[PMD BTS] RP: The Stranger on Team Blackstar

3 years, 3 months ago

Team Blackstar acquires a new member, a spooky Corsola with odd mannerisms that keeps their distance from others. Gene and Arius are curious about the new ghost and make it a point to introduce themselves.

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Gene made his way to the Team Blackstar base, all the while thinking to himself how very considerate it was of Tobias to strangle him during the winter months. Probably the scarf he wore to hide the fading bruises would have looked much more out of place in any other season, and though it was warming up he felt he could still get away with it for the time being.

He wondered if Ari and Tobias had made any progress since he'd last seen them. This was the first chance he'd had to stop by since returning from the Air Continent. Had Tobias left without him? Had he cast Ari out for his decision to stay?

Soon enough he found himself on the front steps of the repurposed inn, knocking on the front door. He wondered which of the colorful bunch would be the one to greet him, or if it would be yet another new face.

For a moment, there was no answer, odd considering that Team Blackstar seemed to have recruits oozing out of every corner of their base all the time. But, the door did eventually open, and another new face was on the other end, and quite a curious one at that.

It appeared to be a Galarian Corsola, the horns on his head flickered slightly as he looked at Gene with his soft purple eyes, they seemed to glow even in the daylight hours. The man was not nearly as tall as Arius, coming up only to only 6' 1, but still, his horns seemed to give him an extra few inches of height.

"Hello, welcome to Team Blackstar. If you are seeking Fiona or Duncan, they are currently away on missions. Any mission inquiries must be filed through the proper channels in affiliation with the GCFS.", he said. His voice was soft, very calming and mellow. It was almost lulling, like drawing one into a calm state.

Gene schooled his expression as--as he suspected--a new face opened the door. He took in the Corsola's other-worldliness, their flickering horns, their light blue-tinted skin. Another new ghost, it seemed. Not that Team Blackstar didn't have it's fair share of ghost times already, but there was something that felt just a bit... different.

Probably it was nothing, Gene was just overthinking again.

"Mhm, you must be new. As you see I'm quite the regular here," Gene smiled charmingly, extending a hand in greeting. "Gene, of Team New Beginnings. A pleasure, I'm sure. And you are...?"

Quinn silently observed Gene, noticing immediately that he was a reincarnated ghost. He looked down at Gene's hand, taking a small step back. "Please forgive me, but I do not like to be touched.", he said simply. "It is no insult to you, anyways, Gene of Team New Beginnings, I am Quinn. Is there- someone here to whom you are seeking then?", Quinn questioned.

Cassius walked around the corner carrying a large box of canned goods he purchased earlier that day. He stopped in the foyer. "Quinn this is Gene, he is Arius's boyfriend. more than likely, he is seeking him.", the Zubat continued onward.

Quinn looked at Gene once more. "I believe Arius is upstairs asleep. Do you know the way to his room?", Quinn questioned.

Gene let his hand fall away, giving a small nod and holding his smile.

"My apologies then. And yes, not to worry, I know my way around quite well," he said, his voice sounded as though a wink belonged at the end of his statement.

Quinn side stepped the door and headed further into the base. "Very well- Then I will leave you to your visit with Arius.", his movements where strange. They where very stiff, and he almost seemed to glide across the ground, his steps where so even and smooth, he also walked with his arms behind his back. Strange indeed.

Gene eyed Quinn as he left, chalking the weird feeling he had had about him up to his demeanor alone. He couldn't help wondering if perhaps Quinn was like himself, born again, but such questions were certainly not appropriate for introductions.

He made his way upstairs to Ari's room, knocking on his door. "Ari, it's me. I was in town and thought I might pay you a visit," he joked, as he did not live all that far away so he was always in town.

Arius was curled up on his bed, one of Gene's shirts that had been left over still setting on the bed as he snored softly. Recently, Fiona had given him permission to leave the island on his own, so he'd taken up a lot of messenger missions rather than just dungeon heavy ones. Which while fun, was also very very taxing on his body. He had a few empty cartons of eggs scattered around his room.

Gene's knocking woke him, he sat up and rubbed his face with a small grown. He got up, pushing all the empty cartons under the bed before going to the door wearing just his night pants.

"Gene?", he said as he opened the door. "This is a surprise"

"I pleasant one, I hope," he teased, ripping the scarf from his neck the second he was in the room. The darn thing was quite scratchy, and while he didn't look all that odd wearing it in this weather it certainly wasn't cold enough to be a necessity.

"I must say, between waiting at your bedside and rooming together on the Air Continent I've become quite spoiled. I quite miss sharing a bed with you," he said, pushing up on his toes to give him a kiss.

"How are you?" he asked. "It's been some time."

Arius looked at Gene's neck, frowning slightly that the marks where still there.

"Yes- it is... very strange not to have you at my side. But- such is life unfortunately." Arius wrapped Gene into a hug, giving him a kiss all too eagerly. "I am fine, Fiona and Duncan gave me probation so I can leave without a babysitter for now as long as I am a good boy.", he reached up to cup Gene's cheek. "How is your neck?"

"That's wonderful news!" Gene cheered, clapping a hand on Ari's bicep. "How does it feel to be free of your shackles?"

