Blaze's Bio

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
18 5666

Chapter 14
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Elementary school

-Name: Somerset Primary School

-Location: Sydney, Australia

-Age Completed: 12

-Year Completed: 2005

-Social Status: Teacher's pet

-Typical Grades: As and Bs (mostly As)

-Favorite Classes: Math, English

-Least Favorite Classes: Science - too much homework and frequent pop quizzes

-Favorite Activities: Recess, field trips

-Least Favorite Activities: None

-School Friends: Felix, Byron

-School Crushes: None

-Best Memory: Learning to play guitar

-Worst Memory: None

Middle School

-Name: Eagle Mountain Middle School

-Location: Tallahassee, Florida

-Age Completed: 14

-Year Completed: 2007

-Social Status: Genius, prankster

-Typical Grades: As and Bs

-Favorite Classes: Social studies

-Least Favorite Classes: None

-Favorite Activities: Band, field trips

-Least Favorite Activities: None

-School Friends: Asher, Felix, Byron

-School Crushes: Sierra

-Best Memory: Going to a Sadie Hawkin's dance with Sierra

-Worst Memory: Sierra moving away

High school

-Name: Eastbrook High School

-Location: Saffron Hills, Wesmos, Torrine

-Age Completed: 18

-Year Completed: 2011

-Social Status: Student council president (sophomore year onwards), Lacrosse team captain

-Typical Grades: Straight As

-Favorite Classes: P.E., AP English

-Least Favorite Classes: AP Algebra - too much homework, but he breezed through every assignment anyway.

-Favorite Activities: Band, Student Council meetings

-Least Favorite Activities: None

-School Friends: Sunny, Marco, Cat, Zani, Shea

-School Crushes: Kyra

-Best Memory: Switching from drum major to colorguard, lacrosse team winning championship

-Worst Memory: Stopping Kyra's suicide attempt - it was hard for him to watch Kyra break down but he wouldn't forgive himself had she gone through with it. He’s just glad he was there to stop her.


-Name: Saffron Hills University

-Location: Saffron Hills, Wesmos

-Age Completed: 23

-Year Completed: 2016

-Social Status: Rugby team co-captain

-Typical Grades: Straight As (to stay on sports teams)

-Favorite Classes: Music Production, Honor's English, Band

-Least Favorite Classes: None

-Favorite Activities: Lunch, band rehearsals

-Least Favorite Activities: None

-School Friends: Cat, Sunny, Zani, Marco, Atti, Rochelle, Dalton

-School Crushes: Kyra

-Best Memory: Reuniting with Dalton, rugby team winning championship

-Worst Memory: Stopping Kian's attempted rape on Cat.

Degrees: BA in Music Production