[RP] Novak Roleplays [Rojo Mwitu]

7 months, 6 days ago
2 months, 2 days ago
3 5416

Entry 2
Published 7 months, 6 days ago

Rojo Mwitu Rps between Novak and other characters

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A Helping Paw

Mx.Corvidae: It was about an average day out in Shady for the bandits. The sky was littered with clouds blocking the sun, with the snowy tundra shifting every now and again with the breeze. Elsi herself had been quiet too, keeping low in order to recover the injury to her leg. Today, it finally felt usable.

Elsi stretched it, letting out a sigh as she headed to one of the more common hangs outs for the bandits. There she saw only Novak. They hadn't spoken much but, he was the youngest of the bandits. She felt a tad bit of sympathy, feeling that wasn't much of an advantage out in the harsh wilderness. Despite that, he seemed capable of taking care of himself, something which lessened her worries.

"Evening." The Lynx greeted, coming to sit near him while gazing down at the valley of snow below. Any luck today?"

PeppaNova: Novak laid lazily in the snow, starring at nothing in particular. It had. . . been a rough day. The scrappy teen had been trying to hunt down and steal any kind of food he could for the last few days, but every time he tried, someone either pinched it before him, or he only got a small sliver of what he had aimed for. Slivers were still good and delicious, but it wouldn't be enough to sustain him. If he couldn't find something soon, well.. . . .

This life was about to get a whole lot harder.

The clouds were blocking the sun, causing shadows to appear over the snow. It was only when a darker shadow, made by another's presence did the young male look up.

Elsi. She was new here. But that didn't mean she was to be underestimated. She was good, and her height seemed to be at an advantage to her. Unlike himself, who grew taller every day, just another reason to get more food.

"Hey" He mumbled, sitting up, shaking snow from the bits of mane growing from his neck. "Not yet"

Mx.Corvidae: Elsi frowned. So- it was slim pickings for him too. Her ears lowered slightly, recalling how her siblings had traveled up north more. They'd discussed it a few times, better living. Elsi might have considered it had that argument between herself and her brother not occurred. She found herself questioning why she stayed here, why not move somewhere better. She didn't have an answer but, the thought of a better life just didn't seem to bring the same comfort after her family's estrangement.

"Well-" Elsi shifted standing up as she gazed down at the valley, her apricot eyes intently looking for any sign of tracks. "Why don't we try to find something. Split the spoils?"

PeppaNova: Novak's ears perked up. Split the spoils? Usually he'd shrug her off at this point. Tell her that he works alone, and trudge off. Today was different though. He needed food sooner than later, and There had to be a better chance with a second cat. Besides, Splitting may not quite be the case, considering how small she was. If they could catch something, such as one of the farmer's cows, There was a high chance Novak could have more of the beast if Elsi got full.

He smirked, Looking towards Elsi.

"Sure. Got any ideas?" He asked, Standing up, stretching.

This life was hard. But it's not like he had anywhere else he could go now. He was a bandit since birth practically. He didn't think he could ever fit in with the other cats anymore.

Mx.Corvidae: There was hardly and signs of tracks from where they stood yet. It did little to change the Elsi's expression however. She opened her maw slightly, raising it to the art, then her ears perked up. Something had caught her attention.

"Just one, follow me." The lynx began making her way down to the more rocky pines of territory. She stopped as she came across a log, and circled it, then looked to the right of them. "Cow's have been through here a couple days ago to graze before it snowed. It's a stretch but, there might be a herd grazing east of here." Elsi brows furrowed as she looked up at the teen. "Have you got any experience rustling a herd?"

PeppaNova: Novak watched her taste the air, her ears swiveling around. She did it so easily. She knew exactly what to do. She knew exactly how to find stuff. For Novak, it was more difficult. He had no one to help him. The best he did was watching other bandits at work, but even then it was still hard for the teen. He barely scraped by, and he hated it.

Well, more accurately, he hated himself.

As he grew and watched those around him, it only caused him to overthink. Everyone else was so much better than him. Everyone got some shot at a decent beginning, with a loving family that taught you things. Novak didn't get that. Dumped on the step at the front of Shady peaks. He didn't know what his mother had looked like. Not even what she felt like. Abandoned as soon as possible. Unwanted. Not worth the effort. And what did he have to prove against it? Nothing. He could barely hunt. He was god awful at socializing. Just. . . . everything seemed to never go his way.

He blinked the thoughts away as Elsi's ears stuck up, successful in her scenting. Straight away she was on the trail, Novak padding quietly and carefully behind her. He had no time for his dark thoughts right now. Elsi was giving him time of day. A chance. A chance to show someone just what he was made of.

"A stretch is still a chance. I'd say we go for it" He grumbled, sniffing around a bit, trying to pick apart just what Elsi was sniffing. All he got was pine needles and rotting bark. he furrowed his brow in annoyance, before looking back at Elsi.

" . . . . No. . . . I don't" he admitted, ears flicking down, looking down to the side of him.

Author's Notes

Total Words: 1,006

Novak = 621 (15 Fangs)

Elsi = 385 (5 Fangs)