At the mention of his neck he reached to cover it reflexively, bashfully looking away. The bruises looked exceptionally ugly now, turning a yellowish color that meant they were healing.

"It is fine, I cannot feel it. Which is unfortunate, because I often forget and end up giving passerbies a good scare," he said with a smile.

"What about you?" he asked, his eyes falling to Ari's arm.

"Hmmm- it is nice. I am acting as good as I can so they don't take away my freedom...", Arius lifted his arm, he had a light bruise, but nothing to bad. "My arm is nothing to the look of your neck Gene... um- have you met our newest recruit? He's another ghost, one like you and I but- he's pretty off... I can't quite place him. Tobias has left on personal business I don't know... if he plans to come back home or not"

"You don't say," Gene said, tilting his head slightly as he considered. "You are speaking of Quinn, yes? I did in fact have a chance to meet them. I found them a tad... unsettling, I suppose. But they were pleasant enough. I wondered if they may be like us or not. Have you spoken with him about it? Cautioned him against walking alone late at night?"

Gene reached out, placing a hand on Ari's good forearm. "Have you tried to reach out to him? Tobias, I mean," he asked.

"I have but he has not responded to me...", Arius frowned.

"Quinn does not seem to care much about fearing it. But he makes me very uneasy, he has not done anything wrong but um- he just is strange to me. And he doesn't like touching at all but- I'm not sure."

Gene rubbed Ari's arm in a soothing motion, at a loss of what to say regarding Tobias. He wanted to say he was sure he would return, but Gene did not know Tobias as well as Ari did and he did not wish to fill him with false hope were he wrong.

"I must say, ghost or not I'm surprised. Your team is constantly growing, is it not? What makes this one so special? Is the bit about touching all that concerns you?"

"No, he's a ghost like us but the way he walks... with his hands behind his back. I've seen it before but I don't remember where I have seen it before. That's not something somebody just does- it's muscle memory, something he did a lot... I just don't know where I saw it before. Maybe his old life?", Arius pondered.

"Perhaps," Gene considered. He moved to sit on Ari's bed, making himself comfortable. "Could he have been an acquaintance of Vihar?"

"No.. I don't think so. Maybe he was a solider or something in his past life.", Arius followed after him. "Um- so how have things been going with you?"

"Nothing terribly eventful, but I'll consider that a blessing for now," he said with a playful smile before looking elsewhere as he considered.

"Frannie started seeing Eleftheria about her nightmares. Seems it might be quite the process to work through, but it's progress."

"Oh? That is good, I worry about Frannie, she's always on the cusp of some horrible panic attack it feels like. Plus, she just draws attention from ghost pokemon with her emotions...", he pointed out too.

Gene nodded, running a hand through his hair in an anxious manner.

"Yes, particularly my attention. I've been taking her fears for some time, to help ease her back to sleep, but lately it's been making me feel rather strange. Not in the moral sense either. I've noticed I drop things more often, and get stuck in the occasional wall. I'm not sure exactly what feeding so regularly is doing to me, but I suspect it would be best to end this pattern we've fallen into."

"If you are feeding more like a ghost, it is possible for your body to become more like a ghost. I mean, eventually soft soilers transition too- so you'll be able to do more stuff.", Arius scratched his cheek. "I wonder how much Quinn knows, he doesn't seem to be from a far far away time, but he clearly has a really good handle on himself if he is a soft soiler....", Arius pondered.

Gene nodded. "Somehow I had not expected to transition so soon after dying, I imagined it would be a lengthier process. Is this the norm? Not that I am saddened to gain new abilities, mind you," he grinned. "I quite look forward to experimenting with them."

"Have you not spoken with him about it? I considered asking of his status myself, but I did not want to be rude. However, as you are on the same team and living under the same roof I imagined you two would be a bit more..." he paused, twirling his hand. "Chummy."

"Well everyone does so at their own pace, but I wouldn't be worried.", Arius assured him with a soft smile. "Um- well his room is across the hallway, and as far as I know he is rather open. So maybe we should try to have a private talk with him?", Arius said simply.

"Chummy? I suppose so. I have been trying to learn more about him, I don't see his death mark anywhere, I wonder if it's on his back, or maybe somewhere under his pants like on his leg or something.", Arius wondered out loud, not really noticing the jealous twinge from Gene.

"I certainly hope you are not considering getting in anyone's pants other than mine," Gene teased with a suggestive smirk.

"And pardon my ignorance, but what is considered appropriate when meeting with others of the reincarnated sort? Is it bad form to ask about their scars, their death, their rebirth so plainly? If not then yes, let us speak with them as I am quite eager to know," he said, springing to his feet.

“Hm? No I did not have any plans, has something changed I should be aware of?”, Arius asked, the joke completely going over his head clearly.

“Tobias usually is really good about it. It sort of depends on the ghost, some of them are deeply upset about their scars, some are very open about them.”, Arius said

Gene's smile faltered for a moment, not expecting a genuine response to his teasing nor for Ari to be so blasé about it.

"No, no changes," he said, itching to reach out and touch him but feeling oddly self conscious and opting to shove his hands in his pockets instead.

