15 oc questions

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1. Honestly most of them would, but Craven probably would  now if his boyfriend would allow it

2. Despite loving  tea and coffee Amy does a lot

3.  They are all horrible drunks, every single one of them. The only one who can hold their wine is Zalmon and he is a vampire. Soul can if he chooses to. 

4. Best in bed Sugar, worst in bed Victor (his hands are sewn to his face TW if you click on his profile) 

5. Cat loving. Well Diana is a cat, Atasi is a dog, my witchsona has twelve tarantulas 

6. Edgiest >> Zalmon , Oli does wear them to hide his identity. 

7. Intermint. He thinks that the sounds your TV makes when it gets fuzzy is music. 

8. If given the chance, with human legs or a game on the beach princess Amara would for sure force her friends, and sister to play monopoly 

9. Angriest when loosing Monopoly is surprisingly Avidma, she enjoys games and hates loosing 

10. Craven and Skye are the meme masters, they fuck with everyone. Soul is the most fed up with it plotting with Zalmon to get them back for their fuckery.

11. Never throw anything away would again probably be Sugar, she doesn’t own a lot of things and she is a traveling dancer/erotica women so she takes what she can and keeps it to. Her cart or car depending on the universe is for sure filled to the brim with everything under the sone. 

12. Least feral - Blair sweet child, princess, joy of everyones life. Most feral >> Phil Eats babies, has to many eyes, two mouths, demon from another dimension TW all the way

13. Dumpster fire for sure Craven, just a little ball of joy but everything in his life is destruction. Setting fire to this dumpter? Oli for sure 

14. Most likely - Orion, just to piss people off though 

      Most likely to be grossed out - Mari. She is a baker, and loves food, the idea of ruining food with just squirting ketchup over it makes her shutter inside.

15. Most of my ocs probably dont know what a klondike bar is, however I think Sugar would do legit anything for a kiondike bar. For example, you know that kill, marry, f*ck game - yeah she would do any of those for a klondike. Girls gotta eat.