Morning Glimpses

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Good Morning Totsuki and welcome back to school after the break!

Being the dedicated journalist that I, Sotsuda-Cohen Cho am, I of course arrived as early as possible in front of Totsuki’s gates to witness the return of everyone and possibly drink in a few updates right on the spot.

I was more than surprised to find out that there are people who actually managed to be here before me.

Believe it or not but today, early in the morning, I met Inoue Eito (our current 10th Seat for the people who live under a rock) accompanied by Matsuoka Takeo (our current 9th Seat for the same ignorant people). Seems like our all-known party-lion Inoue-senpai had much of an headache this morning and needed support to walk. The support was given by a very annoyed Matsuoka-senpai, who was quick to order me away from the scenery.

I wonder what exactly Inoue-senpai thought to be a good idea doing in the very night before school starts.

Hopefully the rest of our beloved Elite Ten does not have to deal with such an insufferable headache this morning! Although, I can fairly imagine most of their mornings.

Hayama Akio will most likely awake to the most bewitching and sheer out-of-this-world fragrance one can only imagine. His father is the master of spices and aroma after all. As we all know, Hayama-senpai inherited his father’s godly sense of smell and will certainly be able to guess, no, know the ingredients to his breakfast this morning instantly.

“You made pancakes with cardamom, dad?” Akio asked when coming down the stairs. He smiled. “And I can also smell blueberries, strawberries, grapes, lemons, Blackcurrent-Ginseng-Vanilla-tea and Spiced-Chocolate-Coffee.”

Almost a little startled by this entrance, Akira Hayama looked up from his work in the frying pan to face his son instead. The initial surprise faded quick however as he rather began to smile. “Indeed.” He gave an appreciating nod. “Well done.”

“Since you know what’s served already”, Hisako Hayama took a halt to her hectic walk around the house, “Tea or Coffee?” A very frequently asked question in the Hayama-Household, one could almost say: the most frequent.

Akio‘s smile only grew a bit more. “Today I’ll settle for tea, mom.” Already in preparation to what would happen next, Akio was quick to raise his arm. “I’ll get it myself!”

Hisako, who had already positioned her feet into the direction of the teapots, flinched subtly. After a small moment, Hisako nodded towards her son with a friendly smile. Said smile quickly turned to a slightly mischievous one as she turned her head towards her husband. “He chose tea.” Akira replied without turning around. “Kaori chose coffee. Today it’s a draw.”

They had made it a competition between each other over who would have more success in making their two children chose their individually preferred type of beverage.

Thinking about the morning of Hayama Hisako’s and Akira’s son, also makes one wonder if their daughter had a good rest as well. Hayama Kaori, the greatest talent among the current highschool first-years. Some would say that she embodies grace and excellence from head to toe.

A true gathering of refinement. The Master of Fragrance, a Healer as renowned and skilled to be recognised by emperors and empresses, a diligent Elite Ten member and the icy valedictorian of her generation.

Akio turned his head into the direction of the table. There sitting was his little sister Kaori with the coffee mug in her hands. Even right after waking up, she still managed to look like a proper and fine, young lady. One you could most definitely invite her over to tea with the most posh and sophisticated women of high society and you would do so without worrying for even a second that Kaori would embarrass herself. To Akio it almost felt like she somehow skipped puberty.

He felt his heart sink a little at that sight. Distant seemed the memories of her happily running around Granny Jun’s garden, eagerly naming every flower she spot.

“Kaori, Good morning! I hope you slept well!” He greeted, trying is best in pushing various worried and concerned thoughts out of his mind for now. She replied with friendly words but in a tone that one would rather use in a business meeting than towards a family member. “Good Morning to you as well, Onii-san.”

Akio felt his smile crumbling a little. “I see you look ready and prepared for going back to school. That’s a joy for sure.” He said, not having the heart bringing up the most recent conflict he had with his sister in front of their parents. They all were so rarely together nowadays and Akio wouldn’t dare to ruin it.

Kaori only gave a quick nod as reply and so, Akio turned his head away again to get himself the tea his mother had prepared.