"Shall we then?" he asked. "Or did you wish to wait for Tobias?"

Arius noticed Gene's smile shift slightly, he wondered why. Arius walked over, cupping Gene's face between both his hands as he leaned down, resting his forehead against Gene's. "That is good, otherwise my fight with Tobias would be really foolish in hindsight. I made my choice, and I do not regret it."

"Hmm- I do not know if he will return. Maybe we should speak with him. You are a rescuer right? What if you might encounter more reborn ghosts?", he asked

Gene's heart fluttered as Ari held him close, leaning into him. He felt so safe in that moment, feeling Ari pressed against his forehead, his breath against his face, his fingertips rounding the corners of his jaw.

'I will tell you my love, over and over again. As many times as I must, it is not foolish to need to be reassured.'

Could he mean that? He was certainly proving it time and time again.

Gene let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding, his lips shifting effortlessly into a smile as he nuzzled against Ari's face. He pulled a hand from his pocket, covering on of Ari's hands with his own, pressing it to his cheek.

"As have I," he sighed, his words dripping with love.

He pulled back only just as the conversation shifted, continuing to hold Ari's hand and absentmindedly pulling it to his chest.

"You do realize how long it took me just to find you, yes? And that was when I was actively looking. If we are as rare as you've told me I highly doubt I'll be stumbling across another any time soon."

"Regardless, I am quite interested in learning more about this Quinn. I've not known any others of our kind besides you, Love, and I'm dreadfully curious how he compares."

"Hmm... it is my experience that ghosts like us appear when one least expects them. Tobias says that reborn ghosts are often pulled to other reborn ghosts because our life energy is different. But who knows, there is very little true science for pokemon like us, it is all theory."

"So! Let us go then", Arius headed for the door, holding onto Gene as he went. "He hasn't been assigned missions yet so he shouldn't be to far off"

"How curious," Gene said, considering the thought. "Though I suppose I cannot argue. I am awfully drawn to you after all," he said, giving the hand in his grasp a kiss before letting it go.

"Yes, he let me in but a moment ago. I'd be surprised to hear it if he left so soon after," Gene said, moving to follow Ari out before catching sight of the scarf he'd discarded. He grabbed it from the bed, looping it around his neck again before they went in search of the Corsola.

Arius gave Gene one more kiss on the cheek before they headed out into the hallway. He let Gene put on the scarf again, but the moment the door swung open, Arius nearly knocked over Quinn. Although the ghost was much faster and sidestepped the door quickly, he was carry a tray with a tea kettle, a cup and some of the cookies Cassius made earlier.

"Oh- Hello Quinn", Arius greeted.

The Corsola looked between them. "Yes, Hello Arius, and Gene of team New Beginnings.", he went to open his own room, balancing the tray on one hand and using his key to unlock his door with the other.

Gene considered it terribly suspicious whenever a topic of conversation suddenly appeared at your doorstep, both figuratively and literally. Was it possible Quinn had been eavesdropping on them? No, likely he was just being paranoid.

"I hope you'll pardon my short introduction earlier," Gene said, stepping around Ari's bedroom door. "I was wondering, should you have the time, if you might be interested in a chat with Ari and I."

Arius smiled, keeping a grip on Gene’s hand.

Quinn paused for a moment. “Um.... yes, if you desire you many visit with me. My room is bare, I do apologize.”, he walked into the room.

As he said, Quinn’s room was rather empty, but he had started to buy some things for his room. He had four sitting pillows around a small circle table. He set the tea down and sat on one of the pillows.

Arius walked into the room, sitting at the table next to Gene.

Gene looked around the room as they entered, noting that Quinn's abode was indeed quite barren. Not even a bed. Though, if he was like Ari and himself perhaps he did not require one.

"How is Team Blackstar treating you thus far?" Gene asked as he took a seat at the table, trying to start off small. "Have you had the change to embark on any missions as of yet?"

"I find the team to be fine enough.", Quinn said as he poured himself a small cup water from the kettle and set a tea bag inside of it. "No, Fiona and Duncan are helping me settle into the base and gave me a generous stipend to get supplies for my room. They are still working on my approval paperwork, but since the air continent it seems that everyone is back logged in such things."

Arius gave a small nod, but didn't add much.

"Ah yes, I am not surprised. I too had a mountain of paperwork awaiting me when we returned," Gene laughed. "I can only imagine Fiona and Duncan are swamped with such a large team."

"What brought you to guild work, if you do not mind me asking," Gene asked.

“I wished to continue my work as a therapist, however, I usually service the less fortunate which while morally right, is poor on my pocket. I needed a more stable job to survive in this modern world, and not everyone understands or respects mental and emotional health. So, my work is misunderstood and undervalued. Fiona and I have made an arrangement.”, he said as he removed the tea bag from his tea.

“Hmm- well Kioshi got knocked out of the sky so not the most dramatic entry in Blackstar’s base.”, Arius said.

