Notes on Himself

3 years, 1 month ago
3 years, 19 days ago
4 980

Chapter 3
Published 3 years, 19 days ago

A comprehensive guide to Remend. (Mostly for creator aide, but you can read if you want, *shrug*)

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 Bombastic and loud to strangers, seems very kind and like an everyone’s man. Easy to get along with and share a drink with. Actually quite distant and privately confesses that he doesn’t have many friends even though he always seems to be surrounded by people. Likes to be surrounded by people. Very flirtacious and life of the party like. Hasn’t actually had that many sexual exploits  and most of it is just posturing. Tries his best to be thoughtful and kind to his friends but is often too caught up in his own emotions to be the right sort of friend. As aged and friends were lost, he got better at caring for others. Culminating in taking care of Diesel where he really got to show off the fact that he wasn’t a dick all of the time.

 Most of the time though, he mostly cares for himself and acts the way he pleases. Doesn’t really have to take a job because his family has enough money to support an idle moron. Can’t hang out with rich people because they either think he’s low class for spending so much money wantonly or think he’s a useless person who doesn’t deserve to be rich. Feels quite lovely because of this too, this somewhat impacted him as a child because he didn’t seem to fit in with any sort of crowd in the right way. Is an optimist. 

Guarded and very territorial as well as very unclear when it comes to his own emotions. Hasn't really grown up past his teenage years and it is reflected in actions and personality. Doesnt seem to want to face the fact that he is an adult and still thinks of himself as someone who needs help. This makes people not really wanna be around him for too much of a personal amount of time. Means its even harder to find friends.