Phobos Stories

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
12 15766

Chapter 12
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

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Author's Notes

1617 words

phobos leaves his den and hunts some frogs, then gets surprised by justine who attacks him. she brings him to do as she wants and he enjoys it more than he should.

Sadistic Tendencies

The next morning Phobos awoke and felt something soft and warm next to him. He raised his head and looked at it, seeing the dark jill from the night before laying next to him, still sleeping, and remembering what had happened. She had just made herself at home at his den and he didn't chase her away, just not caring about who she was or what she was doing at all. He got up and stepped down the slab, turned his head and checked whether she was waking up as well. He watched her roll over and stretching her limbs, happy about the space she had now, but she seemed to still be sleeping or at least dozing. He shook his fur and stretched his limbs, one after the other, then noticed the dirt had dried and crumbled away from his fur and he felt insecure immediately, now in plain sight with his unusual pelt. He slowly trotted through the pathway leading out of the canyon and out into the open. He stopped to look around and noticed that even though the sun was out, there was still water dripping from the bare branches of the black trees around him and a cool breeze was ruffling up his fur, making him shiver a bit as the warmth of the sun was not strong enough to make up for it.

He started looking for some frogs as breakfast and a mud puddle to refresh his coat, but most of the pools around were filled with too much water and wouldn't stick, so it took him a longer route. He heard croaking in the distance and followed it, his mouth already watering at the thought of an easy hunt and a delicious meal.  

As he found the frogs, about half a dozen, all gathered around one of the watery puddles, he didn't even try to sneak closer, knowing they'd easily spot him in this bare environment, so the piebald just started running and tried to catch as many as possible before they all disappeared in their hiding spots. His mouth open widely, he grabbed two right after each other, then stepped his paw onto a third one and held it in place. The poor creatures in his mouth were already dead after a single bite, so he spit them out, killed the third one and swallowed them whole, one after the other. They were small and didn't fill much of his belly, but the area was swarmed with the amphibians so it wouldn't be difficult for him to find more and stuff himself as the day went on. Justine had silently followed him and watched the hob out of the shadow of the undergrowth. Now she finally saw his true coat color and was amazed by the white color of his fur. She just wondered whether he was in a better mood today and would play along or if she'd have to force him to do her bidding as she had done a couple times before with other unsuspecting Salikos. His back was turned towards her and he didn't notice she was there, so she sneaked closer and, when the distance was small enough, she started to run and pounced on him, pushing the hob to the ground and pinning him down with her paws and body weight. He was surprised for sure, struggled a bit but then noticed it was her.

«What are you doing?!»

«Come on, don't act so coy. Yesterday you were tired so I let you alone but today's a new day.»

«Get off of me!»

«Make me.»

She grinned and pushed her claws into him more, hoping he'd attack back. His eyes were open wide, not sure what to do and how to react. He'd been alone for so long and had no experience with strangers, he didn't even remember how the other members of his old tribe acted towards him before the accident. He was uncomfortable though and tried to push the jill off, but she was stronger than he though and didn't move.

«You're gonna have to try harder, psycho. I'm sure you can. I heard you talking yesterday, how was it again? You want to try it again, even though it's wrong? You're a threat to someone? What was going on there?»

Phobos was getting really mad now. Who did this bitch think she was, spying on him and asking questions like that.

«That's none of your business!»

He growled and snapped his jaws close to her throat, but she was far enough away for him to reach her.

Driven to anger and fear by her unusual behaviour, her appearance changed in his mind and her mouth, with a confident grin, got wider and more crooked until it seemed as if her whole face was just teeth. His paw pads started sweating and he tried to release himself from her grip again, just as unsuccessfully as the first time. With a quick motion, she put her paws on his throat and began pressing down, making him gasp for air. The jill enjoyed all of this, seeing him suffer and got very aroused by it. Now she only wanted him to do the same to her. She kept going for a bit until he got almost unconcious, then she stepped off and released him, waiting for the payback. Phobos caughed and heaved, then got to his shaky feet and stared at her, seeing another demon in front of him. He didn't know what to say yet, but the female saw what he wanted to say written on his face anyway.

«See? I told you I'm a monster too. What are you gonna do now, huh?»

Without wasting another second, he charged at her and slashed his claws at her, snarling menacingly. She didn't dodge him and got cut up badly, blood gushing out of the wound, but she just grinned, knowing she got him where she wanted him now. He snapped at her legs, biting her firmly and leaving deep tooth marks and kept going until a little crack could be heard. He fractured one of her bones, making her groan happily.

«Keep going!»

She let herself drop down to the ground and he used to opportunity to stand over her, now being able to attack her vulnerable belly and chest. She got covered in wounds and blood, but as longer as this went on, the more she felt the rush of adrenaline and satisfaction, urging him not to stop. The white hob on the other paw was lost to his blind madness, not even thinking about what he was doing. He thought he was a killer anyway, another victim wouldn't even be that surprising to him or anyone else. And this monster had to die anyway. Copying her movements from before, he stepped onto her throat and pressed down, yet a lot stronger than she did before. She got dizzy and moaned even more, struggled a bit to make him use full force to keep her down. This was like heaven to the weird jill and she couldn't wait any longer. She was used to freeing herself from a grip like that, so it was easy for her to push him just enough away so she could turn onto her belly and expose her back to him, the hob immediately lunging back at her, now lying on top of her. Her body released a wave of pheromones and his body, on autopilot, reacted to it. She felt his bulge on her back and rubbed against him, all while he was digging his teeth into her shoulder. It didn't take long until Justine finally got what she wanted. And it was better than she could've hoped for.

When they were done, both Salikos were panting heavily, but Phobos would not let his guard down. As he jumped off of the jill, he tried to get some distance between them, watching her intently to see what she was gonna do. He could've easily killed her, but the things in his head had screamed at him the whole time not to do it and to just appreciate what had happened so surprisingly instead. The dark green jil had kept lying on the ground for a few moments and now sat up too, cleaning her wounds and smoothing her fur.

«Now that wasn't so hard, was it? I mean, don't get me wrong, YOU were hard, but it wasn't so bad, right? Told you it would be great.»

«Get out of my sight and never return. If I see you again around here, you're gonna be my dinner.»

She got closer to him and brushed his chin with her tail, making him flinch back.

«Now now, be careful what you say, that is a threat that will make me want to come back soon. It was nice with you, but we don't go well together I'm afraid. I might stop by again someday though, just to repeat this. I hope you'll be waiting for me then.»

She winked at him, turned around and walked away, her tail held high in confidence, leaving the distraught male behind. But despite all that had happened, the fear that had built up as he saw her face twist to a nightmarish vision, he couldn't deny enjoying what was going on after that. He didn't like her, that was for sure, but something inside him was getting excited thinking about her return, hoping it would be soon. He didn't know what these feelings meant, so he felt a little shame build up for liking it so much, knowing somehow that it was wrong. But then again, why did it feel so good?