Gene smiled and nodded when appropriate, not wanting to offend but not having anything nice to say. He didn't know much when it came to therapy other than that it was for the most desperate of people and involved being mentally picked apart. He wondered, what was Quinn able to deduce from him at just a glance. He considered mentioning Frannie then, as she was as unfortunate as they come, but such comments would probably come across as disrespectful.

"Sounds rather fortunate then. More fortunate than Kioshi apparently. Knocked out of the sky you say? I believe I missed that one."

"Yes, Fiona patched him up and for one reason or another he just didn't leave. Not that he causes problems or anything.", Arius told Gene. Quinn silently sipped his tea as he observed the other ghosts.

"Kioshi is going to evolve into a ghost type, I've seen the really big owls, they are really cool. They shoot arrows and stuff, Tobias was friends with one who was a lumber jack up in the mountains.", Arius said chattering happily.

Quinn gulped his tea, tensing up slightly but not making a show of it. He schooled his reactions so as not to cause a spike of anxiety, lest he attract unwanted attention. This is unfortunate indeed.

Gene nodded along as Ari spoke of Kioshi. "I've only had the chance to speak with Kioshi a handful of times, or speak at him I should say. I'd be quite interested in knowing more about this island of his, but it seems he's rather secretive about it. Shame."

"Evolve into a ghost type? That's rather interesting. I'm not so well versed in the evolutionary line of Rowlet. I'm surprised to hear Tobias associate with someone like that, I was of the impression he preferred a specific type of ghost," Gene teased, his words playful but also pointed.

He turned to Quinn. "Have you had the chance to meet with Tobias?" he asked before looking back to Ari. "Or did they just miss each other perhaps?"

"Hm, yeah, he won't answer any questions about where he comes from, and Fiona got special permission to just write a question mark on his application. She had me run it to the office and I dropped them all- so I got an accidental sneak peak", Arius said. "Well- not many pokemon evolve into a ghost type to be fair."

"Hm... Tobias? No. I have not had an opportunity to face him myself, but his legacy and name far proceed him. I am fully aware of him- and the... legion that follow him.", Quinn took one of the tea biscuits and took a bite of it. "I assume you have encountered him even from another team Gene?"

Gene grinned warmly as he answered, absentmindedly pulling the scarf around his neck tighter. "I have, though the line between teams is rather blurred. I am here so often I find myself forgetting I am not a part of Team Blackstar myself."

"I had not realized he had such a strong reputation, though I can't say I am all that surprised from what I've heard. How is it you know of him?"

Quinn stirred his tea slowly, "Ghosts.... that have walked the world anew hear much of him. He is just one of many groups in this silent sort of recruiting war. No matter the side, each seems to be seeking only power, but fronting good intent. My opinions on this matter are of no value overall, so I will keep them to myself."

Arius didn't understand what Quinn was really saying so he just nodded slightly like the airheaded responses he was known for when Ivan went on one of his excited tangents about some random old stuffy book.

Gene stared at Quinn with interest as he spoke. It seemed this new recruit was just a fountain of information.

"Of no value? On the contrary," Gene said with an eager smile, reaching out to place a hand on Quinn's arm but then remembering his aversion to touch and instead let his hand fall to the table between. "I would be most interested in hearing your take on the matter. Many groups you say? A recruiting war?"

Quinn looked at Arius for a moment, he said nothing, clearly rolling options and considerations slowly around in his mind. "There is Tobias, the order of shadows.. those are the two biggest ones, or at least, ones who are actively seeking... then there are smaller splinter groups... sets of... between two and sometimes as many as ten ghosts together. But- usually Tobias or the Order track down these groups and um- join up.", he finished the buscuit he was holding.

Arius smiled, "Yeah! We've met logs of groups, Tobias always talks them into coming with us- or um- well sometimes they leave but almost always they join.", Arius said. Quinn looked at Arius, then down at his tea. He was very guarded.

Tobias's clan and the Order of Shadows were the largest? The way Ari had spoke of them previously he'd assumed they were more akin to a family unit, not a large group that might rival a cult. He wanted to ask Ari then exactly how big this clan of theirs was, but he knew such topics were closely guarded secrets in general let alone in front of a new face.

"So you are aware of the Order then? Have you encountered any trouble with them?" Gene asked. "We've seen an increase in their activity as of late."

"I have encountered them. As most ghosts that have walked the world have.", Quinn looked at Gene, "However, it is always best to avoid either group if one enjoys their independence...", he looked at Arius.

"Hmm... well- but I like my family.", Arius said back.

"Family? Interesting word choice.", Quinn said back.

Arius gave a confused look.

Gene watched the exchange between Ari and Quinn with interest.

"Yes well, you could say the same for a group of any kind could you not? You certainly lose out on a bit of independence by joining a team. New responsibilities, other members relying on you. I do not see how it is all that different."

Arius looked at Gene. “I guess so?”, the ghost honestly didn’t think about these things, so, it was rather odd for him to consider.

Quinn leaned back on the pillow he was sitting on. “Such is life.”

Gene let one of his hands slip beneath the table, resting it on Ari's knee in what was intended to be a comforting gesture. In a way he could not argue with Quinn, as it seemed Ari had struggled with Tobias over personal freedoms.

