be paying attention." She scoots over towards the direction of the entrance and spots a security guy, and gives them a winning smile. "Hiii~ There's like, some kind of fight happening on the dance floor, is that something you guys do anything about here?"

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Oh, its a fight I think." sips his new drink "Wasn't gonna bring it up, cause you can't like see it cause, ya know, and didn't want you to feel left out cause im so considerate." He might be recording it though.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

"Yep!" Mia laughs lightly and walks along with Judas awayyyy from the battle field. Time for another drink! She's getting very lit tonight

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

Ryder nodded, pulling Esme a little closer. “Um,,, she’s going to get security. Just so you know,,, and. Once they sort out uh, the problems? We can go,,” knowing Esme probably isn’t grasping a word he’s saying but it’s making him feel a little less stressed. “…I,, hope you’re okay. Is the cold helping?” 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash is more surprised that Sushi is (well, not so) suddenly biting people but eh. She deserved it. But a bar fight is probably not good to stay caught up in- Ash sees Jiemba and whistles, waving and pointing to Natsumi before backing up.

Fox | Judas

Judas sits them down at the bar again- this is the only time he will encourage getting another drink- he gets himself a water and sits with an arm around Mia’s waistwatching from a distance tin make sure no one dies but also pretending he doesn’t know the people- he’s a random person watching the shit nothing else 

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗 

"You are literally surrounded by bad news, you should leave" Kseniya nods. And then there was shoving--and punching. and Biting. "Ah, so this is how it will be--" Kseniya moves forward, grabbing Sushi gently, "Release, please"

Jiemba seeing Ash's signal and Natsumi reaction, moved forward to grab them and get them away from all the feelings. He sat them a good distance away!! "Natsumi??? You okay??"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

well, as much as a different solution would be nice, he does have a sense of loyalty to uphold and this is a good, terribly unhealthy method of getting emotions out. he picks the other guy out from the group and goes for the nuts. nat fucking 20. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"WhOA WHOA WHOA NO--" Jess is getting in the middle, trying to grab Leslie's arms and pull them back. "LESLIE STOP!" Oooohhh god there's blood in the mix now and she can definitely smell it. Fuck.

Leslie gets pulled by Jess as they get punched back (4 DMG), trying to lunge again at the guy but getting pulled harder and stopping, still glaring and growling at the guy, waaayyyy too angry and breath all out of whack.

Auran runs in with Jiemba, getting Natsumi out of there and sitting with them too, concern and worry on his face as he glanced back at the fight going on.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

The guy glances up from his phone and then looks at the dance floor. He groans and stands up, making is way over.  The guy stands pretty large and separates Leslie and the guy, motioning for help as another bouncer comes over. "Alright, that's it, you're out-" 

Natsumi was trying to intervene but once they're moved they just try to keep an eye on what's going on. "Ah I ruined everything- agh" they hold their head. 

Mirror huffs "Wow you're soooo thoughtful. Please tell me its not someone we came with."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Esme makes little mhm noises like someone who is trying to act like they understand what's being said but is clearly too out of it. Very slowly sliding into Ryder's side as they do. Eepy.

Sushi only lets go of the girls arm once Kseniya has already grabbed them, licking their lips tauntingly. "Whaaat, I said I was going to! I follow through!"

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Uh, I think like half of its people we know. Who'd you bring with?" He wasn't here for the start 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash baaaacks up before pulling their phone out. Time to get tf outta here-

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty waves apologetically with a "Sorryyyy~ <3" As the bouncer heads off, before heading back over to Ryder and Esme. "There, looks like the bouncers are gonna take care of it." She leans her head down to look at Esme. "Let's get Esme home before they pass all the way out, if you're ready to go?"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

"To follow through was not wise." Kseniya hums. She's not scolding them though. She tucks them under her arm, "We are going to clean out mouth, you could get sick...And I believe you are getting kicked out."

"No no no" Jiemba gently rubs Natsumi's back, "You didn't do anything wrong--That girl was a bitch. Had nothing to do with you..."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"But people are getting in trouble- I didn't realize I-" they hold their head "mnnghhh"

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟 

Ryder nods. “…I. I cannot carry them.” Isn’t even gonna attempt. Not in hell. “….I can warp items. I cannot warp people.”

