Gaidinia May 2024 Event

1 month, 13 days ago
1 month, 12 days ago
4 932

Chapter 2
Published 1 month, 13 days ago

The Gaidinia Space Institute (GSI) has been conducting extraneous research based on what was brought back from their first launch into space. In it there were traces of something...much different than they were expecting. Glimmering and sparkling scales. An interesting find.

Another team is being sent out to explore where these scales came from and how they could be better utilized. Hopefully they find more than just simple answers along the way.

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Author's Notes

Task 2: After the first exploration came back with such success, there is talk of what else may be out there! What does your gaidinian hope to find? (Minimum 200 Words)

Block 1 Task 2

So, here's the thing, right? When it comes to talking about what I hope to find out there, I've got a couple of things bouncing around in this noggin of mine. First off, there's this itch I've got to uncover new recreational goodies, you know, stuff like the stash I managed to smuggle back last time – weed, mushrooms, maybe even some top-shelf alcohol. Granted, the new stuff I come across might be like this state of the art shiz taken in a way we’d never even heard of. Ideally it’s just flat out euphoria and good vibes without any side effects, ya know? Not that I'd go shouting about it from the rooftops if I found it, mind you. It's more like a personal mission, a little something to take the edge off the cosmic grind.

But then, there's the other side of the coin – the thrill of bumping into new alien faces, like those tubal dudes I ran into before, and I’m still trying to learn all the languages from the tablet they gave me. It's not just about making new pals, though that's a plus. I'm all about diving deep into their languages, cultures, and whatnot. Every encounter's a chance to soak up some interstellar knowledge, you feel me? And hey, that's the kind of excitement I'd happily share with anyone who's up for the adventure, guess those white coats in my first journey to space rubbed off on me a little bit!