Mali and the Crystal Infection

3 years, 10 months ago

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Mali and the Crystal Infection

By LunaDrawsTrash

Mali and the Crystal Infection is a short story written by LunaDrawsTrash, and with the assistance of Spicy_Lemon and a_guy_that_draws. The characters used in this story: Tiro, Plung, Pumpkin, Slapstick etc. belong to their respective owners. This is a possible scenario that could potentially be canon to the overall timeline.

It was a typical day for Mali and Tiro. Gather up at the metro, get a mission and head out. It was an everyday routine for them, almost mundane. Nonetheless, they still had a lot of fun and went on numerous expeditions.  From natural disasters to rescue missions to stopping riots. The two of them were a perfect duo. Like two puzzle pieces matching together. Not to mention the clan members, from Calx, Plung to even Slapstick. For the most part she was on friendly terms with just about all the members.

Mali and Tiro were rushing onto the scene, an earthquake erupting the ground. A child screaming as they fall into it. Mali's head turns, looking at the small child who was barely hanging onto the ledge. She runs, sliding onto her knees as she grabs the Child's hands before they fall into the hole. She lifts them up, feeling the small kid sob into her shoulder. She whispers to him, trying to soothe him as she looks around. A pebble falls down from the sky, and Mali glances up. Rocks start to fall as a building starts to collapse. She clutches the kid ever so slightly tighter, holding them to her shoulder to prevent him from seeing the incoming damage. She squeezes her eyes shut as crystals start growing from the ground, more and more start building up the side of the building. Her hands shake, as she can feel tears building in her eyes but the crystals don't stop. And soon the entire side of the building is coated in crystals, keeping it from falling over.

Tiro pants slightly, the ground had slowly become less shaky. He turns his head to shout at Mali that it's over, only to witness the growth of crystals. His eyes widened, the sight of it was astounding. But his amazement soon grew to worry as he saw the shaking woman with a child on her shoulder. 

"Mali!" He cries out, watching as her hands drop to her side. Her head tiredly looking over at him. He runs over to her, the citizens long gone by this time. 

"Mali, Mali. Can you hear me?" He gently pats her cheek with his bandaged palm, watching as she slowly snaps out of her dazed look. 

"Tiro...?" She mumbles. Watching as the man looks her over, before letting out a small gasp. "Mali... Your crystals." A small crystal had grown on her arm. And with a quick glance over from Tiro, he notices another one on the centre of her back. Her mind felt so hazy and her body hadn't stopped shaking and shivering. The small child whimpers as she holds him. 

"Take him..." She mumbles, handing the child over to Tiro. He nods, holding her hand as he guides her along to the nearby crowd of civilians. He calls out, holding the child up. "Any of y'alls kid?" He gazes out. Watching as a middle aged woman steps out from the crowd, hurriedly thanking him for his work. He just nods, giving her the kid. Waving the small boy a goodbye and chuckling when he gets a wave in return. 

"Mali. You're going home now." He doesn't turn his head to look at her, the matter already made up in his mind. He hears her splutter and he looks at her from the corner of his eye. 

"Tiro!" She laughs awkwardly, but a series of coughing fits interrupts her. Tiro jolts slightly, putting a hand on her shoulder and rubbing her back as she heaves. 

"You should sit down, Mali. You've overdone it." He shakes his head, looking at her with a concerned expression. Around them, a large piece of rubble from the natural disaster seemed smooth enough to sit down on. He gently pulls her towards it, sitting her down. Her face flushed, eyes shining with unshed tears. They sit like that, listening to each other's heavy breathing.

Mali is the first one to speak up. "I'm fine…" She clears her throat, trying to make herself sound less on the verge of tears." I don't need to go home, Tiro. It’ll go away like always. You don’t need to worry.”

His eyes shift from her to the ground. His shoulders lift as he takes a deep breath and sighs, looking back at her. “Fine…" He watches as she looks somewhat more relieved and quickly adds in. "But you’re not fighting for the rest of the day.” He shifts his body to the side. Crossing his arms as one eye glares at Mali, the other one closed

“What!? Why?”

