A Journey Of Self Discovery

5 years, 8 months ago
5 years, 8 months ago
5 5334

Entry 4
Published 5 years, 8 months ago

A small collection of snippets of Kazuki figuring out how his body works and the trouble that comes with that. These take place a few days\weeks after he gets back home.

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Too Loud

Kazuki followed behind Ryohei as the two made their way down the store aisles. Kazuki wanted to get out of the house, and Ryohei thought that it would do Kazuki good to get some fresh air. Especially since he was starting school again soon. It would be better in the long run to get Kazuki used to being stared at. Ryohei hated this, but it had to be done, Kazuki needed to be able to function under scrutiny and shut out their stares. 

And stare stare they did. 

“Ignore them. You have every right to be here.” Ryohei told Kazuki softly. 

“I know. It’s just...weird.” Kazuki replied rubbing his arm awkwardly. 

Ryohei stopped in an isle and looked down at his shopping list. He crossed a couple things off and nodded. 

“I’m going to go get rice, could you go get tartar sauce?” Ryohei asked looking over at Kazuki. Kazuki nodded and set off to where the condiments were kept. Kazuki looked around for a moment before he reached for what he thought was tartar sauce on the shelf. 

‘What is that?’ 

Kazuki froze and his ears perked forwards. Did he just hear that? It sounded like a whisper but there was no one near him. Kazuki looked around again and shrugged. He must have been hearing things. He could hear a lot more than he could originally, so really he shouldn’t have been surprised. 

‘You wanted almond milk right?’ 

Kazuki stopped what he was doing and looked around again. He was definitely hearing something, but he couldn’t see who the voice came from. 

‘I’ll be home soon.’ 

‘Love you.’ 

‘You cheated-‘

‘Walking the dog-‘ 

‘Friends forever’





Kazuki clapped his hands over his ears as hundreds of voices assaulted his ears. He knew his hearing had approved but this was insane. The influx of voices was deafening and Kazuki felt like the world was closing in on him and his head was splitting in two. He started to panic and ran out of the store.  

“Kazuki?” Ryohei called after him, noticing him sprint out of the store with his hands over his ears. 

Kazuki looked around outside and groaned in pain. Everything was just too loud...! He ran into the alley next to the store and sat down, his hands held firmly aover his ears. 

“...ki? Kazuki!” 

Kazuki jumped startled and looked up and Ryohei. He began to lower his hands and then winched before clapping them over his ears again. 

“Everything’s so loud!” He whined. 

Ryohei looked a little confused. He didn’t hear anything but the normal everyday sounds, which were a far cry from being that loud. But then he remembered Kazuki’s ears, and how sensitive they had gotten. Ryohei fished his keys out of his pocket and grabbed Kazuki’s arm helping him up. 

“Let’s get you in the car.” Ryohei began to lead Kazuki to the sedan, unlocked the car and opened the door. “Stay there, I’m going to go pay for the groceries and be back.” 

Kazuki nodded in response. The noises were muffled in the car but he could still hear them. He didn’t know why the noise was suddenly so overwhelming, but he had to figure out how to control it. 

Several more minutes passed before Ryohei came back to the, groceries in hand. 

“Ready to go?” He asked as he placed the bags into the back seat and closed the door. He climbed into the driver’s side seat and buckled up. 

“Mhm.” Kazuki nodded, his ears still back. 

“You ok?” 

“Yeah, it just got overwhelming. Maybe I should go walk around the park sometime to get used to it more? You know, before I start school again.” Kazuki replied.

“That’s a good idea Kazu.” Ryohei agreed.