QnA Answers

3 months, 9 days ago
3 months, 18 hours ago
9 1679

Entry 4
Published 3 months, 9 days ago

A collection of answers from QotD, and other questions posted to the Wayfarer discord. Just a place to keep all the info together for reference.

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Favorite hobby or activity?

Nox : He just loves to explore, the less people have seen the place he's exploring the better! He's always just naturally had a want to wander, so pretty much as soon as he was able he went off to explore his home region. Love's how exciting it is to explore places that people have barely even laid eyes on.

Rumble : He loves exploring and documenting ancient ruins. It's endlessly interesting to him to learn about ancient civilizations and legends. The first time he came across a set of ruins was on accident, but from there he caught a taste for it and never stopped.

Jewel : Flower picking for sure! Loves to turn what she picks into flower crowns too, her teammates absolutely melt on the inside when she gifts them one. She took a lot of joy in finding the best spots to pick flowers and look into the flower language stuff!

Wildfire : Definitely aerial tricks, if that counts lol. She loves nothing more than to fly, and get fancy with it. One of the few times she feels like her anxieties don't hold her down. She always felt more comfortable in the air, so her skills just slowly got better over time.

Aqua : Battling, for her. Although she comes off rather sweet she is a menace on the battlefield and she loves every moment of it. There's not just one thing she enjoys more than most, she just loves the whole experience. She picked a lot of fights when she was little, won most of them too, and her interest in battling grew from there. Thankfully she got a bit nicer as she grew up lol.

Crocus : Honestly dude is too much of a workaholic to have hobbies smh. Though maybe people watching could be considered one for him. He likes watching people, from a distance cause that usually means he won't be pulled into a conversation.

Jade : Very dedicated to her self proclaimed task so she hasn't left a lot of room for hobbies. She does like to collect rocks though. She takes great pride in being able to tell you what each one is and where she found it. Arceus help you if you try to steal one of them though. If she willingly gives you one it means she really trusts you.