“You pushed yourself too far. And I don’t want you hurting yourself. You should at least go to the base and rest up, or go home.”

“Fine fine...I’ll go back to the base.” Mali ruffles her fluff hair in an effort to fix it up, however to no surprise, it only made it worse but to her. At this point she couldn’t care less. Tiro chuckles at this pitiful attempt and smiles at her.

As the two headed to the subway, Mali felt a mild discomfort in her arm and back. Making a small noise in response. Thankfully Tiro didn’t hear which relieved her. Once they entered the base, they were greeted by Slapstick and Strawberry. The two of them didn’t question the crystals, however grew concerned when Mali started picking and prodding at them for a while.

For the rest of the day it seemed like ordinary shenanigans to Tiro and the others. Though Mali sat down at the couch for a couple of hours, watching everyone have fun. To her, they were family. One of the only things she has left. She enjoyed seeing them happy. That made her smile. She would fight for them. Fight for their happiness. And love. She would fight for her newfound family.

Later that evening Mali headed home early, feeling a bit worn out from the mission, waving to everyone goodbye and walked to the surface. Holding her gear close to her face. Smells like Tiro. Smoky, nice. Staring at the city around her, the beautiful dark sky painted colors of Dark Blue and Violet. The busy city streets despite the hour. The sound of people chatting. Everything felt normal. A bit too normal for Mali. But she didn’t mind honestly. In fact she enjoys it. Living with her friends and family, That’s what she loves most. Being with her friends and family. She just wants everything to stay like this, forever.

The next day Mali woke up in bed, feeling major discomfort all around her body. She couldn’t sleep much last night due to the complications of crystals on her back, arm, hand, leg- wait a minute.

Mali frantically sat up, looking at her torso, the crystals seemed to have spread overnight. Though it’s nothing too big for her. At least in her mind she thought. Mali shakily sighed. Rolling herself off of her bed. Eventually fully waking up and preparing herself to go out like always. Brush fluff hair and chest, brush teeth, put gear on, and finally eat breakfast. However it was tedious with the crystal in the way. Knocking a couple things over with the crystal on her back, she swears it wasn’t that big last night. Maybe she’s just imagining things. Though it was kinda hard to put on the vest. She should get a bigger size. She puts the bandages on- well. At least attempts to. The crystals were sticking out of her body, which made her wince and look away anytime she looked at it. She tries to convince herself that it'll go away, even though the gnawing feeling in the back of her mind knew otherwise.

“Mali?” Tiro called out. Seeing the gemstone stick walk in awkwardly. His eyes raise in slight concern for his close friend. “The crystals didn’t…” he started but didn’t finish, only watching her walk up to him.

“It’s all good Tiro, It’ll go away in a couple of hours.” Mali tried to reassure him. Making a small hand gesture in an attempt to relieve her crush’s worries. She used her other hand to cover her mouth, letting out a muffled yawn.

“Alright..." He sighs, knowing full well of Mali's bluff. "But you ain't going on a mission today. Not until those clear up, k?" He closed an eye, giving her a dead stare. Mali gulps, dread in her chest from the stare. There's an itchiness on her leg that she wishes she could scratch off, but she pays no mind to it.

“Why not? I said I’m fine, I can still fight!” She answered. Not paying attention to herself unlike Tiro.

“Unless those crystals magically pop off now, you aren’t coming. It’s best that you rest here for now. I can ask Bradford or Vessel to have a look at you if you prefer. Plus you look drained, did you sleep last night?” He questioned, looking a bit more troubled than before.

“Yeah...woke up on the wrong side of the bed but it’s fine.” Mali rubbed her eye, being careful of the newly formed crystal on her right knuckle. Come to think of it, she didn’t sleep too well due to the gems. Maybe she should try and rest again, worth a shot.

