Asterria Lore

3 years, 6 days ago
2 years, 11 months ago
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Entry 3
Published 3 years, 6 days ago
2303 2

The lore of the world Asterria for the story 'Celestial Falls'. (Major WIP, all contents are subject to change)

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Magic System (Revitia and the Life Force)

  • In the Asterria, there is a life force that flows across the entirety of the universe
  • From animals, humans, and plants
  • All basic elements are part of that life force too
  • All living things are connected by this life force
  • Everyone's life force is connected to the same one, and they all connect into one giant river of life called Revitia
  • when someone dies, their life force gets absorbed by Revitia
  • Magic is made by the attunement and manipulation of a person's life force.
  • When a person is attuned to their life force, they are able to "access" Revitia itself
  • And because all living things are connected to Revitia, a person that has access to Revitia has "access" to the elements which are a part of the life force/ Revita
  • think like a river and a river dam: the river is the life force, and the dam is the person. if the person wants to summon a large fireball, they have to open up the dam to let the life force through. the extra step is learning how to filter the "type"/ element of the life force to come through (in this case, fire)
  • it has been discovered that a person's proficiency in a specific element is (typically) based on their astrological sign (not always on every case, but it is common)
    • they can still cast other elements, but whatever sign they fall on, that is their strongest element
    • in those basic elements, they can create subelements or even mix them (ex. Fire > Lightning or Fire + Earth = Lava)


  • "Magic" comes from the life force, Revitia a force and energy that has been there since the beginning of time and makes up the entire universe
  • using magic comes from within the person (awakened to)
  • to "awaken" the magic, the person must be in tune with their own connection to the life force
  • this requires a lot of patience and meditation, and people's ability to connect to the life force varies with every person
  • it can be easy, difficult, or even impossible for every person
  • the strength of a person's magic also depends on their ability to control the amount of life force that passes through their own

Training and Education

  • anyone can learn how to meditate lol
  • there are schools that study the life force itself, teaching people how to control a bigger and stronger flow of the life force
  • i guess regular education (as in, those in like middle school age) includes a "class"/ "timeblock" that allows people to try to connect to the life force (a time for meditation)
  • teaches them the flow of life and to relax the body and mind
  • those who are able to connect to their life force are eligible to be in an extra class to train with magic, controlling the flow and maintaining a balance and making powerful "spells"
  • the time it takes to "learn" magic varies, but it's a lot easier to start learning when younger
  • the more a person can understand and manipulate the flow of Revitia, the more powerful and controlled their magic is


  • everyone knows about the life force and anyone connected to the life force can wield magic


  • magic can be cast by incantations, but it's not required
  • magic instead has to be conjured by the user, and the user simply controls what and where the flow of that magic goes 
  • however, incantations/ saying the spell helps the user control what their spells are

Forbidden Magic/ Restrictions

  • all life is connected to the river and all living things branch out from that river. it is theorized that someone with a strong enough connection to their life force and the river, they can connect to someone else's life force an manipulate another living being (animals and humans)
  • no known successful cases are confirmed, but it is forbidden for people to make any attempts/ study it
  • it is allowed to study the manipulation of plantlife however, to acquire better productivity in crops


  • all sorts of things if the person knows what sort of "magic"/ element they have to control and where they focus that energy to
  • not usually used in everyday thing but it can be used as such if the person can an wants to
  • magitech is rare to come by, but the dwarves usually have them
  • it's not something that people depend on, but it's helpful if the situation can call for it
  • healing magic is a thing, but it's one of the most difficult magic to perform
  • essentially it's finding a perfect balance and amount of each element with a high amount of control to not overwhelm the body
  • everyone is capable of training/ learning to master it
  • beastfolk having an innate instinct to magic can do basic healing magic
  • elves have a higher understanding of the theories behind magic (and advanced at it)
  • healers in societies are commonly elves
  • basic forms of healing magic only soothe aches and pains in the body (ie. soothing a sprained ankle, but not enough to fix the bruise)
  • advanced forms of healing magic allows the body to "regenerate" faster (ie. a deep cut getting sealed up without stitches)
  • elves are currently studying how to advance their magic even more to cure fatal illnesses
  • more common for healers to tend to patients at higher risk
  • those w/ a common cold are more likely to get medicine instead

Magic System


Where did magic first come from? Was it given by some all-mighty being, or was it something that was always there? Can magic be inherited, or is it something people are "awakened" to? Is it a bloodline thing? If it's something people awaken to, how does it happen? What are the necessary factors for somebody to awaken to it? Is magic obtained from the outside world, or is it something that users channel from within themselves?