Meanwhile Akira had finished his cooking and brought a plate stapled with steaming pancakes to the table where Kaori was sitting. Once her father was near enough, she spoke up. “The coffee is exquisite as always, Dad. Thank you.” She took another sip of it and as she lowered her cup again one could see something truly rare: a small smile gracing Kaori’s face.

A soft laughter escaped Akira and all fatherly instincts in him could not resist raising his hand and lightly patting his daughter’s head. “No problem, my Blossom. You know I will support you in any way I can on your way to the top and if it’s just providing you with a good waking up on your first day of school.”

Akio turned his head away from the sight to get his tea.

A large portion of humanity will sort themselves into the “not being a morning person”-cult and buy mugs with such lovely slogans like “if you talk to me before I had my coffee I will kill you”. But then there’s the most beloved president of the Chinese RS, Hojo Suzume, who can make the morning sun worry about being outshined by her wide, jolly grin.

Ah, what some would give for the astonishing energy of Suzu-senpai.

“Good Morning!” Suzume cajoled as she threw the apartment’s door open. Some might wonder how she still had air left to do so after she’d just been out jogging for an hour but people who knew the Hojos a little better would know that Suzume has been blessed with many capacities to her vocals by her father’s genes. There were people who wholeheartedly believed she could wake the dead if she wanted to.

“Fuck. Suzu, you’re fucking drenched in sweat.” Takayuki greeted her, before taking a sip of his jasmine tea from a mug that read: “All the coffee in the world can’t make me a morning person”.

His mother, the head-chef of the estimated Hojo-Ra, Miyoko walked by with a basket of steaming Dim Sum in her left hand. Without warning she suddenly raised her right hand to lightly slap the back of Takayuki’s purple head, making him flinch in surprise. “You know the common custom in this civilization is to give a ‘Good Morning’ back, Takayuki.” “Sorry, Ma.“ Mumbled Takayuki into his cup. The woman then gave a nod towards her daughter and held the basket up. “Morning, Suzume. Dim Sum?”

It merely took the blonde teen a few bouncy steps to reach her dark-haired family members. “I think one before the shower can’t hurt.”

After two bites of the warm delicacy and a satisfied hum, she shifted her attention back to Miyoko. “Mom, do you happen to be in the mood to make a smoothie?”

The answer she received was a long, stern stare till finally a little smirk emerged on Miyoko’s lips. “I don’t think so, but who knows? Maybe the craving for a Matcha-Pear-Smoothie will overcome me while a certain young blonde will take a shower, so she’ll be ready for school.”

As president of the Chinese RS, Hojo Suzume obviously specializes in the cuisine of the broad lands that the Pacific Ocean separates our Japanese Isle from. As daughter of two famed Chinese chefs and legacies of Totsuki’s long history, including past presidency over the Chinese RS, one can’t be blamed to think that taking the president-spot had been the jolly blonde’s destiny ever since she was born. But surprisingly enough Suzu-senpai had to earn this spot in a truly brutal and outstretched battle against the former president’s, how to call it, cabinet.

It had truly been a thrilling fight for both the participants and the observers and it’s safe to say it’s memories that have burned theirselves into many of Totsuki’s minds, just like Suzu-senpai had burned away her competition with her admirable knowledge around China’s culinary wonderland and the excellent handling of a wok.

Based on my observations thus far her efforts have payed off, as she is hold in high regard by most of the student body and loved deeply by the members of the Chinese RS. Without a doubt, she’s one of the most cherished presidents in recent years.

"Should I go with my standard-fan or a more fancy one, since its the first school day after break?” Suzume inquired as she came down the stairs, freshly showered with the fragrance of pineapple-honey melon shampoo wafting around her, dressed in Totsuki’s uniform and holding two Chinese fans in her hands. The fan in her right hand was simple and red, the fan in her left hand was white and had black ink-branches besprinkled with red flowers painted ingeniously on it.

Miyoko and Takayuki both turned their heads towards the stairs where Suzume was standing, both having the same frown on their face.