“Fine or not, you’re taking the day off Mal. You can rest in my room while I’m out. The sheets and blankets were just washed so it’ll be extra comfy for you!  Just try and relax, you've been doing missions non stop so you deserve a break! I can see if we have any fruits you can munch on for the time being.” He smirked. The purple stick looked to the side, feeling flustered just by his grin. It’s too cute for his own good.

“I guess I do, thank you Tiro.”

“It’s no problem Mal. Now go get comfy, I’ll be back.” He patted her back gently, aware that one of the crystals slowly shifted and moved outwards on her back. One of his eyes close, growing more concerned than he should be. Maybe he should look into it himself. He walked to the kitchen. Leaving Mali alone in the hallway. She turned around and looked at the doors. Yeah, some rest should help. She sneaked over to the bedrooms, trying not to wake up any of the clan members that are still sleeping, despite it almost being 12pm. She walked into Tiro’s room. Smelt fresh, yet still had his scent. She looked over at his bed which was made nicely. She frowned a bit, she didn’t want to ruin his perfectly good bed. She felt a bit hazy for a moment before a knock on the door jolted her back into reality.

“Mali? You in there?” Tiro called out, Mali felt a small blush appear on her face.

“Yeah!” She squeaked out as Tiro opened the door slowly, holding a bowl of assorted fruits. From blueberries to apple slices to even watermelon. 

“I got you some fruit, it might help. Plus I know it’s your favorite.” He placed the bowl on his bedside, glancing at Mali who seemed to be picking at the crystals.

“Hey, maybe don’t do that…?” He closed his eyes, squinting at her crystals. Mali didn say anything besides looking away, her body feeling humid from the comment.

“I’m gonna head out, if you need me or any of the medics you have our numbers okay?” He started to walk out, his hand on the door as he peered at Mali with his good eye.

“Alright!” She nodded “Don’t have too much fun without me!” She let out a small smile. 

“Right. Cya soon.” Tiro walked out, gently closing the door, as soon as Mali finished hearing his footsteps fade, she let out a heavy sigh, glancing at the crystals worryingly. Maybe she should get some rest. Might help just like he said. Mali turned her body to the neatly made bed and sat on it. The blankets felt warm, fresh from the dryer yet it smelled just like him. She allowed her body to fall, making her back hit the mattress. However, she attempted to lean toward one side, making sure the crystal on her back didn’t stab the bed. She let out a little giggle from this, however a wave of drowsiness interrupted her small yet joyful moment. Nice while it lasted she supposes. She adjusted herself so that she got into bed, pulling the blankets over her. A rush of heat hit her body and the crystals, giving her a little jolt. She tried to get into a somewhat comfortable position. And felt sleep finally take over her body.

Throughout the day, Mali felt...itchy. Goosebumps all over her body as she shivered in her sleep, letting out soft mumbles and groans. As she slowly started to fade into reality, she felt something move in her mouth. She jolted awake, her body tingling. She desperately stared at the shining scene in front of her eyes. Crystals all over Tiro’s bed. The crystals on Mali had grown onto the bed over the course of her nap. Mali’s mind raced with so many thoughts as her breathing picked up. Pure, genuine panic flooded her senses.

‘This is fine! It's fine!’ she tried to convince herself. 

‘It’ll go away just like it always does!’ Those same thoughts playing on repeat in her head like a broken record player. ‘Tiro shouldn’t worry about her’ ‘It's no big deal!’ ‘It’s nothing to worry about!’ Her head felt like it was gonna split in half. She needed to head home. She's just homesick, is all, that's it. She's just homesick. She nodded to herself and quickly got out of bed, not caring that Tiro’s bed was coated in crystals and shiny gemstones. A pretty sight but Mali couldn't push herself to look at it. She glanced at anything she can use as a coverup. She saw a hoodie, her hoodie. She must’ve left it here once. She almost immediately grabbed it and shoved it on. Not caring that the crystals were poking the soft fabric. She ran out of the bedroom, sneakily escaping the base. However, Plung caught a glimpse of Mali as soon as she ran out the exit door. He tilted his head to the side in confusion.


