Character Questionnaires

4 years, 8 months ago
5 months, 14 days ago
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Entry 3
Published 4 years, 7 months ago

Here are a few character questionnaires that I have filled out for Scourge. I think that these are really fun to fill out, and they really help when you're developing a character.

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Personal Psychiatrist - OC Interview Meme 2019

BRUH! Deviantart has so many freakin' amazing questionnaires! I'm gonna do another one, because I found this awesome one right here. It describes what this is below so, I'm not going to say to much about it. Basically your OC is talking to a "man" (psychiatrist). Which mean more in character answers!! Yay!! So without further ado... *Throws Scourge in because that bitch needs a psychiatrist.* OH YEAH I AM SO SORRY BUT, LANGUAGE WARNING ONCE AGAIN!! Heheh.

Here's where you can find this:

Getting the lowdown:
Your OC went to sleep one night, only to wake up in a square room with nothing but a semi-comfortable bed attached to the wall and a man sitting on a chair in front of them. Bright light/complete darkness momentarily blinds them, and that's when they realize they're in deep.
As it turns out, the man is a psychiatric doctor and you, their creator, sent them to him in the hopes that their restless minds can finally find some peace.
If your OC has any companions, same species or otherwise, that never leave their side, this meeting has broken that rule and your OC is alone, except for the man.
There are no cameras, no notes, no actual record of the conversation will be made. Just your OC having a good heart to heart with a perfect stranger who sees many people each day but treats everyone with the same equality he believes they deserve. Whether they be mutant, animal, human, anything.
If it helps, you can be the interviewer. If not, then he's a man with looks left entirely to your imagination. Replace "Man" with "Creator" or your name if you wish to exchange places. Add questions at the end, but before the wrapping up (last) question.
This is going to get heavy, this is going to get personal, simply because your OCs are people too, right? And no one needs to see this; this can be saved to your computer and referenced when you need to see what they do when they have an emotional breakdown. 

Feel free to add your own questions at the end, going over what they'd said or asking new ones entirely.

Onto the questions:

 Man: Are you sitting quite comfortably? I'd like to remind you that what you see is very much all there is. Me, you and whatever burdens you may carry. We'll start with your name, what is it?

Scourge:  ...What the hell is even goin' on here? Why should I tell ya anything?! Oh right, I'm forced to do this. Well... the name's Scourge.

Man: Do you think your name suits you? Do you perhaps plan on changing it or do you feel that it has helped define you as a person? Could you imagine yourself with any other name?

Scourge: Yeah, it suits me. I had a name before it that I'm not gonna say right now, and I'm glad I changed it. I could actually imagine myself with other names, but I'd prefer to stick with this one. I almost changed my name to 'Killswitch' instead but, 'Scourge' was just a better name to me.

Man: How old are you, if you don't mind my asking?

Scourge: I'm twenty years old.

Man: When is your birthday? Do you know your astrological sign? Do you believe that it's accurate to your personality?

Scourge:  October 26th. Five days before Halloween! I have been told that my astrological sign is Scorpio, but I dunno what any of the means! My boyfriend tells me that some of the traits do fit me though.

Man: Say you're a third person who is describing you here to someone who's never met you before. What key traits would you mention? Why those in particular?

Scourge:  I would make sure to let'cha know that I'm very easy to anger, and that I don't understand a lotta thing's since I've been away from society for a while... I mention those 'cause ya really don't want me pissed off at ya. I'll tear ya apart! And the society thing well, I just might not get what things you're tryin' to ask me!

Man: Are there many traits you wish you didn't have? Or perhaps any that you feel you wouldn't be you without them?

Scourge:  I honestly wish that I wasn't driven by emotions so much... it always makes things worse. I'd also say that maybe it'd be better if I didn't have my violent traits but then again... would I be me without 'em?

Man: What are your favourite, simple things? Perhaps when a stranger smiles at you, or your favourite song comes up on the radio?

Scourge: Rain, flowers bloomin', people sufferin'... Heh. I love those things actually.

Man: Do you listen to music? If you do, which genres do you find yourself most attracted to honestly? Why is this? If not, why is that?

Scourge:  I don't really listen to music but, I hear it occasionally. I could see myself listenin' to rock, heavy metal, or even death metal. Ya know, those relaxin' genres!

Man: Have you ever heard that, if you listen to the lyrics of someone's favourite song, you'll hear the words they can't say? Meaning, in the nutshell, that the people being spoken of listen to music they can relate to and that's often that they're hurting in some way. Do you listen to music that you can relate to especially?

Scourge:  Woah, that's deep man! Maybe that's why I don't listen to much music! Hehehe... heh..

Man: If ever, when do you listen to music? When you're sad, happy, angry, lonesome, excited?

Scourge:  I hardly listen to music!! Change the freakin' subject, doc!

Man: Do you ever feel blissful one minute and then depressed the next?

Scourge:  Don't... don't fuckin' start with me! Let's just go back to talkin' 'bout the music...  *Sigh* Fine. I'mma say yes to that question...

Man: How often do you notice your moods change? How does this affect those around you?

