Gaidinian Spring Event

3 years, 3 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 3 years, 3 months ago


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Ingrid's cleaning supplies for her spring cleaning.

Week 1-P1: Cleaning Tools

Ingrid was finally ready to start her spring cleaning, after all things start to pile up quickly when you spend most of your days alone making potions and spells. Picking up her checklist, and her basket, she started to grab all of the things she would need to get her house back to her type of normal.

Package of new rags. Their purple colouring making them look rather lovely compared to most rags, and their threading seems to just right to be able to rinse them for multiple use without spreading mess.
Aerosol spray cleaner. Even though she knows this isn't the most nature friendly option, this spray is perfect to get her windows sparkly clean.
Feather duster. Seeming to be a custom feather duster, the red and white feathers in it glisten in the light, made from the feathers of something magical or perhaps the feathers had magic bestowed on them after they were made into a duster.
Large clear glass dish. Though it's not the most usual type of cleaning, she does need to cleanse and charge the crystals around her home. Placing the crystals in the dish with clean water in a window facing the south. The sun, or moon, bringing them back to their true state.
Sage candle. Though normally meant to help with healing, it does also cleanse the air in the home once it's lit.
Pot of herbal tea w/ cup. Cleaning is never all that fun, no matter who you are, but it always helps to have a nice calming drink as you work. Sometimes you need to clean your frustrations out with some nice tea~