The purple stick eventually made it home, clinging to the nearest wall she could find. Her splitting headache wasn’t giving up at all. She felt something scratch the back of her throat, covering her mouth as she limped toward her bathroom. She glances at the mirror, terrified of her appearance. She tried to swallow down her saliva but felt something inside her mouth, she slowly opened it. A small yet sharp purple crystal was growing from her tongue. she immediately closed her mouth. Making a small “MPPH!” noise out of disgust and fear. 

As the next day rolled around Tiro walked back into the base the next day. He stayed overnight while heading home so he didn't get to see Mali. He was planning on taking a look at her himself as soon as he got back however as Tiro arrived home he was greeted by Pumpkin and Plung. He questioned them asking how Mali was. Plung looked up at Tiro.

“Well, I saw Mali run out of the subway last night in her hoodie. I tried to talk to her, but she was too fast so I couldn’t say anything.” 

Tiro’s eyes widened and rushed to his room. Opening the door to see his bed and parts of the floor painted in shiny purple crystals with a lime green gradient on the bottom. He knew something as up the second those crystals started moving on Mali. He needed to-

“Tiro? What’s wrong with Mali?” Pumpkin spoke up. Standing outside the door, Plung was behind her. Feeling worried for his leader.

“I'm going to Mali’s, I'll be back later.” He stated, rushing out of the bedrooms and up the ladder to the workshop. Pumpkin and Plung looked at each other a bit worried.

Tiro ran through the streets in a hurry, worried. Something was up. Something is up with Mali. And he’s gonna find out soon enough. He came to a stop, processing the scene in front of him. 

What seemed like Mali’s cabin, was now sugar coated in crystals like a gingerbread house. However instead of frosting and gramcracks, sharp gemstones were sticking out through the roof. Some of them through the walls and even the windows. The same crystals from Tiro’s bed. He shook his head, snapping out of the crystal's shine and rushed to the door. Using his fists to smash his way in. Causing the gemstones to shatter as it came into contact with him. Pieces and shards falling to the ground. Tiro opened the door, seeing the entire first floor covered in crystals. No sign of Mali. He glanced over at a shelf, a little bed sat there perfectly fine. A small head pokes out, a small golden chickatoo stares directly at Tiro and then at the staircase, letting out a cooing noise. He peered over at the staircase, which was covered in crystals. He smashed through every single mineral he could find, the sound of the crystals shattering didn't seem to mind Tiro at this point, it was numbing. He walked to the hallway, the bedroom door was open. Without any hesitation he rushed in. Being careful not to trip on any crystals on the floor. 

In front of him was a somewhat terrified yet...happy Mali? She was sitting in bed, her chin resting on her knees as her arms wrapped around her legs. Crystals all over her body as if it’s some sort of infection. Like a Crystal Infection. Mali lifts her head up as she sees the red figure approaching her. 

“Oh! Hello Tiro! Why are you here?” She tilts her head a bit. Unable to move much due to a crystal edge pointing near her face. 

“I knew it…” Tiro mumbled to himself. “Mali I’m bringing you to a doctor or something. You seriously need to be checked out, you don’t look good whatsoever.” He stated, closing one eye. He took a good look at her room, being that this is the first time he’s here. A nice cream pink and purple mix on the walls however he couldn't see it due to the gems spreading like wildfire.

“No need Tiro!” The gemstone girl replied immediately. “This is fine! It’ll go back to normal!” She attempted to reassure him. However she tried to ignore the particularly large crystal shift and grow more out her back. Tiro glances at it and back at her.

“Mali, You aren’t fine. We’re leaving.” Tiro spoke clearly, punching the crystals out of the way. Grabbing her arm, carefully trying not to hit his hand with a sharp gemstone. Mali’s eyes twitch at this.

