Notes on Himself

3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 19 days ago
4 980

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

A comprehensive guide to Remend. (Mostly for creator aide, but you can read if you want, *shrug*)

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Bullet Points

  • Remend's canon hieght is 5'8
  • Remend is the kind of person who likes physical contact. He likes to hold hands, snuggle, hug, doesn't matter whether you are his lover or his aquaintence. He's been like that since he was a child. It's a part of what contributed to him being thought of as a flirt.
  • Doesn't blush often
  • The zigzah species has no difference in gender but Remend goes by he/him pronouns
  • He is 457 years old, born on April 2nd 
  • Remend is a demisexual, meaning he has to first develop a strong friendship and understanding of a person before he can truly fall for them and want to be with them forever, but that doesn't stop him from being an aimless flirt.
  • He hasn't yet ever been in a sucessful relationship.
  • He's been in multiple short-term relationships with people he thought were attractive but they didn't last long as he realized that he didn't actually feel anything deeper than just admiration.
  • He's a total face-con. You have a pretty face, he will ask for your number.
  • He has a high confidence in himself. He doesn't particularly mind when people avoid him or reject him because he doesn't put their value of him higher in his mind. He bases his confidence off how he views himself. But that makes people view him as vain or selfish. 
  • To people he finds attractive (and has stated so many times), he can be seen as flightly, lacking commitment, and disengenious.