Gaidinia May 2024 Event

1 month, 14 days ago
1 month, 12 days ago
4 932

Chapter 4
Published 1 month, 12 days ago

The Gaidinia Space Institute (GSI) has been conducting extraneous research based on what was brought back from their first launch into space. In it there were traces of something...much different than they were expecting. Glimmering and sparkling scales. An interesting find.

Another team is being sent out to explore where these scales came from and how they could be better utilized. Hopefully they find more than just simple answers along the way.

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Author's Notes

Describe What You Did On Your Spaceship Today! (Minimum 200 Words)

5/7/2024 Daily Task 1

Another crack-of-dawn start today, joy. Jasper's got all the tech stuff sorted on the ship, so it's just me dealing with the mountain of deliveries. Organizing's not exactly my forte, but hey, gotta make do.

The snacks and drinks were a breeze to stash away – simple, straightforward. But then came the tricky part: finding spots for the books, blankets, and games. Ship's got plenty of storage nooks, but figuring out where everything goes is like solving a puzzle.

Spent most of the day playing storage Tetris, trying to fit everything snugly. Some items slid right into place, like those blankets Sam gave me. Others, like the books, needed a bit more finagling. Managed to squeeze a few near the pilot's seat for easy access.

Once everything was finally in place, I flopped down on a bunk, surveying my handiwork. Outside might be decked out in pink and green (thanks to those Ligeria eggheads), but inside's still lacking. Time for a makeover, methinks.

Got a plan brewing – gonna hit up a hobby store, snag some digital frames. Load 'em up with memories of Sam before I blast off tomorrow. Decision made, I flicked off the lights and bid the ship adieu for the day.