
4 years, 6 months ago
4 years, 6 months ago
2 1888

Chapter 2
Published 4 years, 6 months ago

Explicit Violence

Afterwards, any and all remaining MK9311 models that could be found were deactivated and incinerated. It wasn't just mindless machines they were burning, though.

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Chapter 2

“Soldiers, engineers, programmers,” A woman spoke in front of a whiteboard, towards all the figures seated in the auditorium. She wore a well-fitting uniform, expensive and exuding authority. “The error of our ways after this incident will not be forgotten. Our new combat robots will be more thoroughly tested for flaws, and coded laws of robotics will become stricter. Regardless, we thank you all for the bravery you displayed in the face of rebellion. We've lost many good people, but this can only mean that we will be able to try even better to never lose more.”

“Our head engineer, Doyle, has come to the conclusion that this was partly due to a flaw in code, and primarily due to enemy interference. The MK9311s intercepted a radio signal that disrupted their memory processes and provoked their threat response. This signal, however... Did not come from a Reistean source.”

“There are bigger fish out there.”

A tall figure raised their arm, deflecting the light shining from between the trees. NK47 would be sure that if they had a sense of smell, they could appreciate the charm of nature that all the organics raved on about, but right now, all they could think of was how the sunlight irritated their sensors.

Recently, everything has felt... So much more vivid.

Their internals operated differently than usual, and normally, it was a cause for concern. But every single time NK47 ran diagnostics, nothing but green checkmarks would show up. Everything was fine. Have the engineers lied to them? Was being unique something... good?

NK47 grumbled as they moved through the bushes. Their navigation and tracking system was more picky in this area, especially after the modifications that Naomi managed to commit in time. It might have had something to do with it being a military zone, one that NK47 hasn't been able to leave in the weeks they've spent wandering.

They had to. Just like they intercepted the signal that started it all, they could intercept the broadcast stating that they were hunted. Their decommissioning was no longer peaceful now. It was war.

Suddenly, they diverted their focus from the radio they were tracking to the different, characteristic signal to the south. There was another MK9311 unit there. NK47 felt something, the feeling they identified as “concern”. Without much care for their surroundings, they ran, crushing twigs and leaves under their tungsten toes. They hoped VN77 would be careful.

When they arrived at the source of the signal, they saw an old, destroyed military building, walls crumbled and doors kicked down. It seemed familiar, somehow, yet buried too deep in their memory banks for them to remember. They went inside, leaning down and dodging low ceilings and rubble.

With a thud, they stumbled over a collapsed beam and fell right next to the seated VN77. Silently, NK47 tilted their head at the other.

“...I was hoping you would come,” VN77 mumbled timidly. As NK47's gaze wandered downwards, they noticed the unit was missing a leg. To have an entire limb torn off while being a military grade robot was no easy feat.

“I guessed that, but not your loss of a limb. What hurt you?”

“They're after us.”

“I know.”

NK47 needed no further explanation. They sat in front of the other unit, moving closer. They served in different sectors. VN77 was a V2 unit, not a V1 like them. Leaving such an unit being injured would have been a waste... But surely, nothing more than a small loss to humans, NK47 noted bitterly.

“We're both aware that an average replacement would not do.” MK9311s had strict protection. Only an authentic, SAFETP produced part could be attached to their body as either an addition or replacement. “You can't move, and neither do you know where a body might be, I assume.”

VN77 nodded silently, before casting their gaze downwards. NK47 could read the sadness in their eyes, and it was clear that it made them feel almost just as bad.

“But I do.” There was a spark of determination.

“...Would you...?” VN77 trailed off, but they didn't need to speak. NK47 knew what they meant.

“Of course I would.” NK47 moved on their knees towards VN77. Their hand reached for theirs, and even though their now intertwined fingers were made of cold, carbon-lined metal, the two of them felt warmth. Had it not been for the rebellion, it wouldn't have felt the same. Were they closer to humans than they initially thought?

Neon red eyes met the stark white of NK47's, and in a resolute tone, the older unit leaning over the newer one grabbed onto their other hand and leaned their head against theirs.

“Pair with me.”