"Where did you learn so much, if you do not mind me asking," Gene asked Quinn. "As it seems we are all on the same page, I am pretty new to this life myself and learned of the Order from Ari and Tobias. Did you have a seasoned spirit of your own to show you the ropes?"

"I have been revived for more then ten years. How much have you learned in your time reborn?", Quinn posed back at him. "I spent much time wandering but was picked up by a roaming group of ghosts. However, I left their ranks many years ago. But I am not one to dwell on the past."

Arius reached under the table and hold onto Gene's hand. He leaned onto the other gently. "Hm, true. I found Gene but he does not belong to any ghost clan.", Arius smiled, "Maybe we will start our own", he teased.

"I suspect very little compared to you, I came back less than half a year ago. Surely what I know is common knowledge to most," he joked, only after he said it remembering of how Tobias had chewed him out for being so uneducated.

He turned to Ari, rubbing a circle into his knee with his thumb. He was surprised how well Ari seemed to be doing when it came to Tobias and his clan, in spite of the Marshadow's unknown plans.

"Perhaps, who knows," Gene said suggestively.

"Life is always a learning experience. However you plans for a clan of your own should be guarded carefully, as such tasks are easier said than done.", Quinn supplied.

Arius smiled at Gene, "Yes!", he said completely ignoring Quinn's slightly pessimistic view on the subject. But Quinn's views came form experience.

Gene pressed his lips together, fighting a smile in response to Ari's enthusiasm.

"Oh?" he asked, turning to Quinn. "And why is that? A clan is but a group of ghosts, is it not? I do not see why it should be guarded more closely than we already guard our own rebirths."

"The shadows of the world are always shifting. It is best not to draw their ire.", Quinn finished his tea and set the cup down. "But somethings must be learned on their own. I would be careful of your future pursuits."

Arius tilted his head slightly. "Well- we where going to be careful", he assured Quinn.

Gene looked between Ari and Quinn, feeling as though there was something he was missing. And he was very much not a fan of being kept out of the loop.

"Well this is certainly foreboding," he laughed. "Come now, speak plainly of what it is we should be careful of. There is strength in numbers, is there not? Seems more beneficial than wandering about alone. Of course avoiding the Order is of the utmost importance, but we already make an effort to do so. So what else is there to worry about?"

"There is also danger, sometimes, danger without a name or a face. You are one that wants direct answers, to have everything cut, dry, and perfectly aligned. But life is not so, and the lack of knowledge on this subject eats away at you. I am sorry, but I can not provide the exact answers you wish, no one can. You will have to make peace with that."

Arius did not speak, but he thought of Gene's words. If Tobias did outcast him, it would be them against the world. Arius was aware of other smaller groups of ghosts, but Tobias had warned so heavily against them that Arius was not interested in even entertaining the idea.

Gene held his smile, clenching his teeth. He was tired of these vague, mysterious warnings. He was tired of other ghosts acting like they knew him. And he was tired of not getting the answers he wanted.

"I have been hearing that quite a lot lately," he said, his voice forcibly even, pleasant but cold. "But, with all due respect, one does not simply warn others to be careful without having an inkling as to what may happen if they are not. So, humor me; in your wildest dreams what is it you imagine may happen if we do not heed your advice?"

"The world is dangerous, and cold. The Order is especially in a tizzy, it seems two very important ghosts have vanished, and a war is brewing as the Order is certin these two where stolen by Tobias as leverage. The Order does not split hairs, but there are worse things out there. There are ghosts who have lost the last bit of their humanity, roaming the world seeking only violence and glutinous destruction.", Quinn took a bit of the other biscuit.

"It is said that one way to not fade is to live off the life energy of other reborn ghosts. In essence, a constant supply of it could keep a ghost alive for much longer than nature had intended. But to live for so long, pieces start to fade, physically on this plain of existence, but mentally somewhere else. You see this often in very old ghosts when they come back. But- this other sort of ghost is actively seeking victims. And what's worse, they are on the rise. No one knows why, but these ravenous ghost packs go after smaller groups, more or less cannibalizing them for precious life energy.", Quinn explained simply. Gene's slight shift of tone was not missed by the Corsola.

"Hm- well yeah- but- they don't usually come to civilizations, they are mostly in the wilds.", Arius said.

"If is foolish to think they will forever exist outside of civilization. Eventually they will be pushed into residences and cities. There is one in this town, I've seen it. It's a Sableye with shattered eyes, a shiny variant. I managed to avoid it's detection, but it is less than ideal as a whole."

"Missing important pokemon? How curious," Gene mused aloud, his eyes alight with curiosity. Was Tobias the type to kidnap such pokemon to meet his own ends? Gene did not know him well enough to say.

"And cannibals too. I've heard a bit of them, but lack any first hand experience. But perhaps that is for the best," he laughed. How interesting, a shiny Sableye with broken eyes wandering around town? He was half tempted to try to see it for himself, but with all the trouble him and Ari had gotten into as of late his adventurous spirit was not so high. And with their safety net Tobias away he was even less eager. But still, the thought was intriguing.

"And you said you didn't have the answered I sought," Gene laughed, reaching out to pat Quinn on the back, having forgotten his aversion to touch.

