Blaze's Bio

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
18 5622

Chapter 16
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Ever since he was born, Blaze always lived up to his name - bright and shining. Blaze had always shown great potential and promise in anything and everything he set his mind to. The one thing that captivated him the most was music, which brought people together and move them so profoundly. Blaze knew in his heart he wanted to be a musician as he, too, wished to bring people together in a positively wonderful harmony. He works just as hard as anyone else but always made sure to do a little more.

Blaze grew up in Australia for most of his childhood. While he had friends in school and around the neighborhood, he didn’t really spend much time with them because of homework, music lessons, and practice. This discouraged them from hanging out with Blaze because he was always busy, and when he did find some free time they would push him away the same way he did. It’s not Blaze’s fault that he had to keep his grades up just to stay in band. Every solo recital and band concert Blaze had participated in discouraged him due to not having anyone besides his family support him and gave up on music all together. Concerned about their son’s talent withering away, his parents signed him up for an international pen pal program to find someone he can connect with. Blaze initially felt like it was a waste of time but decided to try it for his parents’ sake. Every letter Blaze received from his pen pal inspired him each day to not give up on his dreams. The last day of the pen pal program called for the two writers to meet face to face; so, Blaze and his family moved to America to complete the program. When they arrived, Blaze met his pen pal, Marco Alberti. They instantly became the best of friends. Although they attended different schools at the time, they made sure to see each other every day after school.

Blaze moved to Torrine in his teen years. Blaze built a notable reputation for himself as he joined the marching band and lacrosse team. He was also lead guitarist for a band called the Four Aces with Marco and another new friend, Sunny. While they rocked the house at every teen hotspot, their time together didn’t end well as the main singer, Kian Prescott, harassed a poor girl into a toxic relationship with him, who turned out to be Cat Reichart. While those events unfolded, Blaze was focused on running for student council president. He was more than qualified for the role, but one day he noticed a girl with rosy red hair with bags under her eyes, tears streaming down her face, and a bottle full of sleeping pills. Blaze stopped the girl from ingesting the pills, but never knew this girl was Marco’s sister, Kyra. She explained to Blaze that his chances of winning student council president were slim because of her ex-boyfriend, Xander, and ex-best friend, Lizzie, were out to rig the competition in their favor and if she tried to stop them they would make sure she would never show her face around the school again. Blaze was willing to take that risk as he investigated the competition himself. It turned out they blackmailed the outcasts of the school into voting for them out of fear and also bribed the teachers and faculty for sponsorship. Blaze had to figure out how to expose this corruption, so he rallied the students and faculty for a special concert; he also wrote a special song for Kyra to sing and without Kian’s knowledge; this eventually led to the disbandment of the Four Aces, but Blaze was willing to take those chances since finding out what Kian did to Cat. After the concert’s success, Blaze was voted as the new student council president. Kyra and Blaze fell in love over the summer before their senior year and still remain steady.

College was practically peaceful for Blaze; he was in a music production program and participated in the men’s rugby team and pep band. Later, Kian crashed an on-campus party as he attempted to have his way with Cat. Blaze and co. stopped Kian until campus security arrived. Blaze also found another new friend, Atti, who helped stop Kian. Later, Blaze wanted to know more about Cat, who Sunny had feelings for. Cat had a brother who was an alcoholic and did drugs; she was often used for an emotional (and sometimes physical) punching bag as she would often come on campus nearly in tears or in bruises. Her mother and brother would argue almost every night while she was trying to sleep. Blaze took it upon himself to get Cat out of the house, much to her real brother’s chagrin. Until her mother kicked her son out of the house for this atrocious behavior, Cat could finally be safe in her own home thanks to Blaze’s efforts. 

Blaze landed his dream job after college as a music producer for a local company. He produced many tracks with rising artists, but he rather be in the recording booth than behind it. In Rise of the Enchanted, Blaze finds an enchanted talisman belonging to ancient Torrinean nobility that allows him dominion over fire and sunlight. Blaze’s adventure will certainly turn up the heat.