Marco's Bio

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
18 4713 1

Chapter 11
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Allies: Elreus

- Affinity between them: Elreus is an ancient Torrinean god of science. Elreus is considered the divine scholar of alchemy in ancient Torrinean lore. After Torrine's conversion to Christianity, the Torrinean pantheon were demoted to holy saints and thus passed down their powers to those they deemed worthy. His works are transcribed in ancient Torrinean runes which Marco must decipher and translate for his sacred trial. Marco is blessed by Elreus upon completion and inherits powers beyond his own reasoning.

Enemies: Master Xyro, Entity X; Andrew Chastain

- Affinity between them: Master Xyro is the founder of Entity X, a malicious organization. He has nine general devoted to his cause and has created a corrupted doppelganger of Marco.

Andrew is one of Kian's crew members. Just as Kian attempted sexual assault on Cat, Andrew made sexual advances on Zani while shopping over spring break. Later that year at a college campus party, he spiked Zani's drink with a drug that would get her to sleep with him while she wasn't looking but Marco switched the drinks and watched him drug himself. Unfortunately, this backfired as Andrew pinned Zani down in his drugged state of arousal but Marco freed Zani from Andrew's clutches. Marco detests Andrew's stupidity and often keeps him at bay.

Family: Richard (father), Lucia (mother), Kyra (sister), Tanner (cousin), several aunts, uncles, and cousins
- Affinity between them: Shares father's gusto for life and mother's refined tastes. Good rapport with sister. Skypes with Tanner and other cousins that live in either Ireland or Italy.

Best friends: Sunny Abdel-Aziz, Cat Reichart, Blaze Taylor, Atti Wyndham, Kalle Wyndham, Rochelle Reynolds, Genevieve Kingston, Antonio Giuliani, Gwen Fujioka, Casey Henderson, Sutton Elliott, Nadir Jhaveri, Shea Miller

- Affinity between them: Often mixed in with Sunny, Blaze, and Atti; they play in a band together and cause all sorts of shenanigans, which he surprisingly enjoys. He and Antonio have a friendly rivalry after Cat helped make peace between them. He shares a close mutual bond between Sutton and Nadir

Co-Workers/Colleagues: Luis Delgado, Shauna Montgomery, Carlos Martinez, Ashleigh Norrington, Drew Vernon, Rachael Gregory

- Affinity between them: Marco meets with these Luis, Shauna, Carlos, and Ashleigh at least twice a week at the university. They are all chemistry undergrads. They sometimes meet off-campus at a library or coffee shop to discuss their work. Drew and Rachael are Marco's co-workers at the bar.

Shea Miller

- Affinity between them:  Shea is Cat's best friend. Never told her how he felt, but she's not really interested in looking for a relationship at the moment. He is okay with this as they keep a friendly report.

Love Interest: 
Zani Abdel-Aziz
- Affinity between them: At first glance, Marco probably wouldn't bat an eye to Zani with her extravagance for fashion and her social confidence. However, he does find her rather intriguing as he could learn much from her. Despite their opposing interests and lifestyles, Marco and Zani are able to compromise as Zani is rather flexible and open-minded. However, Zani can get bored easily and Marco will have to plan carefully and creatively in keeping her interest. On the other hand, Marco suppresses his refined tastes with frugality, unbeknownst to Zani he is considerably planning their future together, should they see it through its entirety.

Friends: Jared Coleman, Tawny Rayner, Nate Foster, Chelsea Davis, Gene Rielly, Aimee Campbell, Shirin Opulencia, Keani Mahelona, Dalton Gardner, Fallon Harper, Desiree Valdez, Amanda Nelson, Asher Ryan, Everly Campbell

- Affinity between them: Mutual respect for these people, but has known Gene since grade school.

Rivals: Antonio Giuliani

- Affinity between them: Theirs is a friendly rivalry after being at odds for some time. They often spar each other in fencing as a form of healthy competition.

Animal companions: Pancake the llama
-Affinity between them: Pancake has been Marco's pal since childhood. A trip to the zoo was proven most memorable when Pancake escaped the petting zoo just to be with Marco. Pancake got his name from his love of the breakfast food of the same name. Pancake currently lives with Marco and Kyra's parents in a stable built just for him. Pancake has been the herding llama of the family for several years and continues to do so in his old age.

Person they are Closest to: Blaze Taylor