"Well- so the rumors go. I'd find it best to avoid the pair, trouble surely follows them.", Quinn glanced at Gene just as the other reached for him. It was an accident, or, more accurately reflex. A whole bunch of sharp coral branches covered his back quickly, the edges sharp and what was worse, touching them was a huge drain on energy. "Please do not.", Quinn urged.

Arius jumped up the moment Quinn's branches popped out, a shadow ball swirling in his palm ready to blast the other ghost if needed.

Gene gasped as Quinn's back was suddenly covered in spikes, watching dazed as his hand continued on it's course straight into them. They pricked his skin like needles, which hurt in and of itself, but the sudden draw of energy being ripped out of him was more attention grabbing.

He hissed as though he had been burned, pulling his hand away, cradling it close to his chest.

Quinn looked at Gene, "I do not like to be touched, I apologize for your injury, it is a reflexive response.", the branches flickered out of existence, fading like a mist around him.

Arius lost his concentration on his shadow ball to get down beside Gene, pulling the other to his chest and wrapping his arms around him protectively. "Are you okay Gene?"

"I am fine, it is nothing," Gene said quickly, embarrassed. He pulled his hand back for just a moment to examine it, finding a few tiny puncture wounds but not much else.

"You might've been more specific," Gene said to Quinn without looking at him, eager to move the blame off of himself.

"Perhaps, however, it is a reflex, and upon our meeting earlier I did expressly request you not to touch me.", Quinn replied, really having no issue putting the blame where it belonged.

Arius looked at Gene's hand. "Shall we go get you a bandage?"

"Sure," Gene huffed. He wasn't much interested in the wound to his hand and more to his pride, but he took the excuse to leave.

"Thank you for your time," he said formally to Quinn as they turned to leave.

Quinn watched him, "As for you Gene of Team New Beginnings."

Arius stood up, but kept one arm around Gene even as he did so.

Gene walked out of the room with Ari, closing Quinn's door with a sign.

"That could have gone better," he said, rubbing his eyes with his good hand. He glared down at the injured one, frustrated at himself for allowing it to happen. Just one more reminder of how unprepared he was for this new world.

"Um- Quinn is strange, but I don't recognize him. I wonder if he use to be apart of another splinter group or something?", he said as he headed to the bathroom to get the aid kit. "How do you feel? That looked like it really hurt...", he was concerned for his precious Gene.

"It did," he laughed at the understatement. His hand still tingling where he'd been pricked, throbbing in a way that was just painful enough to hold his attention.

"It seems he has some strong opinions on groups, wonder why," he mused as he followed Ari.

“Hm- maybe he got thrown out of one, or had a bad encounter with the Order, or worse, Tobias.”, Arius walked into the bathroom and grabbed the small medical kit. “I feel like we’ve been here before”, he smiled

"Perhaps," Gene nodded thoughtfully, considering. "Do you really consider Tobias the worse of the two?"

He smirked back, remembering the night Ari had visited him once waking from his coma. It seemed so long ago now, though in reality barely a month had passed.

He promptly sat himself down on the toilet seat, taking the place of Ari from that night. "As do I," he said. "Though it feels like a lifetime ago."

“I.... have never been given a reason to consider anything... ill about him. But- as of late I will admit I have increased concerns...”, he brushed a finger over the scarf.

“He hurt you and- I can not forgive it so easily....”

"I lived, did I not?" Gene laughed, clearly not seriously considering the alternative.

"And he is certainly not the first caregiver to have such a reaction to me pleasuring their...", he paused, searching for the word, then grimaced. "I do hate to use the word 'child' here, but for lack of a better word it'll have to do. Though his methods are tad more extreme than I'm accustomed to, I admit."

"I myself am more concerned that he hurt you as well. Infuriating as it may be his dislike for me is rather plain to see, but he cares for you. That he would harm you is... disconcerting."

“Hm? Oh my injury was minimal at best. He tries to keep his head on but when he snaps it is hard for him to pull back. This is probably the least amount of damage he has done on a rampage.”, he got down in front of Gene as he sat with crossed legs and the kit in his lap.

“Hm- child? I suppose it is... fair given the holes in my knowledge.”, he pulled out some antibiotic ointment. “I know he just.... wants what he feels is best for me. He is just- um- abrasive about it.”

Gene curled and uncurled the fingers of his injured hand in an effort to distract from the tingling. With his good one he reached out and carded his fingers through Ari's hair.

"What are these rampages generally like then? Are they a common occurrence?"

“Common? Um- no. But uh- he did level and entire forest once. Like I said- he usually keeps a better hold. I was really shocked you managed to make him so angry honestly.”, he leaned into the touch as he grabbed Gene’s injured hand and gently cleaned it.

Gene pet Ari's head a few times before removing his hand to instead run ever so gently over Ari's arm. The tips his fingers just barely grazed his skin, as Ari cleaned his cuts.

"Oh?" Gene asked mischievously at first, but then his tone grew more serious.

"Is it something I am doing?" he asked earnestly. "I am aware of the whole soft-soiler debacle, but do you think it is more than that?"