Scourge:  I don't like this... Um. They change very constantly, and trust me it does affect people. Especially poor Tao...

Man: How do you feel you communicate with other people? Do you feel you lack the proper skills to hold onto friendships?

Scourge:  I hardly ever communicate with others. Ya can't trust anyone, so why bother with makin' friends? It's dumb. Obviously I lack the skills to even get a friendship in the first place. No one can tolerate me anyways.

Man: What is your oldest friend's name and what are they like? Do you remember how you met? Have you ever fought physically or otherwise?

Scourge:  Tao. We met a long time ago when I was only eight I think... He was the only person to reach out to me when I needed someone... We've been friends since! And bad as I hate to say it, we have fought physically before, and I do tend to attack him now from time to time...

Man: Are you currently in a romantic relationship? Do you think that you two will stay together for much longer? If you aren't currently dating anyone, think about the last time you did.

Scourge:  Why yes I am actually. Tao and I are datin'. Tao and I promised each other that we would never leave each other's side but, I'm sure he's gonna get tired of me at some point right?...

Man: How do you feel when they aren't around? When they are? Feel free to go into detail, I don't mind hearing it.

Scourge:   When Tao's not 'round, I do worry a bit. I wonder if he's okay. But I also feel like I have a moment to just... murder some things without him havin' to see it when he's gone. When Tao's there, I feel a bit more accepted and not as alone. I never really though 'bout this 'til now.

Man: Tell me about your parents, what were they like? In what ways did they influence you most, do you think?

Scourge:  My dad used to be cool, but then he got tired of me real quick. He hated me after a while, and now we're basically enemies. My father influenced some of my violence I think. My mother on the other hand... she was perfect. I was really attached to her, she kept care of me... I still think 'bout her a lot...

Man: Are/Were there any other significant people in your life? Any aunts or uncles who took care of you as a child, perhaps?

Scourge: Hmmm... not really. It was just my parent and then Tao. That was it.

Man: Do you think that the person you are now has changed all that much from when you were a child?

Scourge: Hahaha... yeah. I have dramatically changed! I used to be a cool person, isn't that crazy?

Man: How about your teenage years? Did you enjoy them?

Scourge:  My teenage years were when things really started gettin' bad... I don't wanna talk 'bout it.

Man: What are some things that you just can't stand? Not people, not places, just things.

Scourge: Well... I can't stand to see the forest hurt in any way. I can't stand a lot of things but, I can't really think of 'em right now...

Man: What are your opinions on individuality? I'm open minded, don't worry.

Scourge: I dunno what that even means. I'mma make a guess though. I'll just say that I think that everyone deep down are all the same. They just have personalities and shit that makes 'em so different.

Man: How do you feel when someone opposes you? Verbally or otherwise? How do you react instantly? 

Scourge: It depends on how they're opposin' me. If it's nothin' that's botherin' me too much, I'll just ignore 'em. But if they piss me off, I'mma fight 'em. Hell, I'll kill 'em!

Man: Could you be described as a violent person? Would you say you're a violent person?

Scourge: Ha. hahaha! Oh, this isn't a joke? Well um, yeah I'm violent. It's obvious.

Man: Is it ever okay to harm or kill someone?

Scourge:  Why of course it is! There's an abundance of horrible people in this world, it's gonna do a huge favor to everyone in the long run if we... eliminate a few! Besides, we're all gonna die anyways right?

Man: Do you agree that it's a "hunt or be hunted/eat or be eaten" world?

Scourge:  Yeah, I could agree with that. Violence is the answer after all.

Man: Which would you say you were more likely to be viewed as? Hunted or hunter?

Scourge: Definitely the hunter. I kill who I want, when I want. And I'll stop at nothin' if I really want somethin'!

Man: If you were the hunter, would you ever befriend or help someone who could be called the (almost-) hunted? Would you aid them in becoming a fellow hunter, perhaps?

Scourge:  Pfffft! Nah... they can just... die.

Man: What do you do when you pass someone on the streets who looks lost or looks like someone in need of help?

Scourge:  I just keep walkin'. ... what?

Man: I know we've been doing this for a while now, but how do you feel when you express your feelings? Do you perhaps feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders or a claw has released your chest or do you "vent" so often to people that it's become a normal sensation?

Scourge:  Honestly, I just feel worse than I already do sometimes. That's why I didn't say everything that's botherin' me... we only scratched the surface! :)

Man: How often do you find yourself ranting about issues that bother you to your significant partner? Do they (unconsciously) make you feel like you're just being a burden or are they constantly telling you that you can tell them anything that worries you?

Scourge:  Once in a while I complain to Tao. He says he'd like me to talk to him more, but I'm sure he's lyin'.

Man: I know we're both busy people so I'll close up this meeting now. It's been lovely talking to you and I hope you feel like that claw has let go or the weight has vanished now? I hope we can do this again sometime and I'm always here if you need me. Goodbye!

Scourge:  I still feel like shit. Ha. I actually hope I don't see ya again 'cause that'd be really awkward... *Shudders*

Bam! That's the end of it! This was really fun to fill out actually. I might go look for more of these things to fill out because omg... there are some really cool ones!! :D