
4 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 3
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

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Author's Notes

1767 words (sweet home)

as kali is leaving the area, she runs into sage and phyra again who convince her to stay. they build a large kobel for her together and she decides to stay and become the leader of the pack. octavia comes by and offers her help to find more tribemates. then kali and phyra go hunting together once more and make a great catch. kali is content and excited about being a leader for the first time.

A New Leader III

As the first rays of the sun entered Kalis den, she woke up and looked around. The treehole was narrow and just barely large enough for a Saliko to live in it. So in a way she was happy to go and find a better place. This was gonna be her last time in this den, at this tribe. She had to leave to let the other two Mayurs live the life they were supposed to have before she came by. Leaping from the tree by jumping from branch to branch, then down to a rock formation, she quickly reached the ground. She let her gaze wander around the small camp and knew she would miss it, then she moved towards the river and entered the jungle.

Because of the past couple weeks she got so used to marking that territory as hers, she had to keep reminding herself to refrain from doing so, since she was no longer a part of it.

Before she arrived at the water, she already noticed that she wasn’t alone. Her heart raced and she wondered if she should go back to the camp and warn Sage and Phyra, when she noticed a familiar scent. She stepped out of the bushes and saw both of them sitting at the riverside, cuddling close.

«We knew you’d come here sooner or later.»

«I need to thank you, Kali. You have shown me what I was unable to see and there’s nothing I can do to make up for it.»

«Yeah, no worries. I’m just glad you’re both happy now.»

The spotted female smiled at them, then continued on her way but they got up and cut her off before she could leave.

«You don’t need to go anymore. We’d be happy if you’d stay and take the lead of the tribe.»

«It doesn’t befit to have a leader that’s alone but lower ranked members with partners. And I won’t separate you, that’s for sure.»

«Who cares about that archaic nonsense, it will be fine!»

Kali felt uncomfortable as she wasn’t used to others begging for her to stay. She had left so many tribes before, for all kinds of reasons, that it was almost normal to her now.

Nervously she stepped from one paw to the other, then looked at the Mayurs.

The were seriously hoping she’d stay. Maybe mother was bringing her there for a reason.

«I don’t know…»

«Well then just think about it for a while! You can still leave tomorrow, right? And honestly, where else do you find such a nice and large territory, right?»

«No…I can’t stay in that den any longer. My back already hurts from not being able to stretch out at night.»

«If that’s all, then we will build you a better den! Should you decide to stay after all, then you as the leader would need a proper home anyway.»

«Alright, if it makes you happy…but I’m still not sure how long I’ll stay.»

«That’s fine.»

They smiled and nodded respectfully at her, then she returned the gesture.

Together they spent all day collecting twigs, grass, fur, feathers and moss to make a great nest. Debating weather to hollow out a tree or building a kobel, they looked around the camp for the best possible solution and came to the conclusion that a large kobel in the middle of a few forked branches would be best. Kali was used to building them as she has often helped others when they were building some, so she knew exactly what to do. Phyra had some experience as well, only Sage held back, scared to ruin what the others built, but bringing them everything they asked him for. But not only did they make the den, but also a nicer way for her to get up. They found an uprooted tree and, with united forces, managed to roll it over until it was right underneath the den, then leaned it on some rocks to make a ramp towards the nest. Since they had so many more materials left, they decided to build some more small kobels for Sage and Phyra as well. Those were hanging in forked branches as well, but a bit off to the side and lower than Kalis. Also, the Mayurs had to climb the tree directly to get up to it. But they were all really proud of each other once they were done and urged Kali to check her own out for herself once more. Giving in to their request, Kali stepped onto the tree and went up to her new kobel.  As she entered it, she saw that the leaves the had put on the top of it still let some sunlight through, so the inside was not only slightly lighted up, but also tinted in golden light. Also, the leaves would not only enable light to get in, but prove useful to keep rain off as well. The ground on the inside was softer than anything Kali had ever felt before. The kobel was padded with so many soft materials that the jill felt like she was walking on a cloud. The even made some piles in a few corners where she was able to snuggle up or burrow herself into the filling, making the nest almost luxurious compared to others.