Suzume help up the white one and elaborated. “I think special occasions warrant special fans. But then again-” “I approve. Take the fancy one, Suzu. Yo’ve got Kuga-Blood in you, Suzume. We’re not afraid of attention~”

Suzume turned her head upwards and met the brown, mischievous eyes of her father as he came down the stairs dressed in a ridiculously sumptuous dressing gown and a cocky grin.

“Terunori.” Miyoko spoke, lowering the Dim Sum she had nearly been biting into. “I didn’t thought you’d grace us with your presence this morning.” Pretending to be greatly upset, Terunori placed his hand on his chest in a big gesture and cried out. “Wife, you wound me! But of course I wouldn’t miss breakfast with our two most lovely and precious children before they go off to Culinary-Hogwarts, for anything in the world.”

Suzume let out a laugh, Miyoko rolled her eyes a little albeit the ends of her mouth lifted subtly, Takayuki raised his eyebrow. “How the hell is Totsuki comparable to Hogwarts, dad?”

“Anyway” Terunori lifted a finger and put his focus back on Suzume. “Take the fancy fan, daughter.”

Suzume smiled back. “You know that I don’t necessarily need a fan in order to get eyes on me though, right dad?” Before she could continue, Takayuki already commented. “Yeah, last year she entered her first class after break by kicking the door open and shouting ‘somebody once told me’, I hear.”

Another one of Suzume’s trademark laughs ensued at the memory. “Yeah and it was epic. But, to get back to the fans, you see: My first class this year is together with…” For the first time of the morning, her smile disappeared as it was replaced with a displeased grimace. “…Four-Eyes.”

As all Hojos understood “Four-Eyes” as Suzume’s code-word for “Shigeo Eizan” not one sign of confusion could be seen on the family member’s faces. Rather, deep understanding found its way on Terunori’s, Miyoko remained a stern rock and Takayuki looked like he was about to let out an “ew”.

“It’s a 40-minute lesson, yet still I’m certain that Eizan will still manage to make one of his 'oh-im-smarter-than-all-of-you’- or 'morals?-kindness?-what-are-those?’-comments and..” She threw her hands into the air, frustrated. “…UGH!”

Terunori gave repeated nods. “Fair.” Before he could tell his detailed opinion about the bespectacled family however, Miyoko already sighed. “You’re all acting like we’re at war with them.” Takayuki at that only questioned. “Aren’t we?!”

Suzume held up her pretty fan. “Well, it’s likely that I’ll have to take initiative at some point in the lesson, if his commentary gets too sickening. And I wouldn’t want to ruin my good fan for that.” She gave a shrug.

Terunori imitated the pose of “The Thinker” as he stated. “That’s a tricky one indeed.” Miyoko held up a glass filled with a green liquid while she simultaneously leaned forwards a little. “How about you try to not hit anyone with one of your fans today and just sit down and finally have the smoothie you asked for?” She then looked at Terunori. “And how about you stop trying to behave like we’re the modern Montagues and make some of your Baozi?”

For a few seconds both Suzume and Terunori only wordlessly stared at Miyoko from the stairs. Then the stars lightened up in Suzume’s violet eyes as she exclaimed. “Okay Mama!” She rushed towards the table and took the glass out of her mother’s hand. Terunori followed rather quickly. “You’re lucky that I love you so much, Miyoko-Sweetheart.”

Suzu-senpai might be popular but even she has her critics. Her most vocal and prominent one would be a fellow Elite Ten Member actually. But that certain member, Eizan Shigeo, has much of a certain reputation himself. There could be so many things said about him, that one wouldn’t know how to start. Furthermore, it’s not always easy to tell which info regarding him is true and which is false.

What can very safely be said however is that he is a man all about the success and results. But maybe that’s not all too surprising when we keep in mind that he’s been named the heir of a consulting company with a great standing in the culinary industry. Despite not being the first-born son, his intelligence and sharp understanding of business granted him this position.

And wether you like him or not, his tactical, clever thinking is said to make him valuable to the Elite 10 as well. Even if he might not always uses his talents with the best intentions in mind.