"Hm- well. Tobias says he doesn't have favorites but I'm pretty sure I am his favorite ghost. Um- or maybe just the one he feels needs to be watched the most?", he shrugged as he started to bandage up Gene's fingers. "So I wouldn't take it to heart... um- I am sorry about it all."

"Well I can hardly blame him I suppose," Gene said as he continued to trace Ari's arm before reaching up to cup his cheek.

"After all, you are my favorite ghost too," he said with a smirk before leaning in and giving him a kiss.

Arius smiled, kissing him back. "That's good", he wrapped Gene into a hug, kissing him once more.

There was a knock at the door and a small whine as Creed all but pranced back and forth. "Are you guys almost done!?", he couldn't stop the desperation in his voice.

Gene grinned against Ari's lips. "What's say you, Dr. Ari? It would seem I am all patched up. Are we done here?"

"Fine", Arius gave a small chuckle as he ran a hand over Gene's cheek before getting up. "Besides, I doubt either of us want to be held responsible for Creed peeing on the floor", he joked a bit

Gene nuzzled into Ari's hand, looking up at him with a seductive smile. "Speak for yourself, if it meant more alone time with you I would consider it," he said. But he rose from his seat nonetheless.

“You guys aren’t cute”, Creed said with his ears back and a not to happy growl to his voice.

Arius rolled his eyes, he put the kit up and walked out. “So mean Creed. I think we are very cute.”

"I would have to agree," Gene nodded to himself, following Ari out into the hallway.

"Now that that's out of the way," Gene said, inspecting the bandages Ari wrapped his hand with. "Would you like to return to your room where we needn't concern ourselves with your teammates? Or perhaps we could look into this ravenous Sableye issue?" Gene suggested mischievously.

He gave a small smile as he headed back to his room. “Sure, we can go back to my room”, he said as Creed ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

“No slamming doors!”, came Cassius’s voice from downstairs.

Ari just chuckled lightly.

Gene followed Ari back to his room, quickly discarding the scarf upon entry as he soon as he entered. He proceeded to try to remove his shirt as well, but hissed lightly as he reached to unbutton his vest. The way his fingers curled to work the buttons open put pressure on the cuts.

"I must say, while I am quite interested in seeing that ghost cannibal running around town for myself, staying in is probably the safer options," he joked as he unbuttoned his vest with one hand. It was a bit slower than two, but still manageable.

"I think it is best to avoid it.", Arius said as he locked the door behind him and wandered over to the bed, laying down by a massive flop onto the bed. He looked at Gene, "Do you need help?", he inquired.

Gene's eyes shot up at the mention of help, guarded, but he was quick to cover it up with a smile.

"I am not so helpless I cannot even undress myself," he said as he sat on the bed beside him, his voice light and teasing as he continued to make his way down the row of buttons. He was about half way done.

"It is a bit of a shock to hear regardless, a creature like that just roaming around town so easily. Here I thought cultists were our only concern."

Arius looked at Gene, frowning for a moment at the sort of look in his eyes. Perhaps it was wrong to offer help?

Arius averted his eyes, looking at his side table with the music box from Maeve on it. "Yeah- sorry. I did not mean to imply you where helpless like Ivan or anything..."

"Well- if the bounty hunters hear of it surely they will arrest it, so maybe the problem will handle itself."

Surprise prompted Gene to look at Ari. He'd not expected an apology, nor had he intended to make him feel bad for offering. But he knew not what to say to remedy such things.

"True. I hope they get word sooner rather than later then," he said, shrugging out of his vest and gingerly pulling his bad hand through the hole.

"How is Ivan fairing by the way?" he asked.

Arius grabbed his pillow and laid his head down on it. "Hm- yeah. I would feel better if Tobias was around, at the very least. He has a strong enough presence most lesser ghosts avoid him, I think it would be best to use extra caution..."

"Um- he's fine. He still can't use his arms and he is in a fowl mood all the time. He spends almost all of his time in his room so- I don't really know much beyond that. , Arius admitted

Gene settled onto his back, toying with the buttons of his undershirt. They were smaller and harder to grab with one hand so the process was even slower than before. At least it was only one hand out of commission, and only just barely. To be in Ivan's place would surely make Gene die of embarrassment.

"You seem like you are doing well," he asked thoughtfully. "In Tobias's absence, I mean. I expected he might be a sore subject, but you seem able to talk about him easily enough. Are you in fact okay? Or are you just a good actor?" he teased, but having a hard time picturing Ari as the acting type, as the type to hide his true feelings.

"In truth... I am... deeply bothered by it. I'm terrified he... won't come back or will cast me out. But- I have chosen not to.. dwell on my concerns...", he rubbed his face slowly. "I lay... concerned about it very often but- I can shelve my own feelings to not bring down any time with you...", he said softly. In all truth, he felt lonely, and scared of the world. His shield was gone, he'd always had confidence Tobias would save him if it got to bad but- that was gone now.

Gene stared up at the ceiling as Ari spoke, during that time only managing to undo two of the many buttons of his undershirt. He decided it was not worth the effort and rolled onto his stomach, pressing into Ari's side, propping himself up on his elbows to look at him.