Tiro. Im fine! This is fine! This is totally normal! And you don’t need to worry.” Mali sounded more irritated and passive aggressive. Which to Tiro was surprising, he’s never heard her voice in such a tone like that. But nonetheless he couldn’t care nor think much for it. Only thing he could think about is getting Mali some help. He pulled Mali out of her bed, causing the two of them to almost trip and fall. He led the crystal stick through the house and walked outside. Mali let out a slight hiss to the sun hitting her and the crystals, Tiro took note of that. But stopped in his tracks when Mali let go of his hand, standing still.

“Mali?” He turns around, his eyes grow concerned as he sees Mali hold her arms tightly, bending over as she shivered in place. She doesn’t feel too good, The crystals grow larger and larger every second that passes. Tiro closed his eyes and marched to Mali, planning on grabbing her hand again.

However before Tiro could do anything, a swarm of jagged gemstones shot out from her back and into the air, shifting and contorting themselves into a pair of crystalline wings. More crystals rose from Mali’s body, quickly inching out from her skin before more of them bloomed from the ground like flowers.

 Tiro looked up at the figure above him. A purple bird-like crystalline monster formed covered in violet pink crystals. Her wings flapped, glaring down at Tiro. She let out a heavy huff, Tiro couldn’t think of anything to say except:


Mali let out a screech, lifting her talon up. Tiro jumped back as she slammed her foot down to the ground. Causing a lot of things on the ground such as trees to trash cans to be pushed back by the harsh winds. Tiro clinged onto a small building, trying to figure out what to do. ‘There's gotta be a way to turn her back.’ Tiro thought to himself

The bird creature started making its way toward the city, her movements were slow yet heavy and long ranged. If she kept moving she could- Tiro shook his head. No she wouldn’t attack the city. However his thoughts were twisted around to Mali taking another step. Her foot slamming the ground as large lavender crystals started to rise up from the ground, letting out another shriek. 

Every step she took made Tiro more worried by the second. Another step, more crystals rise up. Causing the ground to shake, it doesn’t help that she kept moving despite the chaos. Tiro needed to act, and fast.

To the underground base. It sounded like an earthquake from above, or at least some sort of loud thumps. Which led most of the members to concern. Pumpkin looked out from her workshop, seeing a large purple crest poking out from the buildings behind.

“What the…?”

Mali glanced around. Seeing the city, and her crystal covered cabin. Her face somewhat shifted from anger to confusion, to which caught Tiro’s attention. 

‘is she…scared?’ He thought, watching her movements carefully.  Tiro had an idea, an extremely stupid idea but at this point he didn’t know what else to do. He’s too small to be seen. Tiro glances around to find anything he can use. He noticed some crystals that led upwards to a building, the same height as this crystallized beast. Tiro watched Mali. Who seemed to have taken another step closer, shiny minerals arising. They seemed sharper yet bulkier by the second. She lifts her delicate crystalline wings up in dominance.

Tiro took a deep breath and executed his scrappy yet solid plan. He took a step back, and dashed toward the nearest crystal, leaping up and clinging onto it. He felt his body slipping but thankfully drew himself up, letting out a small groan. He kept moving, eventually getting used to the crystals like pillars and started moving faster. Slowly but surely, he made it to the top of the large building. Staring at Mali. She turned her head near Tiro, unintentionally giving him an opening. He sprinted toward Mali, jumping up. He felt his world freeze for a moment, feeling the wind hit his face. Closing his eyes as he felt butterflies in his stomach from the leap. He managed to crash onto the back side of Mali’s crystal neck. Frantically trying to cling onto anything stable enough. He grasped a beautiful yet large magenta crystal, poking out of her bird like body. He let out a couple of deep breaths in an attempt to process what he did, and more importantly, figure out what to do. Tiro took action and started climbing up her fluffy neck. Letting out light grunts every time he pushed himself up. Ultimately he managed to get up on her head, however clinged onto her fluff hair for support. The last thing he wants is to fall off this thing. Mali felt something tug on her head. Starting to shake it in desperation to make it stop. However Tiro held on tightly. At the same time trying not to pull on her fluff.

