Owlstar's leadership

3 years, 10 months ago

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The full moon rose into the beautiful jet black sky, silverpelt and the gleaming stars dazzled the night sky. It was newleaf, the air was fresh and the snow had melted away. Tonight was the night of the Gathering, every full moon, each clan gathers beneath an ancient tree and sharetongues and give updates on the clans. This was Owlstar's first gathering as Oakclan's leader. Pinestar had passed away from Greencough a quarter moon ago.

She still found it difficult for Oakclan to follow her leadership since her father, Leopardclaw, has pitted the clan against her. She was the youngest cat in Oakclans history to become deputy, let alone leader. She even got her first apprentice as soon as she received her warrior name. Leopardclaw hated her for this, he believes that he should have been deputy and eventually become the leader of Oakclan. He was always causing trouble, riling the other cats into believing that Owlstar is unfit to lead.

She found clan life difficult, she hardly has anyone to back her up except for her deputy, Ivycloud and the medicine cats. She has to make them believe in her but its hard when Leopardclaw is always trying to ruin her attempts into getting her clan to trust her. She won’t give up this easily.

Ivycloud padded up to Owlstar, while she was deep in thought, thinking about tonight’s gathering. “Hey, Owlstar!” Ivycloud dipped her head while she greeted her leader. “Who should come to the gathering tonight?” She asked curiously, her head tilted to her left side, questioningly.

Owlstar sighed and took a deep breath in. “A part from us and the medicine cats, Dawnfur, leopardclaw , Shadowblaze and curlewpaw.” She questioned whether she should allow her father to go, he was a well respected warrior and he would use this against her if he didn’t come tonight.

“Are you sure about Leopardclaw? He’s been spreading rumours about you.” The torbie she-cat questioned her leader.

“I’m sure, Ivycloud. I have to earn his respect some day.” She mewed hopefully. Hopefully he doesn’t start anything tonight, don’t make me regret it, she thought to herself. “I’ll go tell them.” Ivycloud bounded away to gather the cats.

A while later Ivycloud came back to Owlstar, with the other cats in tow. “Birchleaf isn’t coming with us, a queen is expecting her kits any day now.” She exclaimed.

“that’s alright, let’s head out.” Owlstar mewed. She padded out of the ravine, Dawnfur and Ivycloud followed her, however Shadowblaze, Leopardclaw and Curlewpaw refused to follow Owlstar.

“Aren’t you guys coming?” Asked owlstar, annoyed and frustrated that they weren’t following her.

“We’ll make our own way there!” hissed Leopardclaw. Ever since he found out that Owlstar lacked strength in combat, he secretly hated her. He wanted her to be like him, pretty much in every way. If anything, Owlstar, is Leopardclaw’s biggest disappointment. Since her mother died, his hatred become more noticeable and more vocal.

Owlstar, not bothering to start a fight with her Father, walked away and continued their joinery to the great tree. She was nervous for tonight, what if the other clans think she was weak, since her own clan won’t even follow her?

They weaved through the dense thickets to the east side of the border, the forest grew more dense as they travelled on. The moon was almost in the centre of the sky, the gathering was close to starting. She ran through the forest until her party had reached the great tree. They almost arrived late to the gathering. The gathering was held on an ancient oak tree, forged many, many generations ago. A small clearing surrounded the massive oak tree. Somehow, her father, Shadowblaze and Curlewpaw had beat them there.

“Alright! Let’s get ready to start!” yowled the monarch, from house of Aona. Some clans had followed traditional clan codes and practices, or changing the original warrior code and some practices, while others had forged their own. Owlstar had always admired that from the house of Aona. It would be nice to not follow traditional rules and values.

Owlstar and Queen Amelyn jumped onto the branches above, looking down on the cats as they mingled amongst each other. The deputies and second in command, sat at the base of the thick tree. The leaders yowled, to signal that the gathering has begun.

“I'll let you start, Owlfeather.” Queen Amelyn mewed.

Owlstar trembled, she was so nervous as every eye focused on her. She eventually found her voice and mewed loudly enough, so all the cats could hear her. “Leafbare was harsh on us all, unfortunately we lost Pinestar, flamekit and emberkit to greencough.” She announced sorely. “I’ve been blessed by starclan, and have received my nine lives.” The cats below chanted out Owlstar, to congratulate her on her new leadership, Dawnfur and Ivycloud among them.

“She’s not my leader!” venomously yowled Leopardclaw. The chanting stopped and every cat looked at him. “She’s pathetic and not fit to rule! She would be the last cat that should ever become leader!” he continued his onslaught of words. The cats murmured, “How can she lead if her clan doesn’t follow her? She must be weak" could be heard from the cats in the clearing below.

Ivycloud glared at him, she had enough respect from Leopardclaw for him to listen to her. “Shut up, fox dung.” She hissed and barred her sharp fangs at him.

Owlstar had enough of this, she had enough of this civil war. She yowled loudly, “Look, you may not want me as your leader, however give me a chance to show you that I can be a great leader. Starclan saw me worthy as a leader, otherwise they wouldn’t have granted me their wisdom or the nine lives. Allow me to show you that Oakclan will achieve greatness with me as it’s leader. We can’t be a clan if we’re divided, we must work together. Have I ever let you down before? I saved a kit from a fox, I made sure everyone had enough food to get through leafbare, at times sacrificing my meals to give to you. I value Oakclan before myself. The clan always comes first!” she declared.

The clearing was silent, Leopardclaw tried to start another argument up, but Shadowblaze put his tail over his mouth before he could say anything. It looked like she was getting through to her clan, except for Leopardclaw.

Queen Amelyn started to talk about her clan. She congratulated Owlstar and told her that was a good speech, how hopefully her clan will start to follow her and give her a chance. Queen Amelyn gave updates on the house of Aona, how leafbare has treated them and how prey was bountiful.

The other leaders spoke, basically the same thing, how leafbare was, new apprentices and that newleaf brought plenty of prey. Before long, the moon started to descent in the horizon. The cats had broke away in their groups and went back to their territories.

This time Shadowblaze and Curlewpaw followed Owlstar, meanwhile Leopardclaw pouted and went his own way back. He probably was scheming on how to win back Shadowblaze and his apprentice. Will her father ever be proud of her? Owlstar thought to herself, at least the gathering went better than expected.