New Hatchday

2 months, 12 days ago
2 months, 7 days ago
3 1541

Entry 2
Published 2 months, 8 days ago

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Egg Protection Detail

"Back off." Kage barred his teeth at the grunts which attempted to advance on the eggs.

"Trust me, it's way easier if you pack it up now." Soku chuckled, flexing his claws.

"Like we're gonna listen to the likes of you. Not when the boss is here." Reaper puffed their chest out. 

"Yeah! Out of the way knights if you know what's good for ya!" Scorch grinned, flexing his own claws.

"Yes. Stand aside or else." Forge narrowed her eyes.

"Such a tempting set of demands." Soku tapped his chin and made a show of looking like he was considering complying. "Counter offer. You buzz off and we don't have to kick you out ourselves."

Reaper's expression darkened. "Poor choice. Get them!"

The three jumped at them and Soku moved, Kage not far behind. Sure the three were strong, but him and Kage had the advantage of experience in their side. This was far from the most dangerous situation they'd been in together. Soku ducked under a swipe from Forge before retaliating with a brick break. The litleo fusion went flying. Nearby Kage snarled before going for a night slash on Scorch. The salandit fusion screeched before he was also sent flying. 

The duo barely dove out of the way as Reaper came crashing into the ground where they just were. "Stay still so I can deal with you." Reaper huffed, spreading their wings wide.

"How bout you just get better at aiming?" Soku grinned, moving up next to Kage. "Let's end this." Silently Kage nodded and the two launched forward. All three grunts had looks of surprise on their faces as the two of them impacted Reaper, sending the galarian moltres flying into their two companions. The three collapsed in a sad looking heap. Honestly Soku really wasn't expecting the trio to go down that easy but he'd take it.

He glanced around and noticed many of the other skirmishes were wrapping up. "Well, that could have gone worse." Soku hummed.

"It would have been better if it didn't happen at all." Kage frowned, crossing his arms.

"Yeah but at this point we should really just expect these guys to ruin everything. Or at least try to." Soku snickered. "Anyway, we should go see if anyone else needs help cleaning up."

"Right." Kage nodded before looking over at the groaning pile of what were their local Team Havoc grunts. "You better not cause any more trouble of I'll make sure those zorua know where you are."

The group was quick to get up and run off at the threat. "Wow, what a low blow." Soku barely held back a laugh. "Using their living nightmare against them."

"If it's effective, I'll use it." Kage shrugged. "Let's go." Well, how could Soku really argue with that? Plus they still had work to do. Time to finish cleaning up.