Gaidinian Spring Event

3 years, 3 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
15 2182

Entry 7
Published 3 years, 3 months ago


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Author's Notes

Description of flowers/plants they own

Week 2-P3: Plant care

Taking care of his plants is something Henri takes great pleasure in. Having a sweet demeanor he takes the time each day to check on each plant he has in his home. Most people dont know this, but each plant he owns was a gift from someone special.

In the living room he has an old aloe vera plant sitting on an end table next to the window. As a child he had gotten a bad sunburn at the beach, having been too stubborn to use the sunscreen like his mother told him. His grandma bought him the aloe plant to help his burns, and so he keeps taking care of it as it once cared for him.

In the kitchen he has a few herb plants, all lined up along a shelf behind the sink, in front of the window. When he first moved out his family all gave him different ones as a house warming gift. The parsley from his aunt and uncle, basil from his other uncle, sage from his grandparents, rosemary from his other grandparents, and thyme from his cousins. He waters them with a spray bottle to make sure he doesnt drown the fragile plants.

His most prized plants however came from the people closest to him. His parents had bought him a fern for his birthday a few years ago, which he he keeps in the dining room to give it a homey feeling when he is home alone for dinner. The one he most loves though is a Calla Lilly from his childhood friend, Eden, who is now his boyfriend; Keeping it in his room so that it's the first and last thing he sees each day.

Though he obviously doesnt water all of his plants daily, he does tend to them every day; singing songs to them, reading them stories... Sometimes he even talks to them, usually telling them about his day or about cute things that happened with Eden.

One other thing he has though is a tree he planted in his parent's yard when he was still very small. Having watered it from a small seedling right after it was first planted in the ground, protecting it with his stick sword from birds and other animals trying to eat it. Now it has become a decent sized tree, and even though he has moved out he still makes sure to go check on it every weekend.