Gaidinia May 2024 Event

1 month, 13 days ago
1 month, 12 days ago
4 932

Chapter 3
Published 1 month, 13 days ago

The Gaidinia Space Institute (GSI) has been conducting extraneous research based on what was brought back from their first launch into space. In it there were traces of something...much different than they were expecting. Glimmering and sparkling scales. An interesting find.

Another team is being sent out to explore where these scales came from and how they could be better utilized. Hopefully they find more than just simple answers along the way.

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Author's Notes

Describe What You Did On Your Spaceship Today! (Minimum 200 Words)

5/6/2024 Daily Task 1

So, today's return to the spaceship was a real drag. Waking up early? Not my jam, especially when it means peeling myself away from Zana and Sam. But hey, duty calls, right? Gotta make the most of the time I've got left before blasting off again. Already saw others from the new mission heading off into space, leaving me with a mix of frustration and longing.

Sat there on the cold ship floor, nursing a coffee, waiting for the first delivery to roll in. Mini-fridge and other gadgets arrived first, thanks to my old Nyanarr buddy, Jasper. Dude was a legend, helping me set everything up – from the swanky coffee maker to the mini-fridge and even an ergonomic massage chair.

While we tinkered with all the fancy gear, more deliveries piled in. Didn't even have time to open 'em up, just stacked 'em by the door for later. Figured I'd sort through 'em tomorrow; nothing perishable, anyway.

By the time Jasper and I wrapped up, it was time to call it a day. Stepping out of the ship, stress weighing heavy on my shoulders, I couldn’t believe I got the opportunity to visit the stars again and in such a short amount of time. So much to do, so little time before lift-off.