“I don’t like repeating myself, Umino.” Shigeo hissed into his smartphone, making sure to not make too much noise. “For the last time: he has black hair, green eyes and a mole on his cheek. But what’s most important is that he still owes me something and although my kind-hearted soul granted him time over the break it seems he forgot about his debt. So in order to remind him, you two morons will get a hold of him when he returns to Totsuki and wait until I arrive for the further procedure.” “A-Aye Boss.” The voice on the other side of the phone stammered.

Shigeo’s yellow eyes rolled upwards, before he said. “Now stop calling me. The instructions are clear and I expect you two, combined, to have enough braincells to follow them.” Not giving Umino any chance to say something else he then hung up.

Afterwards he made his way out of his room and down the stairs.

Elite 10 membership runs through Shigeo-senpai’s family. Both of his parents used to be in the Elite 10 and after all, our current 3rd seat is an Eizan as well.

Shigeo-senpai and his older brother, Eizan Masashi, can certainly be seen together quite a lot despite the fact that they’re not in the same generation.

Both of them are well-aware of their standing within the academy and individual skills. Together they’re a force to behold and only the most bravest of souls would go up against them. Still, despite their constant cooperation, they’re still brothers in the end. And all siblings bicker here and there.

“Morning.” Shigeo greeted as he came down the stairs. He was promptly greeted by Masashi’s curt tone. “There you are! Mother made you miso soup!” Said mother was quick to interfere though with the help of her calm but strict voice. “Masashi, you don’t need to sound so aggressive.”

Nene Eizan then shifted her focus to her middle son and merely said. “Good morning Shigeo, I suppose you want a coffee?”

The more than familiar trademark smirk appeared on Shigeo’s face as he replied. “That would be splendid, Mom. Thank you. I had a call to make, that’s why I was not down here sooner.” A huff escaped Masashi.

“Don’t you think you’re a bit too much on your phone sometimes?” Nene sighed, as she began to operate the coffee-machine. “Who is there that you need to call this early in the morning?”

“The gorillas, most likely.” A third voice found it’s way into the conversation. Turning his head into the direction it had come from Shigeo’s gaze landed on the kitchen table and a young, blonde boy sitting at it with a cup of hot chocolate and a bowl of miso-soup.

“Gorillas?” Nene repeated, confused over her youngest son’s words. Kei was just about to open his mouth and elaborate further, but Masashi was a little quicker. “Those two indecent friends of Shigeo’s, Mother. Umino and Yamada.”

“Oh…” Was all Nene managed to say before Kei voiced his thoughts again. “Shigeo has no fuckin-” “Language!” Reprimanded Masashi before Kei could finish his sentence. Likewise, Nene’s face darkened a little. “Kei.”

“So…Sorry.” Kei stammered, imitated by the strict, warning tone his mother has used for merely saying his name.

Shigeo let out a chuckle. “Don’t listen to Kei, mom. He demonizes everything.” The overall arrogant tone of Shigeo’s voice paired with the self-confident smirk were enough to rile Kei up yet again. “There’s no need to demonize you, Shigeo! You and Masashi are demons!”

“How dare you?!” Masashi roared, but before it could escalate, Nene shut her two fiery children efficiently with a single. “Cut it out. Both of you.” They followed suit immediately, both not intending to push their luck on this one.

Nene let out another sigh, before handing Shigeo the espresso she had prepared. “Please just put your phone away for breakfast at least, Shigeo. It’s not polite.” Before Shigeo could reply however, Nene’s eyes already trailed to someone behind him and she said. “Then again, can I really blame you going by what example your father is giving?”

Shigeo raised an eyebrow before turning around and witnessing said father coming down the stairs with his eyes attached to his mobile phone, only looking up when Nene raised her voice a little. “Etsuya! Watch where you’re going!” The Soba-Master then shook her head. “At times it feels I have four children instead of three.”

Etsuya raised a hand to signalize his wife to calm down. “Okay, okay. I’m putting my phone away already. See?” He held the device up in presenting manner, only to put it into the pocket of his suit afterwards. He then casted a suspicious look on his spawn as he said. “Why is your mother in such a bad mood? Did you three have a fight again?”

