this old oneshot i made

3 years, 5 months ago

kimberly and kyle are sent on a quest to retrieve the lost gems. written on 12/18/19

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Author's Notes

i rewrote this recently! check out my other literature works for the rewrite

“Out of all the people on this entire goddamn island, it had to be you...” Kimberly grumbled, smoothing out the map Noot gave her.

“Not my fault I’m the strongest here,” Kyle shrugged. “You gotta acknowledge that, Kimmy.”

“I’m not acknowledging shit,” Kimberly shot back. “I was sent to complete the quest and I plan on doing just that.”

“Cor-rec-tion~!” Kyle sang. “WE were sent on the quest. This ain’t a solo job, Kim.”

“Shut up. You can follow me if you want to, but we’re not talking.”

“Geez, you’re so cold. Stop being so standoffish.”

Kimberly decided to ignore him. Kyle, ignoring the fact that she was ignoring him, proceeded to lean over her shoulder to look at the map.

“So... Shiverchill first?”

Kimberly grunted and rolled the map up.

“I’ll take that as a yes!”


It was the first time Kimberly had actually explored the areas inside Shiverchill, as all her previous trips there were just small visits to Bok and Slip. She and Kyle both had no knowledge of the dangers that lay ahead.

“Kimchi (haha yes), you sure you don’t wanna just let me take it?” Kyle asked. “You’re a Thunder, and that’s weak against the Ice element. Plus, I’m a Fire so that would be strong against Ice.”

“No one asked for your input,” Kimberly rolled her eyes. “I’ll just use my Astral powers.”

“Fine by me.”

Stepping into a shady cave, Kimberly tried to feel the presence of the Shiverchill Gem. Very faintly, she could sense it’s radiation from beyond this cave. She then took a step forward and the entire ground beneath the two shattered and broke, causing them to fall with the ground.

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!” they both screamed as they plummeted down the deep pit.

After what seemed like an eternity, the two landed in a pile of soft snow. Kyle easily melted his way out of his snow barrier using his powers, while Kimberly on the other hand, struggled to get out.

Trudging up the snow, Kyle held out his hand to Kimberly.“No way,” Kimberly snorted. “I don’t need your help.”

“You’re being real stubborn, you know?” Kyle remarked. “Listen. I don’t give a shit if you hate my guts. I don’t care that you’re a stubborn little bitch and you like doing things your way. I don’t give a single damn about the things that happened between us in the past. Right now, we’re in this together, kay? So take my fucking hand and let’s work as a team.”

Staring Kyle down for a few seconds, Kimberly finally reached her hand out and grabbed his; Kyle pulled her up.

“Fine. We’ll be a team, but just until we find all of those gems.”

“Sounds good to me.”

And together, they walked off- as a team.