New Hatchday

5 months, 13 days ago
5 months, 9 days ago
3 1541

Entry 3
Published 5 months, 9 days ago

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Egg Hunt

"Alright boys, let's get those eggs." Dazzle readjusted the baskets on her arms. "Before those Team Havoc interlopers can."

Both her assistants, Yule and Melt, gave her confident nods. "We'll find them!" Yule pulled Melt along.

Dazzle kept a close eye on the two younger pokemon, while also trying to keep in mind where the various Team Havoc grunts. This whole thing certainly was turning out to be a bit of a mess. It had been nice at first. The whole town coming together to decorate eggs. Some nice community bonding. Then of course Team Havoc had to show up, and not just their typical trio of idiots. Oh no. A whole slew of Team Havoc members had shown up to ruin things. Of course their usual offenders were there too, but they'd been handled by a couple of their local knights once the fighting had broke out. Now though, now it was a race to find the eggs which had been scattered during that fighting. The citizens of Shiverkeep had an advantage though, being used to traveling through the snow. She took great pleasure in watching some of the grunts struggle to move effectively.

Her group made a good dent in the lost eggs. Some other groups, like those with the odd zorua Shatter, took to fighting off some of the grunts to give the others more time to find the eggs. Whether intentional or not. Dazzle was fairly certain Shatter was just fighting for the sake of fighting. Either way the distraction helped a lot. It allowed the other citizens of Shiverkeep to gather most of the lost eggs. She turned to her two assistants, baskets bursting with the recovered eggs. "Good work you two. I do believe most of them have been found. Let's take these back for now."

"You got it!" Melt nodded, careful to not knock over the basket balanced on his back.

"Onward!" Yule pointed with his free hand towards where some of the others had been stashing the eggs. A couple of the knights, Cyber and Proto she believed, were guarding the area from any grunts trying to mess with the already collected eggs. The sight of the robotic sandslash seemed to be enough to deter most from even trying though.

"Ah wonderful!" Cyber put his hands together as the trio approached. "Put them down here and we'll make sure they're safe until Team Havoc leaves." Next to him Proto nodded, single eye still focused on tracking any grunts that got too close.

"Excellent. Thank you for your hard work." Dazzle tilted her head as she placed down her own baskets. Melt and Yule followed her lead.

"Do you think they'll be gone soon?" Yule tilted his head as he looked over at Cyber.

The robotic sandshrew tapped his chin. "Hard to say for sure... but they're clearly losing. I estimate a 80% chance they retreat within the next 10 minutes. though sometimes this group can be very stubborn from what I've heard. Though fear not!" He put a hand on his chest while Proto gave him a brief glance. "They will still lose. Even if it takes a little longer. My companions and the other townsfolk who are fighting will make sure of that."

"That's good to hear." Melt smiled. "Thank you!"

"Of course! We swore to protect this town and that's what we'll do." Cyber looked happy as well. Proto clicked his claws together. Dazzle wasn't sure how to interpret that honestly.

"Well." Dazzle spoke up. "Nothing more to do now but wait it out. Perhaps we'll wait back here and help watch the eggs."

"The help would be greatly appreciated, thank you." Cyber nodded. Well, perhaps today hadn't turned out so bad after all.