Caelas' Activites and Events

4 years, 26 days ago
4 years, 26 days ago
7 12481

Chapter 4
Published 4 years, 26 days ago

Caelas' activities and event literature written by myself.

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Candy Thief - Exploration

The day was warm and sunny, with no warning of hail this time around. The group made their way out, this time not for hunting, but for actually exploring. The place they were heading to was not that unusual of a place, just some old ruins that had recently been discovered. Caelas trotted side by side with Dathlue, Shokou and Hidenka smiling, chatting and giggling as they went. Wenona joined in on the conversation as she brought Weyland up to trot next to Dathlue who was getting more comfortable with her temporary handler. Nux and Sikla were not too far behind, their handlers, Anik and Ricki, quietly listening in to the conversation, but not joining in themselves. Nux and Sikla tried to play with each other without annoying their handlers, trying to trip each other and push each other around, making Anik roll his eyes and try and get Nux back into line since he was the one starting it all. They crossed the open tundra, finally seeing the ruins come into view. The ruins were larger then they had originally thought they would be, though not very extravagant. Any details had been worn away by time, leaving blank stones and foundations of buildings. Not many other explorers had been there yet, and so they hoped to find something good before any others arrived to claim the relics of the old past. They reached a large building that stood on the edge of what seemed to be a town and the handlers dismounted from their tokotas. The bottom floor seemed to still be in tact, while the floor above was open and mostly gone. It was only two stories and may not have been that big compared to modern homes, but the buildings all around seemed to be smaller and only one floor. Shokou went in first, making sure the structure was safe before he allowed Hidenka to follow. Wenona followed as well, Dathlue and Weyland close behind her and not letting her out of their sight Caelas fell in the back and followed the group in, unsure about entering the probably unstable structure. Ricki decided to go and explore some of the smaller buildings surrounding, bringing Sikla with her. Anik did the same, heading the opposite way that Ricki went, hoping to cover more ground and pick up some interesting things.

Everything was going well. Some building supplies, or what seemed like such, were found, as well as some sculptures and pottery. Some old writing somehow preserved on the stone and much more. They searched until late in the afternoon and them stopped for a rest, meeting in the courtyard of the large building. They pulled out their meals and chowed down, then Hidenka went for her desert. She pulled out a bag with some candy in it, gummies, gobstoppers, cola balls, and a bunch more. She pulled out a gummy shark and bit off the candy tail, savouring the sweet taste before eating the rest of it in a flash. Dathlue watched her, wondering about the colourful food that she was eating. The large dire snuck a little closer, curious, and snatched the bag from Hidenka, trotting away from the group with it. Shokou laughed and Hidenka was stunned. Caelas on the other hand was not impressed and growled at the dire before getting up to pursue her. Hidenka also got up to try and get the candy back before the tokota ate it all and possibly got sick. Dathlue saw them coming and took off, Caelas making chase and booking it after the larger tokota. They leaped up and over broken down walls, weaved through entrance ways and paths and ran in circles. Anik and Ricki laughed as Hidenka tried to figure out how she could get her candy back, looking slightly sad. Shokou took off after the tokotas, hoping to cut them off, Wenona taking off after them as well, though riding Weyland which would help her catch up more quickly.

Dathlue looked back at Caelas who was furious that she would take something from his handler, while she was just wanting to know what it all was. As she was looking back, Wenona and Weyland managed to get in front of her, and when she looked forward, her handler and pack mate was there. She slid to a halt and had a guilty look on her face as Wenona took the candy bag from her. They walked back over to the group, Hidenka thanking Wenona again and again, then went to give Caelas some pats and pets to thank him for being concerned and for trying to get back her treats. She sat back down next to Shokou when he returned and ate a cola ball, though this time she was watching the dire very closely. She ate a few more pieces of candy before hiding the bag away in her saddle bag and they all went back to exploring. Dathlue was still curious, but a warning growl from Caelas kept her away. She wanted to know what it was, but not start a fight over something so silly. Hidenka had hidden some candy in her pocket and was slowly munching on it and they went through the building to find anything they missed. Weyland turned his head just in time to see Dathlue reaching over Hidenka's shoulder and snatching a gummy worm from her hand. Hidenka gave the dire a glare as Dathlue just smiled and chewed away on the squishy, and sweet treat. Hidenka closed her pockets to keep the large tokota out as the dire sniffed her for more, lightly bopping her on the nose as if to tell her to keep out. Shokou chuckled as he watched, and Wenona rolled her eyes, getting between the dire and Hidenka.

Anik and Ricki on the other hand were outside, looking through the smaller buildings. They bumped into each other and continued their search together. Sikla and Nux were playing together, barely even searching for anything. They chased each other through the ruin, running circles around the two handlers. Sikla looked back to stick his tongue out at Nux when he suddenly caught his foot on something and went tumbling to the ground. Nux slid to a halt and looked at the object Sikla had tripped over. It was a leather bag, probably left here by other explorer, and inside was some treats. Ricki and Anik made their way over, and just as Nux was getting his nose in the bag to snatch up the goodies, Ricki pulled the bag out from under his nose. Anik looked inside as Ricki was holding it, pulling out a tokota treat. He looked at it, puzzled, also puzzling Ricki.With his thumb her tossed one into the air and Nux lifted onto his hind legs, catching it before it could fly over his head. Ricki took one from the bag and went over to praise Sikla for the find, even though it was accidental. He lapped up the treat from her hand and savoured it before begging for another one. She chuckled and patted him on the neck before they went back to their search.

Everyone got their treats and candy by the end of the trip, and they went home with some interesting things, though they all enjoyed the candy thief moment and all the fun they had. They trotted away from the ruins, leaving behind the rubble and the hidden treasure they had yet to find, heading across the tundra towards home. They went over the hill and looked back, watching as the ruins disappeared and vanished beyond their sight. The sun was setting at they reached home and put away their treasure to be checked out in the morning of the next day, but for now they went off in their own ways to rest and relax for the night, waiting for another adventure in the near future.