She turned to the entrance again and looked outside. There was even a little platform outside the kobel so she would have a place from where to talk to the tribe to. Only that the tribe was too small for that still. She stepped onto the platform and looked down, seeing both Sage and Phyra look up to her in anticipation. Then Kali spoke with loud and proud voice to them.

«My loyal subjects! Your work is…sufficient.»

The two on the ground looked at each other in confusion, then back at her and the spotted jill broke out into laughter. The others joined her in laughing and jumped up to the den as well.

«But seriously, I have never had such a great nest before. Thank you both so much, not only for helping me build it but also for convincing me to stay.»

«You’ll stay?! You mean for sure?!»

«Yes, I would never leave my tribe behind.»

The other two both respectfully licked their new leaders shoulder, then excitedly nudged her in the side.

«Alright so what’s the plan now?»

«The tribe needs to become stronger. Right now it’s nothing more than a small pack. We need to get more members, the only question is how, since hardly anyone comes by.»

«If only some Salikos would see the territory, they’d surely want to stay here, but how do we find them?»

«I can help with that.»

A stranger had appeared behind them without anyone noticing. In surprise they all jumped, unsheathed their claws and ruffled up their backfur, but once Sage and Phyra saw who it was they calmed down.

«God, Octavia. Every time we tell you to stop doing that!»

«Sorry, force of habit.»

The female was a leaf-grey colored Mayur with a dark forehead and deep brown, untouched eyes.

«You want me to recruit some new members?»

«Yes, that would be great, O! We cannot depend on the old ones to come back, it’s been too long.»

«Sure thing. And, who are you?»

The grey female looked suspicously at the other spotted jill.

«I am Kali, the new leader of this tribe. Nice to finally meet you Octavia, I’ve heard a lot about you.»

«Not only good things I presume?»

«Oh exclusively! You’re wandering around, helping different tribes, right?»

«I only do what I must to survive. Staying on friendly terms with as many tribes as possible is one of the best possibilities to do so.»

«I assume you’re going to stay for a few days? Good thing we just got done with the kobel, os you can use your old den again.»

«Yay, the tiny hole in the tree, can’t imagine anything better.»

Sarcasm was ringing in her voice, but they all laughed, even she herself.

«When I’m at the other tribes again I will ask if they found any loners recently or if there’s anyone who would want to leave their tribe. Some packs are so big and crowded that Salikos are happy to leave and join a new one. Or they just don’t get along with some of their tribemates and want to distance themselves. Anyway, I’m sure I’ll come back with more.»

«That’s great, thank you!»

«So, who’s hungry? It’s time to hunt.»

Together with Phyra, Kali left the camp to catch some prey while Octavia stayed behind to rest a bit and Sage watched the camp.

The two shamrock females had bonded so well that they really enjoyed each others company now.

Furthermore, the tabby wanted to learn some techniques from the more experienced, spotted female, which was happy to do so.

Soon enough they found a rain hummer and both females crouched down low, sneaking closer as slow as possible to not attract attention. It was sitting on a high branch, so they had to get up first.

They both climbed different trees, signalling each other just with their eyes and tails. When they were at the same height as the bird, Kali crawled closer and closer on her branch. The bird had not seen them yet and the trees kept the wind from carrying their scent towards it. Then Phyra noticed the hummer sat on a nest with a few small eggs and gestured that information to her friend. She nodded and prepared herself to pounce, trying to determine how to catch it without ruining the eggs. After a few heartbeats, the spotted one leaped forward and caught the bird while it was trying to get away, chirping loudly to alarm others. With a strong bite she killed it, then looked down to see she was right above the nest, but not touching it. Phyra grinned widely, impressed and excited about such great food. Together they brought the prey back to the camp, together with a few cornshrimp they quickly got from their usual spot.

Back at the camp all four Mayurs shared the prey together, told stories and listened to the newest rumours that Octavia had heard. After another patrol around the border, Kali entered the camp and went past Sage who was keeping guard that night and said good night to him, then she finally fell into her kobel, exhausted and happy she snuggled into the nest and immediately fell asleep. Her first night as a tribeleader.