snapshot of the past

3 years, 8 months ago

cassidy reminisces about her sister.

written 12/24/19

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"You can't catch me!" a young girl giggled as she circled around the tree.

"Are you sure about that?" an older girl responded, jumping onto a branch and landing in front of the younger girl. She then wrapped her arms around the younger girl and exclaimed, "Got you!"

"Cynthia, that's not fair!" the younger girl whined, struggling out of her grasp. "You never taught me all these cool tricks!"

"You sure you want to learn them?" the older girl, Cynthia, asked. "Because I can teach you!"

"Really?" the younger girl lit up. "Teach me! Teach me!"

"Alright, but..." Cynthia stood up straight. "You'll have to catch me first."

Then, she began to bolt in the other direction.

"Hey! Come back here!"

For the rest of the day, the two chased each other around the grassy clearing, having the time of their lives.

Cassidy snapped her locket open. Inside, the picture of her and her sister still remained safely intact.

Hugging it closely to her chest, she whispered, "Cynthia, where are you?"

Then, dropping it safely in the drawer, Cassidy stood up and walked out the door.