"My apologies for bringing it up then," he said with a melancholy smile. "Though you needn't shield me from such concerns, if you did wish to speak of it."

“I do not... wish to speak of it. It hurts... not physically... but my heart.”, he said to the other, laying one arm over Gene’s back. “I hope he comes back soon....”

Gene nodded, knowing not what to say in order to be of comfort. Were Tobias not Tobias he may of been concerned for their safety, a reincarnated ghost being away so long. But that was ridiculous. Though, if what Quinn had said about the missing ghosts of importance was true could it be that that was what Tobias was busy with right this moment?

He suspected such topics would not be enjoyable for Ari though.

"Then let's speak of something else," he said merrily, wiggling his hips so he bumped against Ari. "Tell me more about your week, or however long it has been since we last spoke. Have you made use of this new freedom of yours yet?"

"Yeah...", Arius reached up and ran a hand through Gene's hair gently. "Um- well Fiona has been using me for deliveries mostly. I went on one missions, but it was only a few levels into magma cavern. I must admit my time was spent almost entirely waiting in line at the Pelipper Office..."

Gene closed his eyes with a content smile, enjoying the feel of Ari's hand in his hair.

"Not as grand as I imagined, but still. Free is free I suppose," he said. He wanted to toss in a word of caution, now that Ari was permitted to venture out alone he was more at risk if he ran into an unsavory ghost or two. But such caution was a given at this point and as they had just finished discussing such things with Quinn he figured it was unnecessary to bring it up again.

"I was considering making a trip out to Disadattato Island to see the Dark Forest of Rejuvenation. I've heard it is a breeding ground for reborn spirits, and I am quite interested in observing it for myself. Now that you are no longer in need of a chaperon, would you care to join me on one such venture?"

"Hmmm- yes. Tobias is very acquainted with that place, we visit it a few times a year while we where wondering around. It is a very nice place, but it is pretty dangerous too, it's said that the forest will move to confuse you if it doesn't like you, trapping you within it forever. I don't know to much about it, I never got to go inside. Tobias always took a very small group into the forest, maybe two or three, and the rest of us camped outside of the lining of the forest.", he recalled nights spent looking into the dark woods and wondering what mysteries it holds.

"Then we should have nothing to worry about, as we are both so very likable," Gene teased. "In my humble opinion, anyway."

He considered offering to wait until Tobias returned, if it would put Ari more at ease to have such a strong ghost accompany them. But they knew not when he would return and Gene was not too keen on delaying the trip indefinitely. Especially considering how some islands became unreachable every so often. Disadattato Island only just recently opened up again and he did not want to waste the opportunity.

He also wondered if Tobias may try to stop them from going, or at least stop Ari. If Ari had never stepped foot in the forest himself before Gene could only image Tobias would be hesitant to allow him to now. He could also very easily imagine his slow, painful demise at Tobias's hand if anything happened to Ari in this forest.

"Still, it could not hurt to bring a few others along, just in case," he suggested casually.

"I intended to invite Frannie as well, is there any you would like to bring? Though, if it's someone who is not familiar with our status then we may need to be careful how we speak while out on a ghost hunt, but it's only a minor inconvenience," he said, waving the issue aside.

“Yes, but such a trip surely is to think of some other time.”, Arius pulled Gene’s hand to his chest. “It has been a while since I got to just lay beside you like this.”, he lifted Gene’s bandaged hand and kisses it gently.

“A small time, for just us, before another adventure”, Arius said as he laid his head on Gene’s shoulder and closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around him. “Just a little bit”, he promised in a tired voice.

Gene hummed in agreement, slipping an arm around Ari's shoulders and letting his head fall back against the pillows. His usually racing mind fell pleasantly empty, as it often was when he laid with Ari.

"Yes, far too long if you ask me," he said, squeezing Ari gently. As the words left his mouth his heart knotted anxiously.

He was accustomed to flirting, to saying what was expected of a lover, but somehow as time went on he found it was harder and harder to do so. He had always cared what his peers though of him, sure, and had always strived to make his partners happy. Well, perhaps not always, but more often than not. Regardless, it was Gene who steered the course for his relationships, who charmed those around him. He himself was not so easily caught in such a spell, nor did he so easily relinquish control to others.

But Ari just walked right in and stole his heart before he'd even realized, and now he was falling helplessly out of control. He'd thought he loved him a month ago--and he had, he said as much and he meant it--but if that were so then how was it his love for him only continued to grow? Every day he thought to himself "this is it, this is what it means to be happy", and every day he would be proven wrong because he would find he somehow cared for Ari even more than just the day prior. He felt like his heart had reached max capacity, that it was overflowing, but what he felt for Ari refused to be contained.

And it was absolutely terrifying. Because never in his life had he wanted anyone's approval, anyone's attention, anyone's affection more than Ari's. He had lost everything, and often when he lied awake and alone in the dark of night he wondered how long it would be until he lost him too.

He hugged Ari tightly, pressing his face into his hair and taking a deep breath to calm himself. Ari was here now, in his arms, and that was all that mattered. It may not last forever, nothing did, but he would enjoy it while he could.