Christmas Special

3 months, 27 days ago

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“Nixu wake up!” Kazuya exclaims promptly pushing Nixu off his bed. Nixu groans in annoyance. 

“What the fuck Kazu” Nixu says as he lays on the floor. 

“Christmas Eve is today and I have plans!” Kazuya explains as he moves towards Nixu and began trying to pull him up. 

“Alright, alright I got it! I'm getting up!” Nixu says as he sits up. Immediately he pulls Kazuya towards him. He kisses Kazuya on the lips. 

“Good morning.” He says after pulling away, a smirk gracing his lips. Kazuya leans in for a second kiss upon seeing his boyfriend’s disheveled yet undeniably handsome form. 

“I made you breakfast. Kiyu made sure you weren't allergic to anything.” Kazuya informed him wrinkling his nose in displeasure at the name of his boyfriend’s brother. 

He knows he isn't trusted yet but he wasn't pleased by the insinuation that he didn't know what Nixu was allergic to and what he wasn't allergic to. They’ve been dating for years now!

Kazuya stood up and picked up a food tray from Nixu’s dresser. He placed the tray on Nixu’s bed and waited for his boyfriend to get up.

“That smells so good. Thank you.” Nixu said as he stood up from the floor. He gave Kazuya a peck on the cheeks before he started eating. 

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment before Nixu finally spoke up again. 

“So what did you have planned today?” Nixu inquires as he carefully drinks his hot cocoa. He relishes in the grin Kazuya flashes at him.

“I was thinking maybe a movie marathon? Then lunch at the park nearby?” Kazuya says excitedly. Nixu smiled, his boyfriend’s happiness was contagious.

“Sure, we could also have you practice ice skating after lunch. Your skills definitely need polishing.” Nixu says, still happily sipping at his hot cocoa.

“You say that as if I have any skills.” Kazuya replies, pouting at his lover.

“You don't. Which is why you need to practice. Anyways, what movies will we be watching?” Nixu says with a smirk before finishing his drink.

“We could watch the new Barbie movie, or maybe the Hunger Games movie? There’s also the new Disney movie and the New Avengers movie. I don't really have a preference so I’ll let you choose. I’m sure I’ll enjoy any movie as long as I’m watching it with you.” 

“Why don’t we watch all of them? We still have a lot of time before lunch. And it can't really be called a marathon if we only watch one movie.” Nixu reasons, Kazuya grins happily and makes his way to the couch.

“Then we’ll watch as many as we can before lunch time.” Saying that, Kazuya turns on the tv and chooses the first movie. Nixu chuckles as he sits and cuddles beside his lover.

Halfway into their third movie Nixu noticed Kazuya had fallen asleep. He checked the time, they had planned on going to the park after all. It was a little over 10 am, so Nixu decided to let his lover sleep for a couple more minutes.

“I can't believe I fell asleep in the middle of the movie.” Kazuya complained as he sat on the wooden table near the park. Nixu had woken him up once the movie was finished and it had been past 11 by then. Now it was a little over 12.

“You looked so peaceful and you were snoring so cutely.” Nixu said as he sat opposite to Kazuya. 

“Could we please just start eating lunch?” Kazuya says, hiding his face behind his hands.

“Sure” Nixu takes out the food they packed and begins laying them out on the blanket that they set on top of the table.

It didn't take long for them to finish eating and they soon found themselves in ice skates, tumbling and falling on the rink. 

“I can't believe I thought this was a good idea, neither of us know how to skate.” Kazuya grumbles after he falls for the nth time. Nixu helps pull him up and they spend a moment trying not to fall over again.

“It’s fun to learn something new once in a while.” Nixu says grinning. 

“Easy for you to say you’ve only fallen like 4 times” Kazuya says, grabbing onto Nixu for dear life. Nixu spots an ice cream truck in the distance and comes up with an idea.

“Why don't we get some ice cream and head over to the arcade inside the mall a couple of blocks away.” Nixu proposed.

“Yes! Anything to get me off these skates. Let’s go” Kazuya says, taking a step forward and almost falling over again. Nixu laughs as he moves to catch Kazuya. He carefully guided them to the exit of the rink.

They got their ice cream and no time and found themselves roaming the arcade. Kazuya had a surprising talent to pull stuffed toys from the machines and Nixu ended up walking around with his arms wrapped around at least 3 different plush toys.

“Kazuya, I can't bring any more plush. Please have mercy.” Nixu pleaded as Kazuya won another plush. 

“We’ll go donate this.” Kazuya says as he walks towards a donation box they saw on the way to the arcade. Nixu followed along grinning. 

As they were walking, something caught Nixu’s eyes in one of the shops they passed. It was a set of beautiful matching dragon necklaces (think Toothless and Light Fury). He decided that he wanted to get it as a gift for Kazuya. 

“Kazu, could you go ahead of me? I just need to use the bathroom for a bit and then I’ll meet you there.” Nixu said stopping in his tracks

“Sure, dont take too long though, it’s about time we start heading to the restaurant reservation. It’s on the other side of the city and the traffic could be bad at this time of day.” Kazu says blowing a kiss at Nixu as he continues towards where the donation box is located.

Nixu watched Kazu walk away until he was out of sight before he turned and headed for the jewelry store. He moved to the counter and asked for the matching necklace that caught his eyes. It was on the pricey side but it would be worth it if he could see Kazu smile.

Nixu requested for one of the pairs to be placed in a fancy box while he took the other and wore it around his neck. After paying the full amount over the counter Nixu then rushed to meet up with Kazu. He carefully inserted the box into his pocket making sure it wasn't too obvious. He then tucked the necklace he wore into his shirt hiding it from view. 

Nixu lightly jogged until he finally saw Kazui in the distance. He quickened his pace a little. Kazu waves at him. “Hurry up!” Kazu playfully demands. 

The two then proceeded to the restaurant. Upon entrance they requested for their reserved table under Kazu’s name. A server guided them to their table and took their order. 

The two sat in comfortable silence as they waited for their order to arrive. The silence was broken when Kazu spoke.

”Today was one of the best days of my life.” He said grinning widely. Nixu smiled in response. 

“I agree, it’s one of our best memories. With that said, I do hope that we make more equally fun or better memories.” Nixu pulled out the thin elongated gift box from his pocket. He places it on the table and opens it to reveal to Kazu the accessory that lay inside. 

“I know it’s not much, but I hope you like it. And I promise that in the not so far future, I will be presenting you with our engagement ring.” Nixu added with a smirk. 

“Nixu! It’s so pretty.” Kazu says as he slowly pulls out the necklace and wears it around his neck. He stands up and moves around the table and gives Nixu a kiss. 

“Merry Christmas”