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"I've eaten worse." Sushi comments, but somehow doesn't complain about being carried like a cat. He's actively happy with how this went.

Esme is basically out at this point. Might mumble vaguely when they hear their name. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"It wasn't your fault, Natsumi--" Auran didn't see the start but he's fairly sure they didn't start it either way. Just trying to keep Natsumi calm.

Leslie just accepts their fate and leaves with the bouncers.

Jess just groans and holds her face.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare gets thrown out. Drat.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi hides their face and whimpers out "i wanna leave."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Here, it's okay, I got it." Wisty comes up next to Esme and loops their arm over her shoulder, carefully going to stand up with them. "'S not my first time, I can at least drag them far enough for us to call a cab. If you wanna go out ahead and do that, you just flag one down and say-" and she explains how to hail a cab in Spanish with that being close enough to Portuguese.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash goes over to Alex and gestures to follow as they go find Wisty.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Auran hugs them. "We can leave. Can you get up?"

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex follows Ash! Hes along for the ride at this point, that fight got him a lil on edge.

Ari | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐀 Babs 🌟

Ryder is skittering out of the club, tossed Cami a text saying he’s helping Esme home. Woo!! Time to leave! Cab time

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia is gonna enjoy the clubbing some more with Judas, more drinks and dancing! Might catch up with whoever is still there who knows.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare's just sitting out. On the curb with his thoughts.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami skims his phone and sees ghoul me plus Ryders text. "Oh- looks like everyones kinda dipping cause some got thrown out while fighting." Hes at least gonna inform Mirror of the important shit. 

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

"I do not want to know" And they are in bath room to wash out mouth! "do you want ride back to hotel? Or should I drop you of at beach? Or will you take care of self?"

"Sure thing Mate, we can go--Do you wanna walk back or should we call a ride?" This was mostly towards Auran. His expression is pained seeing Natsumi like this-

Fox | Judas

Judas watches his coworkers leave- somehow everything is calmer now… he’s chill with Mia and will make sure she gets home safe later and maybe she will convince him to dance later who knows.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Cool, I still have a goal for tonight. I'm not with those fools." Mirror finishes her third drink.

Natsumi just nods in response to Auran and stands up, looking dejected and still in some pain, heading for the exit.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

"You have goals? Shocker." Hes probably also sticking around for a second.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"I don't live on the beach you know." Sushi points out. "But if you're offering to fly, hell yeah, I want to go to hotel."

Esme is snork mimimi, they can have a crisis later-tomorrow.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Yeah to get railed" she huffs

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

"I cant even blame you." He's been without for too long under his standards. 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty manages to get Esme outta there, presumably found by Ash and Alex somewhere along the way, and they can all head back to the hotel with the cab Ryder helpfully got for them. Time to vamoose   

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Auran holds Natsumi's hand and gets up, rubbing their back a little. "... Maybe we should get a cab... unless you feel like you need to walk off the excess energy--" 

Leslie's just walking back to the hotel alone to spend the angry energy. Maybe go take a longer walk. God they're still so angry. Argh.

Jess goes over to the bar to drink. She's done with today.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash was happy to find Wisty and suggesting to get out of here with her and Alex!!! And they did!!! Time to get the hell outta dodge, but later they'll go check on Natsumi- 

Iseul had a great time tonight and is blissfully unaware of the fight, not that it would've mattered

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi shrugs "I don't care, I just wanna go" they lean on Auran a little

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is enjoying his daily cig, enjoying his first social clubbing experience that he would consider 'decent'. He doesn't think he really gets clubs.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 Kseniya🪗

"I know you do not live on beach, however you like beach very much. But to hotel it is" After Kseniya got their mouth WASHED OUT, Kseniya finds Jess. "Hello, we are leaving. I will see you at room"

"Already calling a cab, we'll be getting outta here soon--" Jiemba said, staring down at his phone. 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi is side glancing at the Ksenitties occasionally with an air smug approval.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Jess gives Kseniya's tits one last sad look of goodbye.