QnA Answers

3 months, 14 days ago
3 months, 6 days ago
9 1679

Entry 5
Published 3 months, 14 days ago

A collection of answers from QotD, and other questions posted to the Wayfarer discord. Just a place to keep all the info together for reference.

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Where do they live?

Nox : Nox came from Unova actually! (as long as the other regions exist in this setting lol). He only recently came to Harlour cause he wanted to explore a new region. Doesn't really stay at one place in particular. Along with the rest of his team at the moment he just sort of wanders around, camping out, staying at inns, ect. He might settle down somewhere in the future but that's a long ways away.

Rumble : Rumble has lived around the Firstbush fields all his life. He never really settled down in one place cause he much preferred to be out in nature. He has no plans in the near future to settle down in one place, but it's not completely out of the question.

Jewel : Jewel lived in a town in the Firstbush Fields. She grew up there and honestly had no plans to leave until Team Fate came along. She likes to think once she's had her fun exploring and helping people she'll go back to live there. Maybe convince her new team to stay with her.

Wildfire : Much to Wildfire's eventual dislike she lived in a town near the coast of Firstbush Fields. She'd much prefer to live somewhere else, the Sleepyvine Tropics is an area she's thought about a lot, but she never had the courage to completely uproot herself like that. Plus the rift was also an effective deterrent. She'd like to stay as far from that thing as possible thank you.

Aqua : She lives in the Seaspray Coast, though since joining Team Fate she hasn't been back home in a while. She has a nice little house for herself near the beach.

Crocus : Crocus is originally from the Razortoil Tundra. Though in the years since starting his transport business he's had small places of residence in all the different regions of Harlour. Except Pummelclaw Volcano, him being a grass type the terrain and environment was never kind to him there.

Jade : She's from Pummelclaw Volcano where her family still lives. She left on a self inflicted quest and ended up in Firstbush Fields where she currently resides. She has a little house in a town, but she doesn't spend too much time there. She does hope to eventually return to her family in Pummelclaw Volcano someday, but she's far more focused at her quest currently.