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras mattis sagittis mi, ac fermentum arcu posuere ut. Sed sollicitudin nisi et mollis dictum. Nam nec eros ut nisl tincidunt hendrerit at ut risus. Cras nec magna sit amet purus laoreet lacinia non in enim. Proin accumsan vestibulum fermentum. Sed ac lacinia velit. Mauris nec facilisis felis. Proin vitae libero nisl. Mauris semper ullamcorper massa, eu porttitor ligula tempus id. Vestibulum placerat nulla in nunc rhoncus, eu scelerisque metus dictum.

Institutions & Organizations

Are there any institutions/ organizations that focus on the use or is otherwise built upon the usage of magic? For example, are magic schools a thing? If yes, what do they teach? What are their admission processes like? What does the curriculum entail? Are there "levels" of school, similar to high school/ college? How about a certain part of the government, such a bureau, that overlooks the laws or whatever else of magic? Maybe there's certain stores that focus on the selling of tomes or magic potions and the like?

Intitution Name 1

Fusce volutpat massa mauris, vitae sollicitudin felis lobortis at. Sed scelerisque turpis sem. Etiam pharetra urna vitae sollicitudin sagittis. Vestibulum laoreet nulla ligula, vitae feugiat mi facilisis a. Integer suscipit urna nec lectus sollicitudin, ut consectetur sem semper. Maecenas interdum rhoncus efficitur. Nulla vel sollicitudin justo, in posuere tortor. Proin vel lacinia sem. Ut odio nunc, volutpat eu dapibus vitae, scelerisque non velit. Cras sagittis non tellus nec viverra.

Intitution Name 2

Fusce volutpat massa mauris, vitae sollicitudin felis lobortis at. Sed scelerisque turpis sem. Etiam pharetra urna vitae sollicitudin sagittis. Vestibulum laoreet nulla ligula, vitae feugiat mi facilisis a. Integer suscipit urna nec lectus sollicitudin, ut consectetur sem semper. Maecenas interdum rhoncus efficitur. Nulla vel sollicitudin justo, in posuere tortor. Proin vel lacinia sem. Ut odio nunc, volutpat eu dapibus vitae, scelerisque non velit. Cras sagittis non tellus nec viverra.

Training and Education

How does one hone their magic skills? Is it something people learn in schools, or is it more of an individual "mentor-pupil" kind of structure? Maybe it's a self-taught thing? Is there a commonly accepted "system" to learning magic, such as learning fundamentals before advancing further through more specialized content? How long does it usually take, on average, for somebody to learn or otherwise be considered "skilled" in magic? Do people learn/ train magic by experience/ a hands-on approach, or by theory?


Is magic a well-known thing throughout the world, or is it something that's usually kept hidden? If it's kept hidden, why? Is it common amongst the people, or if you have a caste system, is it only available to those of a certain status?

Vestibulum in sem at felis blandit pellentesque blandit vel mi. Quisque at venenatis tellus. In purus turpis, malesuada eget ornare vel, malesuada ac neque. Quisque pretium, mauris nec laoreet tristique, libero risus semper sem, sed finibus lacus magna laoreet turpis. Vestibulum ut est tellus. Nunc tincidunt, sapien ac fringilla accumsan, dui lacus feugiat ipsum, a pulvinar velit elit sed lorem. Duis consequat massa eros, eget vulputate nisi varius quis. Praesent at felis auctor, viverra lacus at, pretium diam. Suspendisse fringilla, nisi eget pretium accumsan, nisl odio molestie velit, eget cursus nunc velit sed lorem. Etiam ullamcorper venenatis tellus. Mauris commodo sem et pretium consequat.


How is magic casted? Is it via magic circles? Tomes? Incantations? Expand upon it. If it's magic circles, what's the general structure of a magic circle? What makes a magic circle authentic, as opposed to somebody drawing a bunch of fancy lines/ circles? What about tomes? Are they written in the common tongue of the world, or is it an ancient language? Are tomes common around the world? Why or why not? Can tomes be bought by just anyone, or is it something that's controlled by either the government or some other party? How expensive or valued are tomes? What about incantations? Do they have to be spoken out loud, or can it be said in someone's mind and still be effective? What about casting time? How long does it usually take for magic to be cast? Is there a "cooldown" period? If yes, how long?


