Flowering- Entry form

3 years, 5 months ago

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The silence is heavy within the small shack as Mikhail stands like a rock, staring at the woman before him who eyes him in return. Mikhail can feel his heart beating in his chest, every inch of him wishing to raise alarm for his family but he bites his tongue. The stranger's features seem to blend into the nightly shadows, only her ghostly horns and eyes clearly visible in the low light. And the emblem upon her breast: a metallic brooch brandishing the image of twin suns.

It's many seconds before she speaks. "You don't seem surprised to see me."

"My dad had a feeling we were being followed." Mikhail explains slowly, eyes locked onto the brooch.

"Ah yes, the gruff one. He's quite observant, as he should be." the stranger hums. "Is that why you came here? This is quite the hideaway, back among the foliage. Perfect for those who can... use them to their advantage."

Mikhail narrows his eyes but says nothing.

"What is it?" The stranger coyly asks, drawing Mikhail's attention. "Cat got your tongue?"

"What do you want." Mikhail hopes his voice doesn't betray his fear.

The strangers eyes, appearing almost ethereal, bore into him. "I think you know."

His throat tightens. Dammit, did she see? They're always so careful when they let him practice, Dennis in particular always sure to take extra precautions. Did they miss something last time?

"The blood of Pyralis flows in you." the stranger continues. "He whose magical soul created the second sun and promoted prosperity within the land, so too does yours."

So she did see. Dammit. Mikhail wishes he had Davis’s wit, or even Sin's. Maybe he could talk himself out of this somehow, but he's struggling simply to remain calm.

"Are you going to turn us in?" Mikhail asks.

The stranger bursts out into laughter. "Turn you in? Why would I do that?"

Mikhail falters. "B-but the emblem? Don't you work for-"

"I don't give a rats ass about that roach that calls himself a king." she huffs, almost sounding offended. "No, I need you for myself."

Mikhail's brows knot in confusion. "Why?"

Snake-like fangs bear themselves in a sinister grin. "Oh, that's my little secret~"

"I'm not going with you."

"I fear you don't have a choice. I won’t give you up to that weasel king, but your family is another story. And from what I hear Oli-boy is quite displeased your fathers have eluded him for so long~"

"N-no!" Mikhail's blood chills at the thought. "Please...."

"Then let’s make a deal." Mikhail can sense the weight of magic in the room even before the stranger offers her claws. "Swear your loyalty to me under oath, and I will swear to leave your family be."

Mikhail swallows, slowly raising his own hand before he stops, thinking. This is a magical vow, and if there's anything Davis has taught him about making deals, it's to be a stickler with details. "That's not good enough. Swear you, no one you can hire, bribe, threaten, or anyone in association with you will harm or otherwise jeopardize the safety of my family. Do that, and I will go with you."

The stranger raises a brow then grins, seemingly impressed. "Very clever.... I agree. And in turn you swear your fealty to me, your magic is mine to use how I wish, and never to be used against me. Simple enough?"

Bile churns in his throat at those terms, but then Mikhail thinks about his family and hardens in resolve. He has to protect them, no matter what. With a heavy heart Mikhail clasps her hand, powerful magic twining between them. The deal is made.

"You may call me Mara." the woman states cheerily. "Come, we have many things to do and oh so little time. Don't worry, we'll have a grand time together~"

Mikhail, fighting back tears, mentally whispers goodbye to his family before Mara wisps him away.


Mikhail opens his eyes to the light of a dying campfire, the memory clinging like a bad dream. He plays with a seed in his hands, making it sprout and wither with his magic. "From there she took me to the capitol, forced me to attend the academy. She knew I couldn't run from there."

"Because Oliver has the students serve him." the draconian woman across from him guesses. Mikhail nods. "And she was the only one who knew who I was, so if I messed up...."

"She'd tell him who you were." The woman bares her fangs in a snarl. "If you were so important to her, why have you serve that tyrant?"

"Because of my bloodline. There's things Pyralis's descendants can access that she can't."

"So she made you get them for her. For what?"

Mikhail shrugs. "She never told me. She didn't tell me a lot of things. But I know she was planning something horrible. She'd make me brew potions with my magic among other things, then the next day we'd get word someone important died." Mikhail's stomach churns with guilt. "I hated it."

"You had no choice, you had to survive."

"I guess so..."

The fire cracks as the woman's slit eyes bore into him. "How did you get away from her?"

At this Mikhail lets out a bitter laugh and stares down at the flowers consuming his body. "I didn't."

The woman's scales, evidence of her own curse, clink as she hangs her massive gold horns. "...I apologize."

"It's okay Veára." he answers, unbothered. He'd long since grown used to the sprouting blossoms covering his skin.

Veára considers him, brows furrowed. "So what now?"

Mikhail pauses, staring ahead. "I want to find my dads." he announces. "I know they're still out there somewhere."

Veára nods, staring at the fire as she considers his words. "Then I'll help you find them, in thanks for saving my life." she vows softly.

The seed in his hand sprouts as Mikhail gives her a small grateful smile. "I'd like that."



Mikhail was born gifted with talent to use magic, more specifically, Chlorokinesis: the ability to control and bend vegetation to his will, as well as being able to produce potent herbal potions and medicines. The true reason for the appearance of magic in Mikhail is impossible to know for certain but it's believed that the power was awakened due to Davis's bloodline which stems from King Pyralis of whom was a mage himself powerful enough to create a second sun. And Dennis's bloodline; though there isn't much evidence of magical children in his family line, the people of the Misty Kingdom are prone to naturally bearing magical children, and due to the environment in which their kingdom resides, are usually closely attuned to nature.

After leaving with Mara, Mikhail was taken to the magical academy in the capitol to hone his skills, which were wild and unrefined due to lack of practice. While there, Mara continued to serve under King Oliver only by word alone, using her position to serve her own undisclosed purposes. During this time Mikhail served to her as a spy of sorts, sleuthing about the palace to collect information about other countries' goings on as well as gain access to confidential information locked behind magical artifices only those of royal blood are permitted to access.

He spent many years serving under Mara as her 'apprentice', assisting her in... questionable... dealings. Mikhail was young but he quickly drew a connection between their works and the steady disappearances and deaths of numerous people of importance. He dealt with it, but over time the mounting casualties finally broke him. He struck out against Mara with magic, breaking his side of the oath, and in consequence was beset with a curse; his magic turned malicious, slowly consuming him in blossoms that will inevitably kill him. Seeing as he is no longer willing to work with her (and is now on a timer) Mara exposed his identity to Oliver causing Mikhail to flee out the capital.

Mikhail first met Veára shortly after fleeing the capital when Mikhail saved her life from mercenaries. They discovered each were suffering from their own curses and decided to help one another. Veára helped Mikhail travel as the flowering blossoms continued to take a physical toll on his body, and Mikhail with his magical potions helped ease the adverse symptoms of Veára's draconic curse. Their relationship started purely out of mutual benefit, but over time the two developed a close older sister/younger brother bond.

Over the years Mikhail, though retaining most of his natural compassion, grew accustomed to lying and dishonesty, becoming quite skilled in each in order to survive despite not being fond of doing so. After finding Veára the two have taken to travel the world together in search of their own goals, Mikhail selling his potions and Veára taking contracts as a small time mercenary to make money all the while dodging Oliver's soldiers who are determined to find them.