Notes on Himself

3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 19 days ago
4 980

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 19 days ago

A comprehensive guide to Remend. (Mostly for creator aide, but you can read if you want, *shrug*)

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Relationship with Friends

posessive and territorial. He values them immensely but will treat them how ever he pleases. He think his friends should love him for his faults and despite those faults. He may lean on several different people as friends, but it is only until they have lasted for several years and know his wholly and truly that he starts to think of them as friends. Guarded in that sort of way. He knows he has faults but he doesn’t really understand why or how he should fix them. It’s for his friends that he would be willing to change.

 Has a hard time discerning emotions when it comes to his friends and often times needs to be clearly told what he is thinking to even start to process his thoughts. Example, will get seriously angry that diesel and archi didn’t invite him out with them, will just sulk and go quiet until Diesel and Archi come back. Then he will make a big show of being upset. Diesel goes upstairs to ask him why he’s mad and it only then occurs to him that he is acting weird. Takes him awhile to realize he was jealous. 

Acts incredibly willful with his friends as a way of testing boundaries until he knows he’s safe and by then it has become habit. He leans very heavily on his friends and often times seems to be incredibly too needy and close. In return, if the other can appreciate it, they will have a friend for their entire life. 

Very loyal and to a fault. Will be at the beck and call of the others emotions and can be easily taken advantage because of this. Doesn’t really think when it comes to his friends feeling upset, just tries his best to be the best friend. His way of being the best friend? Making jokes until they feel better, forcing them to go outside, bring them food anf blankets, or be aggressively protective (but that’s mostly just instinct)