Curabitur sed magna id odio convallis pharetra non ac libero. Aliquam id justo ligula. Ut tristique laoreet turpis. Etiam vel rutrum mauris. Ut vel felis id nisl mattis blandit quis ut lorem. Donec ex lectus, tempor ut auctor ut, pulvinar vel sem. Suspendisse sed egestas felis.


Fusce nunc eros, ornare at sollicitudin vel, ultricies a nulla. Donec consequat, quam et aliquam elementum, eros purus egestas tortor, sit amet venenatis neque felis sed nunc. Sed ultricies lorem vitae mattis pulvinar. Integer dignissim condimentum enim fermentum accumsan. Mauris eget nunc mi. Morbi vitae nulla suscipit, congue arcu nec, blandit libero. Donec ultrices rutrum massa, luctus maximus diam fringilla vel. Suspendisse vestibulum aliquam elit, a rhoncus ligula. Praesent scelerisque, neque ac consequat venenatis, velit dui pharetra dolor, id tincidunt quam tellus non est. Etiam ac lectus maximus, porta diam vitae, malesuada sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque at vestibulum eros.


How is magic used, and what is it usually used for? Is it used for offensive purposes (ex. War) or otherwise healing purposes? Is it used in everyday life such as lighting up a room, cooking, obtaining clean water, etc.? Are magic tools/ magitech a thing? Is magic easy to come by and readily available to the masses? How dependent are the people to magic?


Curabitur sed magna id odio convallis pharetra non ac libero. Aliquam id justo ligula. Ut tristique laoreet turpis. Etiam vel rutrum mauris. Ut vel felis id nisl mattis blandit quis ut lorem. Donec ex lectus, tempor ut auctor ut, pulvinar vel sem. Suspendisse sed egestas felis.


Fusce nunc eros, ornare at sollicitudin vel, ultricies a nulla. Donec consequat, quam et aliquam elementum, eros purus egestas tortor, sit amet venenatis neque felis sed nunc. Sed ultricies lorem vitae mattis pulvinar. Integer dignissim condimentum enim fermentum accumsan. Mauris eget nunc mi. Morbi vitae nulla suscipit, congue arcu nec, blandit libero. Donec ultrices rutrum massa, luctus maximus diam fringilla vel. Suspendisse vestibulum aliquam elit, a rhoncus ligula. Praesent scelerisque, neque ac consequat venenatis, velit dui pharetra dolor, id tincidunt quam tellus non est. Etiam ac lectus maximus, porta diam vitae, malesuada sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque at vestibulum eros.

Forbidden Magic & Restrictions

Are there any kind of magic that's considered "forbidden" or is otherwise banned, whether officially by law or otherwise an unspoken rule? An example of this can be magic dealing with life-death. Is necromancy possible to do, and if so, is it allowed by the law/ societal morality? What are some laws set in place to deter people from using these kinds of forbidden/ restricted magic? What are the consequences of it, whether a legal consequence or otherwise cause of consequence? What are the moral issues that come from such forbidden magic/ restrictions?


Curabitur sed magna id odio convallis pharetra non ac libero. Aliquam id justo ligula. Ut tristique laoreet turpis. Etiam vel rutrum mauris. Ut vel felis id nisl mattis blandit quis ut lorem. Donec ex lectus, tempor ut auctor ut, pulvinar vel sem. Suspendisse sed egestas felis.


Fusce nunc eros, ornare at sollicitudin vel, ultricies a nulla. Donec consequat, quam et aliquam elementum, eros purus egestas tortor, sit amet venenatis neque felis sed nunc. Sed ultricies lorem vitae mattis pulvinar. Integer dignissim condimentum enim fermentum accumsan. Mauris eget nunc mi. Morbi vitae nulla suscipit, congue arcu nec, blandit libero. Donec ultrices rutrum massa, luctus maximus diam fringilla vel. Suspendisse vestibulum aliquam elit, a rhoncus ligula. Praesent scelerisque, neque ac consequat venenatis, velit dui pharetra dolor, id tincidunt quam tellus non est. Etiam ac lectus maximus, porta diam vitae, malesuada sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque at vestibulum eros.

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