Bring Her Back

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
2 836

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

Cuore is devastated when Hadithi is discovered to be missing.

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Part 1

"Hadithi!" The scream that ripped its way out of the lion's mouth filled the camp as Cuore came stumbling in, eyes half wide and wild. “Hadithi!”

“Cuore?” Msaliti started to approach her Teacher, concern evident in her voice.

He shouldered past her, looking about before his gaze landed on Maji. “You!” He hissed, stomping towards her. His ears were pinned against his head, and his tail lashed back and forth behind him.

“What are you-“ Kusafiri began, stepping protectively in front of Maji.

“What’s going on, Cuore?” Maji shoved past her mate, startling him as she confronted the enraged Healer, her best friend.

“Where is Hadithi?” His voice was dangerously low and harsh, and many of the pride members who had begun to circle to watch the drama suddenly understood why a Healer could be seen as so threatening.

“What concern is it to me where a cub is?”

Cuore’s claws dug into the ground. “Where is your daughter?” The whole pride fell silent at the declaration.

Even Maji seemed taken aback for a moment that he would reveal that fact. "She's not-"

"No! No. Don't try and pull that with me. I was there when you brought her here. So where is she?"

"I don't know! Since you were there, you should know that I said I wasn't going to raise her." At Maji's words, a gasp rippled throughout the surrounding lions. Everyone's gazes were fastened on her. "I gave that responsibility up when I gave her up. It is not my job to take care of her."

At those words, Cuore sprang forward. Maji barely managed to avoid his outstretched claws, rolling away before clambering back to her feet.

"She's your daughter!" Cuore said as he threw himself at her again.

"A daughter I don't even remember having!" She shot back as she dodged his attack again. She knew all his moves; heck, plenty were ones she'd taught him, and the rest were ones he'd taught her. They were sparring partners, so it only made sense. Still, she had never seen him so emotional, and she'd certainly never fought him in such a state.

"A daughter you never bothered to get to know," Cuore leaped once more, and this time, Maji was too slow to escape. He pinned her to the ground beneath him, and stared down at her, panting. His burning gaze met Maji's cold one, "and one you might never get to know because..." He trailed off as hot tears began falling down his cheeks, whimpering before he finally choked out, "because she's gone."