“Fathe-” Masashi wanted to begin an explanation, but he was cut off by Shigeo. “Please, dad. I never fight. Masashi and Kei however…” He shrugged, not minding the death-glares that both Kei and Masashi threw at him. “What about Suzume-senpai?!” Kei then asked provocatively.

Immediately displeasure spread all over Shigeo’s face. “Don’t remind me of her. I have my first class today with that annoyance.” He groaned. “Hojo is too stupid and irritating for my kindness.” “Yeah right.” Kei gestured quotation marks into the air. “Your 'kindness’. Good one.”

“I’ve got to say.” Etsuya now said. “Her father is the most obnoxious person on the planet, so I can hardly blame Shigeo on that one.”

Nene brought herself back into the the conversation. “For being Kuga’s daughter, I’d say she actually turned out surprisingly decent.” She placed two bowls of miso-soup on the table. “Could I now kindly ask everyone to sit down and have breakfast together? Without any arguing?”

The last, but certainly not least, Elite 10 member from the 114th Generation is possibly the most infamous and yet still the most mysterious one at the same time.

For everyone else, I can make several attempts to envision how their mornings might look like. But for Yukihira Hiraku? Not possible.

Filled from head to toe with talent, Yukihira Hiraku entered the academy as a transfer student last year and took Totsuki by storm. Yet his origins are shrouded in mystery to this day. All we got is his mysterious relationship to the Nakiris, yet it still leaves more questions than answers as well.

Who is he really? The newfound idol of our school? The famed Tongue blessed by Angels?

“I can’t believe you overslept again, Hiraku! You two are going to miss the train! Is it that hard to set an alarm. I swear-” Those were some of the things Hiraku caught out of his mother’s speed-ranting as she squeezed the bento she had prepared into the mess that was his schoolbag.

Hiraku could only watch her with his usual stoic expression. Kimiko stood next to him, already having been perfectly prepared a hour ago, the school bag in her hands and ready to walk any second. “You really have no sense of time.” She scolded.

“Couldn’t we ask Aunt Alice to pick us up still? If we do miss the trai-” Hiraku was just about to bring up but Erina interrupted him. “No. Your aunt is busy running an enormous school and we won’t bother her because you still haven’t learned how to rise early, Hiraku.”

“Come on, Erina.” Soma attempted to calm the frustrated blonde. “We’ve all been late sometime.” The answer he received was violet eyes glaring at him and a sharp tongue hissing. “You’re not one to talk in this matter, Soma!”

The God Tongue had finally managed to not-only squeeze the bento into Hiraku’s messy bag but also close the zipper of it afterwards, despite the fact that the bag looked like about to explode any second. She let out a sigh, exhausted by the battle that the closing of the bag had been and her own ranting throughout of it.

She then picked the the bag up, to hand it back to it’s owner. “Now please hurry up, will you.”

Kimiko grinned at that. “Don’t worry, mom! We’re Yukihiras in the end and we always find a way.” She eyed Hiraku. “Even if Hiraku’s helium-balloon-brain can cause inconvenience here and there, it’s still salvageable and as long as things are salvageable Yukihiras find a way to salvage them. Right, dad?”

Soma laughed in response and winked. “That’s the spirit, Kimiko! I believe in you.”

Hiraku placed a squid-arm between his teeth and merely said. “I believe we really should be going then, huh?”

“That would be for the better, yes.” Erina crossed her arms. But then, that rare but beautiful little smile of her’s appeared on her lips at last. “Get to Totsuki safely and remember to have fun, okay?”

Soma appeared behind her and laid his arm around her, giving a thumbs-up. “Meanwhile we’ll keep things running over here. And you know you can always check in when you need something!”

Well, no matter wether your morning went down eventful or uneventful, something is certain: Things on Totsuki will never be boring!

In the name of Totsuki Sports, I welcome you back to Totsuki Academy! Let’s see what the second half of the school year has in store for us. Of course you can be assured that Totsuki Sports will keep you updated on all things going on in our lovely and certainly most lively school.

Signing off,

Sotsuda-Cohen Cho !