Caelas' Activites and Events

4 years, 29 days ago
4 years, 29 days ago
7 12481

Chapter 3
Published 4 years, 29 days ago

Caelas' activities and event literature written by myself.

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Hail Storm - Exploration

They were heading out for a quick hunt, hoping to catch some caribou, but that was not to be. The morning was clear and warm as they left their homes or tents behind and headed out into the tundra after the caribou herds. Caelas, ridden by Shokou, was in the lead of the group, being the most serious of the bunch of tokotas. He was focused on the task ahead and not so much about the goofing off of the other tokotas. Dathlue was slightly behind the leaders, with Hidenka on her back. Next to them was Weyland, ridden by Wenona who was keeping watch of her tokota Dathlue while she was being ridden by a different handler then herself. Nux and Sikla were in the back with their handlers, Anik and Ricki. The blue sky held promise for a good day, but before even noon the sky was invaded by dark clouds that were slightly green in color. The promise of a good day was gone, leaving only fear of not being able to find shelter from the coming storm.

They picked up the pace, making for the near mountain in hopes of finding a cave. Caelas growled at the others as they made their way, Shokou watching the sky and the warnings it gave. He thought the hail would be small and that there was not too much to worry about, but it was best to find shelter anyways, then they would not get too wet or sick. Dathlue kept looking behind her to see if Weyland and Wenona were still there, and Hidenka did not mind, remembering how she was told that Dathlue was protective of Wenona. Nux picked up the pace as he sensed the nervous energy given off by the others, and Anik let him, also watching the clouds above for signs of hail. Sikla looked up at the sky, wondering what was wrong. Ricki was more excited about the storm then nervous, but she did hope that it was small enough that no one would get hurt if they got stuck outside in the hail.

Light droplets fell from the clouds and hit Weyland on the nose, making him growl slightly as the cold water rolled down his sensitive nose. They were nearing the mountain, rain was getting heavier, and they carefully watched the walls of stone for an opening, as well as trying to find an alternate shelter in case of no caves. A flash of lightning shot across the sky, making Nux try and get into the middle of the group and cutting between Dathlue and Weyland. Dathlue gave him a growl, not liking the idea of not being able to reach her owner easily. Hidenka slowed Dathlue down and made her way around so that they were padding along next to Weyland and Wenona, who quickly calmed down the large dire. Sikla got closer to the group as well as the rain became heavier and sight was becoming more difficult through the heavy fall of water. They drew closer to the stone walls, and finally slid into an opening, though it was not quite a normal cave. Stones were carved into furniture, and shelves chipped out from the walls were filled with knick knacks. Some skins and furs were folded up and put into baskets and trunks. No one seemed to be home at first, but the shape of bones on the floor caused Hidenka to shiver. Anik crept closer to get a better look at the remains, while Shokou tried to calm his shaking girlfriend. Ricki wondered how the person had died here and when, while Wenona made a sarcastic remark about how they all were gonna end up like the dead man if the hail did not pick up.

The handlers had their backs turned as Sikla took a venture outside, feeling the rain on his face. Caelas standing in the entrance growling at the tokota who he viewed as a playful brat. Dathlue and Weyland stood with their handler, Dathlue making sure she was okay, and Weyland just laying there and relaxing. Nux was next to Caelas, watching Sikla as he went outside in the rain. He wondered if he should follow and was ready to just as a large thud hit the ground. All three of them looked in the direction of the sound, seeing the now shattered hail stone. Caelas howled, Nux backing up into the cave a little, Weyland and Dathlue's ears went up, growls rose from the two as they turned in the direction of the howling tokota. Sikla was curious and ventured towards the source of the thud, not sure why Caelas was so riled up. Another hit the ground, and another, the hail was larger then they had thought, around the size of a softball. Caelas let out another howl, calling for Sikla to come back, and that was when he realized why the serious party pooper was so riled up. He booked it for the safety of the cave, sliding across the now wet stone that lay outside. Caelas was just to let out another howl when Sikla yelped and doubled, maybe even tripled his pace. He bolted past Caelas, and right into the cave, trying to come to a halt, he sat on his butt and slide across the stone floor, unable to stop himself. He was sliding right towards Dathlue who went wide eyed as she realized the other tokota could not stop himself. She tried to dodge, but her hind legs were swept out from under her before she could finish her leap into the air over him. She landed on top of him with a thud, stopping him in his tracks.

Caelas and Nux were still near the entrance, looking into the cave at the two now in a tangled mess on the floor. Anik looked up from his study of the bones, wondering what was going on. Hidenka and Shokou were chuckling, Shokou using this moment as a chance to distract her from the bones. Anik shoved the bones out of sight as Shokou motioned for him to do so while Hidenka was distracted. Wenona was stunned that the smaller tokota took out Dathlue and was wondering how fast he was flying. Weyland just rolled his eyes and shook his head, watching as the two tried to get up and untangled, Sikla gasping for air once the larger tokota's weight was lifted. Ricki had wandered over to the shelves before the whole thing happened, finding some old, and probably stale, treats, as well as some other things that could be used to tame a while tokota. Other hunting supplies for other creatures as well were lined along the wall. She looked back as she heard the howls, and saw her tokota slide across the floor and stop in a heap with the larger dire collapsed on top of him. She chuckled and rolled her eyes, making her way over to where her tokota was now gasping for breathe, tripping over a rock as she was walking. She hit the floor with a soft thud, making Hidenka chuckle. Anik was over the excitement and went to look at the weapons on the shelf, while Shokou led Hidenka over to the couch and they cuddled, watching the other explore the cave and they chatted with each other. Ricki brushed herself off and shuffled back over to the shelves to get some of the cool things before Anik could get them all. Wenona chuckled and tried to cheer up Dathlue who was feeling a bit embarrassed by being knocked over by a smaller tokota.