“Mali! Calm down! I know you’re scared but you need to calm down!” He called out. Mali started stomping around, attempting to shake Tiro off of her, but her efforts failed when Tiro held on even more, holding her fluff tightly.

“Maline! Look at me!” He yelled, slowly drifted down to Mali’s front, looking at her diamond eyes. The creature’s eyes lock eyes with Tiro’s. Eventually she slowed down her movements to look at him. Her expression slowly shifted from frustration and fear, to sadness. She lowered her crystal covered sides, folding them in. Her mind slowly fades back into reality as she stares into Tiro’s ivory eyes.

“hey..” he mumbled, taking note of her expression change and the body movements. He lightened up on his grip, lifting his hands up to pet Mali on the head. She slowly closed her eyes, allowing him to pet her head. Her body shifted, now laying down on the ground, as if she’s calmed down. However it causes Tiro to lose his grasp and falls. Thankfully he wasn’t too far from the ground. He fixed himself up before glancing at Mali. Who has their head rested on the ground.

“It's okay now.” Tiro stated. Sitting down next to Mali’s beak, rubbing it gently. Mali made a small noise in response. 

“What in the hell happened?” A voice called out. Slapstick walked into the scene, followed by Pumpkin and Plung.

“What is that thing?” The cartoon mobster called out.

“It’s Mali” Tiro’s voice was barely over a whisper, petting the monster as his eyes shifted over to them. Most of them had concern, worry, and confusion written all over their faces. 

“That’s Mali? Like the same innocent, purple, small girl Mali?” Slapstick walked over, looking at the giant creature. Trying to identify any defining features, squinting his eyes. The crystals sticking out of her back, the purple skin, and the fluff hair on top. Yep, That’s Mali alright.

“Welp.” He put his hands on his hips, tapping his foot impatiently. “Well how are we gonna change her back? Some sort of magic spell or somethin’?” He looked at the others. He didn’t want to admit it but he was somewhat worried for his crystallized friend.

Mali shifted slightly, the gemstones on her body started to disintegrate slowly, the crystal particles flew into the air as if they were flower petals. The body itself started to shift and shrink until it formed a small feminine figure. Mali’s body rested on the ground, her breathing was soft. Tiro carefully picked up her body as the rest of the crystals broke off. 

“...Let’s go back.” He glanced at the others, giving them a stern look. They all nodded in harmony and started walking back to the subway. Tiro and Slapstick keeping a close eye on Mali’s body. The crystals that grew from the ground up started to disintegrate as well, as if it was like getting rid of the evidence.

A stick figure sat in the chair, silence was all that could be heard until a knock interrupted it. The stick didn’t flinch at the sudden noise, instead responded:

“Come in.” She spoke, not a drop of hesitation in her voice.

A smaller grey figure walked in, Holding some paper in their hands. They slowly walked to the desk, every small step he took echoed throughout the room, sending shivers down his own spine. A small ‘thump’ was heard as he placed it down. He turned around, not trying to make eye contact with her, and started to walk out.

“Stop.” The voice stated. The grey one turned around hesitantly. “Y-yes ma’am?” he mumbled. The feminine figure glares at him with her sharp eyes. 

“What happened in that one city...Andorough was it?” she spoke. “Heard there was some commotion. Mind giving me the details?” she asked. 

“Well...apparently there was this c-crystal monster that was trying to attack the city and-“

“Crystal monster you say?” Her tone changed almost immediately with those words. Spitting it out as if it was like poison in her mouth. The smaller one didn’t respond. Just a simple nod came out of him. The feminine figure thought for a moment.

“Tell me. Do you think it was her?” Her tone shifted quickly, sounding innocent. The small stick’s eyes moved around, already knowing who she was referring to and gulped. 

“M...maybe so, who else would it be…?” He spoke softly, biting his lower lip.

“I suppose you’re right.” She stood up, looking out the window. “Get me any type of information related to her. Seems like I need to have a little ‘talk’ with Maline.” Her voice echoed throughout the somewhat empty room.

“And this time, she’s not getting away that easily.”