Marco's Bio

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
18 4713 1

Chapter 16
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Marco Alberti is a complex individual that seems hard to pin down. Nevertheless, his intellectual prowess is quite noteworthy. Marco enjoys the thrill of seeking new knowledge and implementing it for a greater benefit. Any activities requiring mental aptitude are his forte. While knowledge is power, Marco tends to get carried away with it as he approaches every intellectual pursuit with gusto, which is both admirable and dangerous if not properly reigned. In spite of this, Marco has taken the time to balance his work with his social life through much trial and error. It's surprising what he is capable of bringing to the table.

As a child living in Connecticut; Marco has exhibited gifted behavior, excelling in his studies at a much rapid pace. However, this brought a great disconnect between him and his peers as he prefers to focus on his studies more rather than connecting with any of his classmates. As a result, his classmates have ostracized him for it which brought great concern to the teachers and faculty. Marco hasn't been one to express any emotional issues as this is difficult for him at this point in his life. The only classmate he could confide in was Gene Rielly, a boy roughly the same age as him who shared his burden. Their friendship lasted until Gene moved away, which brought Marco great distress.

When he reached adolescence and after moving to Torrine, Marco's lack of companionship and capacity to establish new relationships spiraled him into a seemingly endless depression. There were days where he lost all will to even get out of bed. One day, Marco looked into an international pen pal program with the help of his parents. Marco spent the summer writing to his pen pal overseas which gradually helped him bounce back to his usual self with each letter he received. The last letter before completing the program addressed a face-to-face meeting with his pen pal, which brought Marco much happiness. This pen pal turned out to be none other than Blaze Taylor from Melbourne, Australia. Marco and Blaze established a solid friendship since then. Marco was also part of a band with Sunny, Blaze, and Kian known as The Four Aces during their high school years, but disbanded after a scandal Kian kept under wraps came to the surface. While not in the band, Marco was an excellent student being placed in advanced placement classes and holding a spot in the honor roll. Marco also reunited with Gene around this time, who encouraged Marco to join some extracurricular activities to motivate him in his studies. Eventually; Marco joined the debate team where he met his rival, Antonio Giuliani. His first impression of him was a quixotic narcissist, yet saw him as an equal. Their opposing viewpoints made for interesting club sessions. However; fate made it possible for him and Antonio to stay friends through the help of a student mediator named Cat, who was in one of their classes and made time for them despite struggling with her own problems. While it wasn't any of her business, she suggested they take up fencing outside of school as she see them as dashing noblemen with different ideals and the rapier symbolizes their clashing expression of said ideals. Intrigued with her imagery, they took her advice considerably and signed up for fencing; the two of them became surprisingly closer than before with each match. They currently fence together to this day.

By the time he reached college; Marco became highly interested in science, particularly chemistry. He became a chem major in hopes of working for a major laboratory and enticed by the full access of vast resources found in the campus labs. His life was a bit different outside the lab. He and Antonio got together for the debate club once more. Later during spring break, he and his friends gathered at the mall to shop and eat. Unfortunately, they encountered Kian with a new crew at his command. One of his cronies, Andrew, made sexual advances towards Sunny's sister, Zani. Marco stepped in and assessed the situation but to his surprise Zani knocked Andrew out with a single blow to the face. Zani then realized she must take up some form of physical defense. Worried for Zani's safety, Marco took it upon himself to keep a close eye on her. Later at a campus party, Andrew spiked Zani's drink behind her back. Eyeing the reactions to the drug with the drink, Marco switched Andrew's drink with the spiked one so that he would be affected instead of Zani. Unfortunately, the quick switch backfired as the drug caused Andrew to pin Zani defenseless and (almost) have his way with her. Marco, Gene, and Antonio freed Zani from Andrew's clutches and removed him from their sight. Even a strong woman like Zani could use protection every now and then. While Zani doesn't typically go for men with a high intellect, she does feel a certain warmth from Marco that she finds irresistible yet he doesn't realize it for himself. Simply put, Marco is fascinated with Zani as he could learn much from her that he never knew before.

After college, Marco continues his scientific research through grants and other opportunities. He can also be seen bar tending at a local pub aside from his scientific pursuits. In Rise of the Enchanted, Marco discovers an ancient talisman that heightens his scientific prowess tenfold in the form of alchemy. Marco's journey will test and transform him beyond reasoning.