The Origin of Rexxus

3 years, 3 months ago

A short story I wrote to explain a bit of Rex’s backstory.

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”How do ya like me now?!”

He screamed, his fur bristling and crackling with a dangerous energy. He wasn’t always like this. He chose this. And she made it so.

Rexxus used to dream of becoming a soldier of his Aurusalkar’s army. He wanted to serve his home and his people. He wanted nothing more than to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. But he was rejected. It was all because of one reason.

He has no magic.

That day changed Rex forever. That was the day his eyes opened to the corrupted ways of the rulers. How could he have been so blind to the oppression? Magic ruled the land, and Aurusalkars stood at the top. On that same day, he swore to change things. To bring equality. And he knew just the Alkarnabi who could help him...