QnA Answers

6 months, 15 days ago
6 months, 7 days ago
9 1679

Entry 3
Published 6 months, 15 days ago

A collection of answers from QotD, and other questions posted to the Wayfarer discord. Just a place to keep all the info together for reference.

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In Character Questions

Question for Nox from Stella: “I’m really envious that you have traveled to so many places. Where was your favourite?” 

Question for Rumble from Alvus: “I heard you’re strong… want to spar?”

Nox: Oh, now that's a bit of a tough one. It's hard to narrow down just one but I think one of my favorite places I've been was this cave full of big crystals. Some were even floating! The whole place had a sort of static charge that had my fur standing on end the whole time I was there heh. I went back a few times. There was just so much to explore you know?

Rumble: I guess I'm open to a spar. Just know I won't go easy on you. I don't hold back.